Sunday, December 31, 2023

Last day of 2023 and deep in thought

I am sitting here today, the last day of 2023 and reflecting back on all the happenings during the year, both the good things and also the ones that caused pain, not physical but emotional upset, those I would rather forget, but they are part of life that molds us and hopefully makes us a better person by learning from those mistakes.  

In the coming year I am burning bridges, repairing old ones and also building new ones and look forward to a happier year, not only for me but, for others in my life.

It has been a busy and lovely holiday season, but honestly look forward to a more normal life without all of the hustle and bustle.  Food, so many different meals and dishes have been consumed, very small portions of everything is how I am able to maneuver myself and not over eat.  Sometimes the temptations were difficult to control.   Then when I think about those who have none, I feel guilty, however, I did do my part by contributing to organizations which help those who are struggling, one can do only so much        .  

My quilting and sewing will be a craft I will continue to pursue, as it gives me pleasure to create pieces of fabric into useful, colourful quilts which I usually give away to organizations, individuals or family.   I have a multitude of  photo's which I retrieved from my locker yesterday, which will now be sorted and given to my children to do with what they want.

Reviewing travel brochures for a possible vacation is also happening right now, there is one destination which is of interest, time will tell if it is the one.

Now I am on my own, consider myself to be very independent,   I need to replace my old car for a reliable mode of transportation, so a new car is also going to be happening.

Why am I doing all of the above!!!  Early in December a friend I had known for a long time, who was younger than me,  healthy and enjoying life, suddenly passed away.   It made me realize life is short, make the most of it while you can and that is what I intend to do in 2024 and hopefully beyond.   

The weather we have been having is very unseasonable, no snow or freezing temperatures, we had a green Christmas with rain and foggy conditions.  Today, overcast with rain in the forecast again, which could turn into some light snow if the temperature goes below freezing. If it is snow, it won't accumulate as the ground is not frozen yet and it will melt on contact.  I miss seeing the sunshine, but we might see some mid week.  

I wonder if all of the changes in the weather will have an adverse effect on crops especially the Winter Wheat which usually is covered with snow which protects the small plants from the weather.  Other plants, shrubs and trees along with animals which usually hibernate during the Winter months are all confused.  Mother Nature usually makes corrections along the way so, we will have to rely on her wisdom to make it right.

Wishing the readers of my blog a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Have a wonderful day, stay safe.


Monday, December 25, 2023


The last three days have been very busy with family get togethers and the last is happening tomorrow as I entertain my two daughters and their families.  What was I thinking!!!!  It will be the first gathering I have had in my new home, there is not a lot of space but it is not about that its about family.  I will have a visit from my son and some of his family later, as his work is taking up a lot of his time as he will be travelling out of the country in a few days time.

I can honestly say this has been the best Christmas I have had in quite awhile, even with it being very boisterous at times. Being with my family this year was one of the things I had to do, as past Christmases I neglected to do that, repairing my relationship with them was number one on the list of things I had to do.  It is now being done.  Past years I cooked a big meal for my ex's family that I felt was not appreciated by them and not doing that for my family.  My fault, now mine to fix which I have now started to do, and it feels good.   

I received lovely gifts, some useful, some extravagant and some good to eat.  My four year old great granddaughter "V" gave me something she picked out, not from a store, but from her house.  I am assuming it was things she liked to eat and were special to her.  It was wrapped her way with seasonal wrapping paper and lots and lots of tape to tame all the loose bits that would not just do what she wanted them to.  In it was a small plastic rectangular container which contained a plantain, an avocado, a root of ginger, three nuts, several candies and a painted rock.   Honestly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry because so much thought and effort was put in that gift.  

We had a white Christmas not the snow kind of white but a foggy one which really didn't fully clear until later afternoon.  It has been very mild up to 10*C was the high for today. Usually, we are digging ourselves out of piles of snow, but green grass was the colour of the ground today.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.

Have a great day


Sunday, December 17, 2023

T'is the season

  All the prep for the season must be taking place in a lot of homes right now,  me, just doing a little for the big day.  It certainly is not like it use to be, much too commercialized, which takes away from the meaning of the season. 

Seasonal music has been playing on the radio station I listen to since November 16th.  It's now turned off, one gets a bit tired of listening to all of the songs being recorded by the new artists (I call them artists for the sake of a better word), half of the carols and songs one cannot recognize as they have been jazzed up or are accompanied by a new tune.  I prefer the way they were first recorded.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday and also the day before, no one would know it is December.  Temps in the low double digits, 10 - 12*C for the high of the day and wall to wall sunshine, and beautiful sunsets.  A memory came up on my facebook from eight yeas ago and the ex was clearing a lot of snow from his driveway, certainly a bit different now.  It appears we will have a green Christmas, as it is raining today, however, the forecast is indicating more sunshine mid week.

Our quilting guild is making quilts for an organization helping the homeless, so I helped to hand sew on the bindings one day this past week.  Then visited with an ill friend, she was looking well, up and out of bed and expecting other visitors, so it was a short visit.  I will go again sometime this coming week.

On my late hubby's birthday in May and again at this time of the year I take a small spray of artificial  flowers to place in the vase on the columbarium. I did that yesterday.  I also replaced the saddle that goes on my Mum and Dad's grave with seasonal artificial flowers and greenery.  Again, I do this in December and again sometime in the Spring.   Then went on to my sister's for a quick visit and give her a gift.  Driving to my parents grave and my sister's home is almost an hour each way, did not mind the trip due to the nice weather.  The country roads are not a good place to be in the Winter so, I don't usually visit sister B when the snow and ice is on the ground.  

Started baking some shortbread cookies yesterday.  I only did half the recipe as it makes a lot of cookies.  I will finish them off with a bit of icing tomorrow.

My sewing machine has not been working as the way it should, so took it in for a maintenance checkup.  Not a good time to have this happen as I am still doing some sewing for some gifts.  I do have another machine I am using, it is as old as the hills but is doing the job at the present.  

While in the stores yesterday, I saw Valentine merchandise on a shelf, lets get Christmas and New Years over with first, shall we.

Not sure what is on my to do list today, some sewing will certainly be done and was thinking of going to a church down the street to listen to the candle light performance of carols being sung by the choir.  I do not go to church and not religious but, I do like to hear the carols sung properly at this time of the year.  

A slow start to the day, still in my housecoat, finish this and get a shower and then get moving.

Have a great day


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

New Year's Resolution

 Eating out again today, three of the women in the building asked me to join them for lunch in a local tea room.   Quiche and salad and a lovely pot of tea, great company and a lot of laughs.  We then visited an artist's studio and store for a look around, lovely works of art, and lovely prices too.  In the car and then off to a museum to have another look around.  Nice company, great lunch, sun shining so enjoyed my day.

Tomorrow, going for a sewing morning to help our guild finish off quilts for the new accomodations for some of the  homeless people who are being shown how to care for themselves and a small apartment. The host advised coffee and snacks provided.   Then I have been asked to join the ex in attending a jazz concert.  I am a bugger for punishment, however, I am only going if he is in a better frame of mind.  

Thursday, yes lunch again with two long time friends.  We are going to a nice restaurant in the country, hope they have their fireplace burning as they usually do at this time of the year.  So cozy and warm.

So why the title!    Because I am going to make a New Year's resolution, in fact, the one I make every year.  Eat healthy, loose some weight.  Will have to see if I get past January 2nd 2024.

Have a great day.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Out and about

 This week has been a busy one.

Monday I had lunch with four friends who I use to work with.  Prior to Covid we would go out several times a year, however, this was the first time in a few years we were able to get together.  We went to Swiss Chalet and had their Festive special, with the chocolates, which are included in the meal, to take home.

Tuesday I did a little shopping, as I needed a pillow insert as I am making a reading pillow for one of my Great grands.  Also had a brief visit to a sick friend who had recently moved into this building.

Wednesday, saw me eating again, however, this time it was at my quilting guild pot luck lunch meeting.  The food was delicious and we had a fun meeting afterwards.  In past years we would have a gift exchange, however, we all have everything we need so it was decided we would give to the organization in the city which helps the homeless community. 

Thursday the owner of this building hosted a party for the residents.  A finger food buffet mainly sandwiches and wraps, cheeses, crackers for a number of spreads, and cookies for dessert.  All washed down with wines, soft drinks, coffee and hot chocolate.  Everyone also received a toque and a T-shirt.

Friday  I visited with my sister, we had not seen each other for several months. In the evening my ex took me out for dinner, the food was good but, the company was not in a good mood, so the evening was very upsetting.   We had decided to have "dates", however, I am going to stop these outings, as they are not worth the effort of even thinking about anymore.    

Saturday, yes partying again, this time at a Secret Santa gift exchange.  There are several women in the building that love putting together evenings for the residents. They are fantastic at doing it too.   Anyone could participate, only if they wanted to.  Ladies brought a gift for a lady, men for a man, in the price range of $15.00 to $20.00 and under the tree they went.  One by one everyone picked a gift, however, when it came your turn to get a gift, you did not necessarily get one from under the tree you could steal a gift from someone else if you wanted it.  Needless to say several gifts exchanged hands a couple of times with a lot laughter involved  too.  My gift was a journal, perfect as I write in one every day.  We then had pizza along with BYOB (bring your own booze).  A fun evening.

Today, Sunday recuperating from a busy week, so a slow start to the day.   I do intend to do some sewing as some gifts need to be finished.   

The weather this past week has been unseasonably warm, I am not complaining,  however, just wish we could see some sunshine for a couple of days as it has been overcast and dreary every day.  It makes the evenings draw in earlier than they do at this time of the year.   In approximately two weeks the sun will be rising a wee bit earlier and setting later, however, it seems to take a long time before it can be noticeable. 

Well, I should get myself moving.

Have a great day,


Friday, December 01, 2023

Wet Dec. 1st.

After a beautiful sunny but windy Thursday, with a temp up to 9*C,  today is wet and the forecast is the same for the next few days.   

My two daughters picked a lovely day to go shopping yesterday, they wanted to get some Christmas shopping done.  We live close to the boarder of the U.S. and we use to go and do a lot of shopping there, however, with Covid in the past few years no one went anywhere, so now it is all but over, that is where they wanted to go.   The prices and  choices are more attractive than here in Canada,  even with the exchange rate, however, having said that, you do  need to know your prices as some things are more expensive there.

Up at 6:00 a.m. as DD2 was going to pick me up at 7:00 a.m. for a 3/4 hour trip to get to DD1 who was going to be the driver.  Started shopping at 10:30 a.m. had a lovely lunch, an afternoon of shopping and I walked in my door at 7:30 p.m.  Needless to say, I am slow to get moving this morning, breakfast and a shower and now ready to take on the day.

The music concert I was going to go today, involved a walk in the rain and then sitting in wet clothes for an hour or more, so decided I did not want that, so no concert today.  It is a free concert so no loss as far as money spent on a ticket.

So what am I going to do, first tidy up the kitchen and then do some sewing, also make a pot of soup, it is that kind of day.  Finish writing my Christmas cards that I send out to Canadian addresses, and check the gift list for the great grands.  Should also make a shopping list for a few groceries needed, which is most likely on my "to do" list for tomorrow.   

My social calendar is filling up for December already, it is going to be busy just as November was.  First up is lunch with friends on Monday, these friends for quite awhile, so it is going to be a lot of catch up conversations.

Well, should get moving

Have a great day.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

This is me

Went for my 3 kms walk yesterday, it was cold when turning around and walking in a northerly direction.  Dressed appropriately, with hooded coat, ear muffs, two pairs of gloves, thick pants and warm boots.  If my feet, hands and ears are warm I can walk in all kinds of weather, just as long as it is not slippery underfoot.  When I was walking a couple of days ago, there were some maintenance workers picking up some dumped odds and ends along the path, I asked them if the path was cleared of snow and ice in the Winter and yes it is, so I have no problem walking in the blustery weather that old man winter throws at us this year.  Will take along my hiking poles just the same, never know what might be under foot at this time of the year, as the weather changes all the time.

Recently the management of the building hired a professional photographer to take photos of any resident who wished to have one taken.  As I do not have a recent photo of myself, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity.  

This is me. 

I always have a smile that is crooked but, this is me.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Dug them out

Yesterday I had the urge to go down to the locker to dig out the Christmas decorations I brought with me to my new home.  Not many made the trip but, just a few to make it feel as if it was the season.  Even though my apartment is spacious there is really no place to hang, display or place a lot of Christmas decorations.  I have no intention of getting a tree, the colourful balls that usually hung there are in a large glass planter.  Looking at it this morning, I am not too sure I like it so, it could be in for a new look later today.   The wreath is up on my entry door and looking quite at home.  A nativity scene and a cushion on the chair is all I am going to do.  

 On Sunday, I had a lovely visit with GDS and family.  I now have drawings on my fridge door curtesy of "A" who is 41/2 years old.  "M" was napping all the time they were here, so "A" received all of the attention, her nose was a little out of joint when "M" arrived.

My DD2 invited me for dinner of home made turkey soup and biscuits in the evening, so I had a great day with family.   Bare with me while I do a Grandma brag.  While at DD2 she told me GD "C" who is 21years old and is going to college to learn how to be a pilot,  did her first international solo flight to Vermont U.S.A.  Also, GD "K"  25 years, who is doing her PhD in  plant Biology is having her experiments in the lab working.  Her Prof. asked her to attend a conference in Hawaii next year to present her success in these  experiments.  So proud of these two girls.   

It's COLD.  Yesterday, I decided to get myself out for a walk even though it was snowing a little.  Ended up doing 3 km's, however as I was walking the snow fell harder not as flakes but snow pellets.  The weather conditions were not favorable for the flakes.  They came down so hard I could hear them hit the hood on my coat. Not a lot of accumulation which is just fine with me.  Today, it is sunny with some clouds, temp at -6*C however, with the wind it feels  like -13*C as I write this at 9:35 a.m. Time to bundle up.   If the sun continues to shine as it is now I will venture out after lunch.

Time to look at that glass vase and those balls.

Have a great day


Saturday, November 25, 2023

So good, but I was bad

 Last evening was the last Friday of the month pot luck dinner.  My contribution was the bean salad and it must have been good as very little was left over for me to bring back home.  All of the food was so good, hard to resist a lot of the dishes.  I usually take small portions of most everything.  It's the desserts, my downfall.  The carrot and pineapple cake....Yum! fudge, butter tarts, fruit cake --Oh so tempting. 

There is always a draw prize at these dinner often donated by one of the residents.  This dinner being the last one before Christmas there were a lot of donations.  I made four placemats and coasters, which were divided into two separate prizes.   They were a success as the comments were encouraging. Lots of laughs and conversation, a good time was had by all.

As I was leaving one of the women approached me and as she knew I sewed, she asked me to repair something for her.  She will bring it around this afternoon and I will see what I can do.  A new occupation??  Seamstress?  

Yesterday there were a few little snow balls in the air.  not cold enough for flakes, which is just fine with me.  Today we have lovely sunshine, but it's still nippy, only 0*C at 10:00 a.m.  

Visitors coming tomorrow, my GS "C" and family, they will be here in the morning, baby "M" is only three months old and Mum keeps her on a very strict schedule for naps.  Which is fine, every parent does what they feel is the "right" way to bring up their children right from the very beginning.  

Well better get on with my day, must do a walk sometime today, work off some of those calories consumed last evening.  

Have a great day


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Slow day

Here it is Thursday and it is going to be a day of "not doing too much".  I have been busy for several days and will be going no where today.  Need to get into the sewing room and decide on a pattern for my GGD's quilt.  She is three months old now and has not received her quilt from me yet due to going on vacation and then moving.  For all of my other gg's their quilts were done before or just shortly after they were born.  The fabric is all bought so hopefully I can get it done before Christmas.  

Tomorrow evening is the pot luck dinner here in the building, this time I am making a black bean salad, it is delicious, even if I do say so myself.   It needs to be made today so the flavours can soak into every morsel.  I also made the placemats and coasters for the door prize, so need to deliver that to the organizer of the dinner.  

At the beginning of December I usually put up some Christmas decorations, plan on doing the same this year but scaling it down somewhat.  Next week I will retrieve them from the locker downstairs, I can't remember just what is down there as it was packed away a long time ago.   Oh! I job I need to do today is write my overseas Christmas cards.  I don't send many, only eight or so as the price of postage is just unreal, plus a lot of people I did send cards to over the years I have lost contact with or they have passed away.  

Years ago when a stamp cost only two cents if the envelope was not sealed,  Christmas cards were sent to everyone.  There would be strings strung across the ceiling with dozens of cards hanging from them.  After the holidays they were used by my children for arts and crafty things they did.  

Enough reminiscing, It was sunny first thing this morning, now cloudy and grey skies,   the wind appears to be blowing quite strong too, so it likely feels a lot colder than the temp of 5*C.   

The gardeners are out doing a clean up of the flower beds and getting rid of the final fall of leaves, it will likely be the last until Spring as the weather is forecast to change in the next few days.   One of the cleaners in the building told me there might be raised gardens being made next Spring for anyone who wants to plant some small veg or flowers.  That is a good idea for those who like to get there hands dirty once in a while.

Wishing all of my U.S. readers a lovely Thanksgiving day.

Well, even though I said it was a slow day, I better get moving and do some of those things on my "to do list".

Have a great day


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

No problem

 The house I needed to go to for the bench was owned by a young couple, so no problems with security at all.  It sounds like I was nervous about picking it up, not nervous but, just being cautious.  Anyway, everything worked out well, it is just what I was looking for and it serves the purpose very well.

Yesterday's sewing day was a busy day for everyone who attended.  The weather was wet, windy and cold, so no one minded being inside doing what they love doing, with like minded friends.  One of the members posted on Facebook this morning, saying we did not take any pictures of our creations we were working on.  We were all so busy I suppose to even think of pictures.  All the quilts will be shown at a later date, when they are finished.

As I mentioned above the weather was not nice yesterday, it was the kind of day where the dampness creeps into your body.  No worries, a nice hot bowl of soup and sandwich for my dinner and a glass of wine warmed me up.

To is cloudy no rain forecast and the temp is 5*C.  Hair cut this afternoon, also need to visit the grocery to pick up a few things so I can make the salad for Friday's pot luck dinner.  Also, need to put some finishing touches to the door prize I am making.

So having said that, I better get moving before the morning is over.

Have a great day.


Monday, November 20, 2023

Another one

 I cannot believe the lovely days we are having, BUT they are coming to an abrupt end as the temps are getting back to normal to what we usually have at this time of the year.

My birthday dinner with my ex was a big disaster on my actual birthday, so yesterday he took me to a seafood restaurant for dinner.  It was absolutely delicious, certainly well worth the wait.  Shrimp and lobster, yum.

I have been looking for a small bench to put beside my entry door so that I and visitors can sit down to put on their footwear.  I have spent a small fortune recently on new furniture and honestly could not justify spending  a lot on some of the benches in the stores.   Looked on a local second hand site on Facebook and found the perfect one, price was right so today I go and pick it up.  Where I have to go is in a new neighborhood, so feel OK about going to this house, making sure I am aware of my surroundings etc.  That may sound a bit strange but there are so many stories of things happening, one has to be careful.

Today I need to get some fabric cut in preparation for a full sewing day tomorrow with my guild.  One of our members passed a couple of years ago and we were given her fabric, so we are making quilts for a local shelter.  It will be a fun day, lots of conversation and I am sure someone will bring goodies for snacks.

So with that, I am gone.

Have a great day.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Couple of Days--long post

No post on here for a couple of days, been busy.

Thursday, had my wheels retorqued, as my winter tires were put on several days ago and it is a good idea to make sure those wheels are on as tight as they should be.  

Needed to refill one of my prescriptions at the pharmacy, late last week I requested same, however, I kept on being told it was not ready for pick up.  Finally went in to see why, apparently there is a supplier issue for this med. and the pharmacy staff were very rude, almost yelling at me, when I asked some questions and, of course, needed some answers.  As they were raising their voices to me, I turned around and left the store.  Immediately, I took myself to another pharmacy, asking them to transfer all of my info to them and told them the reason why.  They did so, and also sent a fax to my Dr. asking for a substitute medication.  I also visited my Dr. office to advise them of my predicament and change the pharmacy information.   During the afternoon I received a call, my Rx was ready for pick up at the new pharmacy.  If one pharmacy can do it, why not the other.

Now, off to the dentist for a cleaning, result no issues with my teeth.

Needed to go to the ex's house to pickup a couple of garden ornaments that belonged to my Mother as DD1 wanted them.  Everything went down hill for the rest of the day.  As they were too big for my car, ex offered to deliver them, so off we went. By this time it was starting to get dark, as it does on November evenings.  On the return trip, we ended up in a fender bender, resulting in enough damage, which needed the two drivers to go to the police reporting station. No one was hurt, so I was thankful for that, and two hours later we arrived at his house.

Some important things taken care of today, others did not happen, enough said.

Yesterday, I had a great day, having lunch and visiting with two co-workers from way back, after lunch they came to look at my new digs.

Now, we are up to date, Saturday, frost overnight, now nice and sunny and it is not forecast to get very warm today, all of lovely weather has past now and it will only get colder as the month draws to an end.

Christmas music----I have no problem with any of the seasonal music, however, riding in my car on Thursday, the announcer said, seasonal music will be played every day, starting Friday at 7:00 am.  I turned off the radio, as in my opinion it is much too early for this to happen.  I suspect all the stores will be playing this type of music too.  I must be getting old and cranky.

Time for laundry and to get on to my day.

Have a great day


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

It's November?

Blue sky, not a cloud in sight, time for an afternoon walk.  The sun had some heat in it, however, the breeze was cool when walking into it.

Three or more km's today, I don't have the fancy phone that records all that stuff, but there is a sign on the pathway which indicates km's from where I started to the end point when I get off of it.  Did an extra walk around the park, so should be close to almost four km's I would think.

As my title said, is it November,  there were workers from Parks and recreation working in their shirt sleeves, as were some others laying sod next to a newly paved street.  I saw several robins, hopping on the ground that were obviously finding tender morsels to eat either bugs or seeds. Robins are a bird that migrates to warmer climes in the Autumn, however, there are a few hearty souls they stay here, so suspect they are the ones here for the Winter.  A bee on a lonesome dandelion, and two butterflies flying around..  

With the sun shining through my balcony door I can see all of the spots that need a good clean, will be a chore for tomorrow, along with cleaning my refrigerator. 

The management arranged for a photographer to come in today to take pictures of those people who would like one.  My appointment is shortly after 6:00 p.m. cannot remember when I last had a formal photo taken. 

Tomorrow I will be 28 years old, no just kidding, switched the numbers, it sounds a lot better than the other way around.  Received cards in the mail yesterday from my two school friends in the UK.  One I have know since I was four years old, the other was when I was eight.  Writing back and forth since 1954.  Looking back, I wish I had saved at least one letter from each one of those years, unfortunately one never thinks about that when you are young. 

Well, should think about an early dinner, or maybe I might wait and have a late one, I did have a later lunch so possibly the last option is the one I will do.  Going have some salmon and that will not take long to prepare.

Have a great day



Monday, November 13, 2023

Lovely weather

The weather we are currently having is unseasonable to say the least.  Nice sunny days, with temps around 10-13*C during day.  On the news over the weekend there was a report which was saying the seasons appear to be shifting,  by all indications I can see that it could be happening.   Not good news because of global warming, there was some concern over what the dormant seeds and plants would be doing with these mild temps. 

The ex called yesterday and we went for a ride due to it being such a nice sunny day, ended up being a big mistake on my part for saying yes.   Will think twice or maybe three times before I answer yes again.  Live and learn which I seem to be doing a lot of at present. 

Just had a lovely visit with my eldest granddaughter "N" .  She gave me a house warming gift and early birthday present , going to smell nice when I drink my bottle of wine.  We had a nice catch up and now I live in the same city we plan on more of the same.

My Rx was not ready when I went to pick it up on the weekend, so will be stepping out shortly to visit the pharmacy.  May just go for a walk after that is done.  

Not much else happening at present.

Have a great day


Saturday, November 11, 2023

November 11th.

My father was not in WW11, as he was a farmer and considered to be an essential service in England.  He was, however, in the Home Guard, along with other members in the area, they made sure the village and countryside where we lived  was safe.   In 1991 he did pass away on November 11th. so I am remembering him today along with all the men who lost their lives to save ours.  My Mother was a Red Cross nurse during WW11, she passed away in March 2018, remembering her today also.  Not that I don't think of them every day, today is just one of those days where you think a little bit more of the people who are no longer with us.

My father in law was in the first WW and was injured, he was one of the lucky ones as he was able to come home.  

I will be watching, on TV,  the service from our national monument in Ottawa later this morning.  Hope that city is having the same weather as we are currently having, if so, it will be a pleasant day for everyone who is attending.

Keeping up with a promise to myself,  last night I had Mexican tacos for my dinner, they were home made with all the trimmings and went down very well.  

Winter tires now on my car, so Mother Nature can now send the snow, in the future, not right now.  The forecast for the next week is looking good as far as sunshine is concerned, no rain or snow predicted, however, that can change very quickly at this time of the year.  I do have a busy week coming up so better get the household chores done today and also some sewing as I have several projects that have a deadline for completion.  

A walk this afternoon, along with a quick trip to pick up a Rx from the pharmacy is also on my list of things to do.  

So better get at it.

Have a great day.


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Not much today

 Yesterday was a busy and tiring day for me,  going here, there and everywhere doing the shopping I needed to do in weather not to my liking.  Today will be aa little quieter, only going for my walk, as I have not been for a couple of days, then some sewing this afternoon.

It is still cloudy, no rain in the forecast and the temp is also on the plus side of zero today with promise of some sunshine for the next few days.

I still send out a few Christmas cards, so one of my stops yesterday was to get some stamps.  Some go to the UK and those stamps are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.  Will have to find my box of cards and start writing them early next week.  

I picked up a couple copies of the calendar  which has one of my photo's chosen to be used in it.  My photo is for the month of June this year.   This is the photo chosen.


I like taking photo's have been doing it for aa long time, the camera's I have had and still have are not expensive, no big long lens either.  I was told several years ago it's not the camera but the operator that takes good photo's.  It also helps to have an artistic eye.  I don't consider myself to have one of those, it is more luck for me to take a decent photo.  I do take multiple pics of subjects, that way I can pick the one I like the most and erase the others.  Thank goodness for the digital cameras we have now.

Well time to get a move on.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Not nice

 We sure know November is here, the weather is not nice today.  Cold -1*C, rain which is freezing on windshields and looks as if it is on some of the tree branches also. Windy also, so feeling a darn sight colder than it really is.  Enough complaining, it is going to be getting worse before it gets any better.  On Friday I will be getting my winter/snow tires on my car, not a moment to soon, I'm thinking.

Had an appointment to have my hearing aids checked today, all is good, so they should be only a couple of years old and still under warrantee. 

While I was out I picked up a small piece of batting as I am making some placemats and coasters for the November pot luck dinner later this month.  Should get them finished by the end of this week.  Also while I was out I picked up some calendars from my insurance agency.  They have a contest every year and once again one of my photo's was chosen to be in the calendar for the month of June.  That is two years in a row, quite proud of myself.

On a cloudy day like today the evening will draw in even earlier than it normally would do.  Lights need to be on during the after noon these days.

Chicken, baked potato, and squash for my dinner tonight.  

Have a nice day.


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Extra Hour

Last night we put our clocks back an hour,  evenings will seem a bit longer now, which I do not like very much.  It happens every year so it is really nothing new, just wish the time would stay either one way or the other, the reasons for changing the clocks went out years ago.

After a couple of days of cloudy wet and cold conditions, today we have sunshine which is nice to see for a change.  Can't rely on November weather to be anything else but changeable like we currently have.  

Went to an estate fabric sale yesterday morning, I cannot imagine anyone having so much sewing and knitting supplies as the woman who had everything at this sale.  I picked up some small pieces of fabric and two books, some women were coming out with bags and bags of stuff.  Not much of the knitting yarn was purchased, there was a lot of that.  

Then I went to a mall for a quick bite of lunch and a wander around the stores for a pair of dress slacks.  I am short and of a certain age, so I do have some saggy bits on my upper legs.  Finding a petit size which is made for women 5ft 3 inches and under which fits me is almost an impossibility.  The pants are either for people with bean poles for legs and have no hips or tummy or women which are plump.  The ones I could get on were so baggy around the bum and thighs two people my size could fit in them, grant you they were the proper length in the leg so needed no alterations there.  Fabric, do they not manufacture fabric without being stretchy any more, I do not want clothing to be clinging to my body to show every ripple or roll.  Needless  to say, no dress pants came home with me yesterday even though I went into expensive and cheap women's clothing stores.  

The way I see it is, a strict diet of nothing so I can fit into skinny pants, a diet to gain some poundage so the baggy pants can fit, or stay the same as I am and keep on looking.  I will take, the keep on looking, I can alter clothing so that might be another option. 

So what am I doing today, not sure at the moment, such a nice day to stay inside, so definitely a walk is on the agenda, after that we will see.

 Have a great day,


Friday, November 03, 2023

Winnie the Poo weather

 It certainly is a blustery day out there, needing to get a couple of things from the grocery store this morning I was almost blown away.  We do have sunshine and milder temps but it sure is windy.  This will bring what leaves are on the trees down for sure.

I now have cold water in my toilet tank.  Two holes were made in the wall and the pipes attached properly as they should have been before.  The two men doing the job had it all done and everything cleaned up in just over an hour, so very little inconvenience for me.

I did quite a bit of sewing yesterday afternoon as I had nothing else on my agenda and I did need to get some of the projects on the go and some to get finished.

My granddaughter "D" hubby "C" and two great grands, "E" and "V" have just left after a lovely visit with them.  This is the first time they have been into my apartment and "E" liked the roof top area the best as he could see the workings of the huge crane out there.  

I fancy some Chinese food tonight for my dinner so will get some to satisfy my craving.  It has always been one of my favorite foods I like, to eat,  however, the Canadian version does not compare to what I have eaten in China.

I am going to make a new tradition for me, Friday night dinner is going to be a different one each week, from a different restaurant.  I have had English style Fish and chips, Chinese tonight.  Will have to do some looking around for next week's dinner.

Have a great day.


Thursday, November 02, 2023

Lazy posting anything

 Might be lazy blogging, but not been sitting around doing nothing.

Monday, I hung the last of the things I wanted to put on the walls.  Also, had a visit from the workmen who are going to repair my toilet.

Tuesday, went shopping with DD2, looking for a plant for my living room, found one I liked and then needed some potting soil so that I could repot it.  Also, bought a radio, not an expensive one by any means but, something to play my favorite station.  Potted said plant.

Wednesday, woke to a layer of SNOW over the countryside, it had all melted by noon as the ground was still quite warm and the sun made an appearance, however, there was a cold wind.   Went for my hour walk, and then off to my quilting meeting.  Had some fun making Christmas decorations, which we are going to use as favors for our Christmas pot luck lunch in December.  Also, decided to take the radio back for a refund, there is so much metal in this building, no matter where I placed it, the reception was mostly static.  

Today,  the workmen are suppose to be here to repair my toilet, there are a bit late, according to there scheduled arrival.  Made sure I "went" before they were suppose to be here, as the job could take a couple of hours or so.  There are other toilets in the building I can use, if necessary.

Tomorrow, I have a granddaughter "D" coming for a visit.  Not sure what else will be on the agenda.

Have a great day,


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday, a day of rest -- not for me

Once in awhile I have a night of dreams, crazy ones that make absolutely no sense what so ever, but they wake me up just the same.  Because of that I slept in this morning, so a late start for everything I was going to do today.

On my list was to hang a couple more pictures on my walls, do some laundry, finish sewing on the binding on a quilt.  Then I was waiting for DD2 and SIL to stop around to put my last piece of furniture together.  I feel so useless some days, when I cannot do something and always seem to be asking for assistance.  As my son said "pay back time".   

Then I was scheduled to do a video chat with a cousin in Wales, technology is just so wonderful isn't it!  He was 3,000 miles away sitting in his living room and me in mine and we were talking as if in the same room.   The best part, it didn't cost a dime, only the internet that I always have.  Don't know why we didn't think of doing this before.  Anyway, we had a lovely chat about the genealogy of our family.

Finished that and kids came to do my table and I had cooked a roast beef dinner so they stayed for that.  My first family meal in my new home on my new table.  

Sitting down now, finishing the binding and watching some TV before bed.

Have a great day


Saturday, October 28, 2023


I often talk about the weather here on my blog, somewhere I have read, Canadians bring that subject into a conversation sooner or later.  It is, I believe we can expect almost anything at any time of the year.  So I am brining the subject of weather up now.   Yesterday, was like a Summer day, lovely sunshine, a bit breezy and a record high temp for October 27th. of 23*C.  People were wearing warm weather clothes such as I was.    So nice for this time of the year, however, next week, we will be wearing cold weather clothing as we could see some flakes of snow.  

Last evening I attended the Halloween pot luck dinner here in the building.  I over ate as I usually do at these functions,  the food is so good, and usually some dishes I don't make.  Take a small portion of everything, however, that fills up the plate too.  

One of  my great nieces is getting married today, I did not receive an invitation as the guest list had to be a short one.  That is just fine with me as I would have had to travel quite a distance and really did not look forward to that drive.  I am making a quilt for the bride and groom, however, it is not finished yet.  

There will be over 200 cement trucks are busy pouring a potion of the foundation for another building close to me today.  A drone is flying around the area keeping an eye of everything.  The marvels of the technical world today.

Things to do, places to go, so better get moving.

Have a great day.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Busy Days

Granddaughter C is going back to college today, will not see her again until Christmas.  She will be writing her mid term exams next week. Had nice visit while she was here.

We had a cloudy damp day yesterday, and cooler than it was forecast to be.  Showers overnight and this morning, however, as I write the sun is starting to break through and temps are suppose to be going to the low 20"s, crazy weather.  After tomorrows decent weather, the temps will fall to single digits during the day and possibly into the low minus numbers over night. T'is the season.

Last night I went to a jazz concert, thoroughly enjoy it.  These jazz concerts have just opened up again after closing for Covid.   Nice to see at last some things starting to get back to a somewhat normal routine.  It has taken a long time to get this type of entertainment going again.

The last of my furniture I order in August arrived this morning, however, I still need to wait until I can get one of my children to put it together.  This afternoon I need to get some groceries.

Tomorrow evening is the Halloween pot luck dinner here at the building, I am making dessert this time, and leaning towards a lemon poke cake.  I found a recipe for Marmalade cup cakes with cream cheese frosting, which sound quite nice, so may just make up a batch of those and pop in the freezer.  

Can't remember if I mentioned before or not, but if I did, you are hearing it again.  The water in my toilet tank that flushes away my waste is HOT.  I mentioned it to the superintendent last week and she had a plumber look at it, then a structural engineer.  Apparently the hot water was connected to the pipe leading to the tank instead of the cold.   The solution..........a hole is going to be made in the wall of my bathroom, the water connected to the correct pipe and then the hole repaired.   Don't know when, how big the hole will be, or how long it will take to complete.   Apparently, the resident prior to me was an older lady and was not here very long as she will ill, so it was never reported.  It has been like this since the building was erected.,  two years ago.  It is only my unit affected, how lucky can I be!

The curtain rods in my bedroom and patio doors have been put up and the curtains hung, put up a mirror to reflect some light and also a couple of decorator thingy's on the wall too.  Slowly getting to make it look more like my home every time I do something in here.  Taking my time to do all of this as I don't want to put things up and not like where there are.

Better get myself moving.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023


That is the only word to describe today, it's sunny and warm with the temp at 18*C as I write this as 6:00 p.m.

DD2 and youngest granddaughter C dropped in for a visit this morning.  C is on reading week and came home to study of exams next week.  We shall see how much she hits the books.  

It was such a lovely afternoon, I could not stay inside, so took myself for a walk and walk it did, 1 hour and 3/4 to the local park.

The weather was not only perfect for a walk but the trees have finally changed colour and were glorious.  So glad I took my camera along, haven't done that for a long time.  I took some great shots, well, I think they are pretty good.

I spied this vulture resting in a tree, this pic is not too good as the lighting was poor amongst the trees.

The rest of the pictures speak for them selves.

I really had a lovely day, simple things in life are sometimes the best.

Have a great day


Monday, October 23, 2023

Lots going on

Even though I no longer live with my ex, we do talk and have done a couple of things together.  On Friday, we walked to the University as their music department always has a concert at 12:30.  They have some very talented musicians, some well known to the instrumental world of music, others who perform are local, faculty and students.   Friday's concert did not disappoint.  After the concert everyone in the audience was invited to stay for a competition for local high school students.  We remained in our seats and was pleasantly entertained by the singing of these talented students.  There had been a shower while we were inside the building, however,  we escaped more rain while walking back to his house.

It was his 82nd birthday, and asked him if there was anything he would like to do.  He wanted to see the Taylor Swift concert that has been made into a movie at the theatre.  It was getting too late for a proper meal if we wanted to get to the theatre in time, so we picked up a quick take out.  I am not a fan of the music (if you can call it music)  these days, however, I did enjoy her concert.  It was a long movie, three hours, but the time when by fast.  Some of the young girls in the audience got up and were dancing just in front of the screen.

Saturday, I went to a quilt show, some of lovely quilts were on sale as well as fabric and patterns, only a pattern came home with me.   I then took the fixed jacket back to my daughter, she and SIL are leaving tomorrow for a vacation and were busy taking care of some outside chores that could not wait for their return.

Sunday, was a sunny day the wind was cool but cannot expect much else at this time of the year.  My ex called and said it was too nice to be inside, so we went for a ride.  We had hoped to see a lot of colour in the country but, was disappointed this year.  

Monday, woke to white roof tops, we had had our first frost of the season.  The forecast on TV last night indicated temps are going up into the high teens and even low twenties later this week.   Do not know what to where on these days, when on is cold and the next almost hot.

No after affects from the Covid and flu shots I received on Thursday, just a bit of tenderness around the injection site.  So hopefully I am protected for the Winter.

Must get on with my day.

Have a great day,


Thursday, October 19, 2023

One left, one right

 Yesterday, I met one of my neighbours as I was going out, asking how she was, as I always do when meeting someone, she announced she had two sore arms.  Enquiring as to why, she told me she had had her flu shot and her Covid shot.  She indicated that a grocery store who has a pharmacy in it was taking appointments.  So off I went and got an appointment for this morning.   Covid in the left arm and flu shot in the right.  We shall see how I will be able to move my arms tomorrow.  In the past there was only a slight red and sore spot on the injection sight, so don't expect anything more than that this time.

Cloudy and 15*C today, none of the rain we are suppose to get is in sight, yet.  Our weather is so unpredictable, one day we are to get sun, did not shine, rain coming another day, not even a drop.   I look outside in the morning and draw my own conclusions as to what the weather is.

Finally, the trees are starting to change colour, the maples are a lovely red, yellow and orange, looking even more vibrant against the green of some trees yet to change and the pine/fir trees.

Got all of housework and my laundry done yesterday, with time to spare, so started on altering a jacket for my DD1.   A jacket was given to all the employees of the company she works for, however, the one she received in just a tad to big, so Mum to the rescue.   

Just finished my lunch, now to do the dishes and then off to the presentation in our lounge room.

Have a great day


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A quiet day - sort of

For the past few days I have been on the go go go doing errands, teaching a sewing day on Monday and just seemed to be on the move all the time.  Today, is going to be a bit slower, meeting with my financial advisor this morning and then need to do some laundry and a bit of housework, not that there is a lot to do but, I like to keep on top of what needs some attention.

Yesterday, I was looking for some window coverings and curtain rods and a mirror, got all that I was looking for, so now, I do believe there is nothing else for me to buy to make this apartment feel like home.

While I was out today, I did make an appointment for my covid booster shot and my flu shot, so that is what I need to do tomorrow morning.  In the afternoon the complex is giving the information session on the former school on this property, so plan on going to that.

The sun was forecast to shine today, however, yet to see it, it was also suppose to be warmer but, again it is not.  Rain for the next couple of days,  the weather forecast never seems to be wrong when it comes to inclement weather.  Easier to predict I suppose.

Just finished a late lunch, so better get moving on that housework.

Have a great day


Monday, October 16, 2023

Up early

 Today our quilting group had a sewing day, working on a challenge one of  members came up with, and she asked for my help.  We are doing a collage, today was an instruction and get started day.

Starting are 9:00 a.m. so needed to get myself moving and get to the hall and begin the set up.   Not as many members showed as I thought were going to but, that was OK.  Some had not done any of this kind of project before, so a learning curve for some.  

The hall was booked for another meeting in the afternoon so only a few hours to get started, most got to that point and know enough now to continue at their own sewing studios.  I decided to do a butterfly, however may also do something else, not to happy with what I have done so far.  Time will tell.

Hung one of my wall hangings on my dining area wall, the place is beginning to look more like home with the addition of my sewing.  Just popped home for a cup of tea, then heading out to do some errands.  It's not  raining, the forecast did indicated we would get some, so will take advantage of it being dry.

On the weekend I made some squash soup, not what I had expected it to taste like, it seems to be missing something.  Never made it before so, maybe it does taste like it does.   Have any of my readers made squash soup?  Recipe?

Tea finished, so I am off.

Have a great day


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Friday 13th and buzzing

 Yesterday, was the 13th and a Friday, I am not superstitious, nothing terrible happened to me, and I survived to live another day.

A small fishing port on Lake Erie some distance from where I live, is always the place where motor cyclists go for a get together (that is putting it mildly)  on every Friday 13th.  Some years ago a couple of cyclists got together on a Friday 13th in this port and since then it has grown to be a place where you have to go, at least once if you are a biker.  So when the weather is perfect and sometimes not so perfect, the bikers go  for a ride on this day.  On a Summer 13th day, there are thousands and thousands of bikers there and bike enthusiasts having a great time.  It attracts the good, bad and the ugly of the biking community, dressed in a wide array of gear or in some cases the lack of any of what I would call clothing.  Yesterday, was not a great day for a ride, cold and wet, however, some die hard bikers showed up, as it was shown on the local news last night.

Buzzing:  No not bees.  The land where the building I live in is where a well known school for girls was situated.   Some time ago it closed down and was not maintained, fell into ruin and eventually transient homeless people occupied it.  Unfortunately, it burnt to the ground due to these people lighting fires in it to cook and keep warm.   Fast forward to now, there is "my" building and at the present time another is in the process of being built where the school was.  Today, is the day for the cement to be poured for the foundation.  There has been at least nine trucks coming and going since 7:00 a.m. as I write it is 11:40 a.m. and they are still lined to unload.   Three big long pipes suck the cement out of the trucks (at least, I think that is how it works) and deposit it where it is being directed by a hive a workers.  They look like bees as they are wearing safety coats with yellow all over them, black pants and of course, their hard hats.  The engines of the trucks, the rotation of the cement containers  and the big pipes are all making a noise which sounds like a huge hive of bees.   I have a vivid imagination. 

It is a typical Autumn day, cloudy, damp with a temp of 10*C, the forecast is for high winds later today, so that will bring down more leaves.  We still have not had a frost, which is quite unusual for being the middle of October.  We will likely skip that and go right into snowy weather.

Was busy Thursday and Friday, so do not have much on my calendar to do today, I will be making a pot of squash soup this afternoon and I do need to prepare everything I will be taking to a sewing day with my quilting group on Monday.  That should keep me out of mischief for a little while.

Have a great day.


Thursday, October 12, 2023


 The weather was dry and cool yesterday, so decided I should get back into my routine of a daily walk, which I have been neglecting this last little while.  I have been busy with getting settled and now finally think I have got there, well almost.

Dressed for the weather I did an hours walk along the paved path beside where I live,  This path leads to one of the city's lovely parks, so set my course for that destination, and wasn't disappointed even though at this time of the year it is almost deserted.  There were people, like me, out for a walk, but, none of the other activities as there were a couple of months ago.  Most of the flower beds have now been cleared of the flowers planted for the Summer. and  I saw picnic tables being loaded into a truck to be taken to a storage facility for the Winter.   A season change is happening in earnest, as we could get some colder weather at any time, on the other hand we could be lucky enough to have some sunny warm days  before Old Man Winter brings snow.  

During the rains and winds of the past few days a lot of the leaves have fallen fast and now lay on the ground decomposing.  I love the smell of Autumn, it is hard to describe as it has a smell all of its own.  Burning leaves is against the law now but, all the air needed yesterday was the smell of a bonfire of burning leaves with the smoke curling up into the air.  There are still trees loaded with green leaves which have yet to turn colour, if they ever will,  so it appears I will still have some Autumn smells during my walks for some time yet.   

The wheels are now in motion for my new car, I don't know what I would have done without the help of my son, he is doing everything that needs to be done, well, almost, I am still paying for it. 

The heat was turned on in the building yesterday,  I have control of the temperature in my apartment which is nice as some of the apartment buildings I have been in have a central heating system with no individual controls and feel  just like you are in a furnace and the windows are open to make it cooler.  Such a waste.   

All the clouds we have had during the past few days have cleared and today we have a nice sunny day, the temp is only 8*C at the present time, but this afternoon it should reach 15*C, but with the sunshine it might feel a bit warmer.  I need to pick up a few things at the grocery store, so better get a move on.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Busy, busy busy

This past three days have been the Thanksgiving weekend here, the first one in a number of years that I have been with my children and their spouse.  It was a Thanksgiving weekend for sure.

As I have mentioned previously Saturday was car hunting.

Sunday, I was at DD1 for dinner, it was a very lively afternoon, as the five gg's were all inside as it was not a good day to be outside.  They had things to keep them busy but, still a lot of chatter.  Lots of delicious food and family around the table.  It was a great day.

Yesterday, Monday I went to DD2 for dinner, quieter day as there were only five adults sitting down for dinner.  However, DD2's two daughters, who were not able to come home for the weekend were there on the computer.  So they were actually at the dinner table with us, as they were eating at their homes.   A great day with them too.

The best Thanksgiving weekend.

Today, Tuesday I am all "fooded out",  it means I have had my fill of food for a couple of days, not that I ate more than I should have but, so many dishes to choose from on each table I sat at, I took very small portions of it all.  Sooooo good.  The meals I have today are going to be quite simple compared to what I have consumed.

We have a cloudy day, with rain in the forecast for tomorrow, so I think I will go and look for the very last piece of furniture I need in my new home, while the day is dry.  I will be looking for a sideboard/cabinet piece.  Now my dining table and chairs are all situated I can now see how much space I have for the sideboard.  I have trouble visualizing space.

Once I have found and bought that piece, I am pulling on the reigns of my bank account, for the last two months the money has been going out faster than it's coming in.  I knew this would happen, so I was glad I had been trying to save a lot during the past year.  

Better get s move on, 

Have a great day.



Sunday, October 08, 2023

Car and Baking

 It has been awhile since I baked anything for a Thanksgiving dinner, I have cooked the main course, but could not be bothered to bake anything for dessert.  Why?  It wasn't worth the time and effort in it if hardly anyone ate it, plain and simple. 

Just out of my oven are two apple pies, one large and a smaller one and a pan of date squares.  Also some left over pastry made into cheese straws, I love those and if, there is any dough left I always make them.  Do you do that?  

Along with some dinner rolls, no I didn't, they came from the bake shop and the date squares are coming with me to DD1 for dinner tonight, the pies are going to DD2 tomorrow for dinner.

It felt so good to get my hands covered in flour etc. knowing what I am making will be appreciated and eaten.  As usual I use most of the utensils in the kitchen when I cook, however, I do clean up after each dish I make, to keep some organization going on.

Now, to the first word in my title.  My son came yesterday and we went to look at cars, I know very little about the new modern vehicles, as mine is a 2006 model and things have changed considerably since that year.  He was of immense help, we even took a couple for a test drive, one of which I am thinking seriously of getting.  As usual, there is a considerable wait time but, that is OK as my car will get me from point A to B over the winter with no problem, (she says with fingers crossed).  Son and DIL needed to stop at their sons house for a few minutes, so I went along for the ride and saw my ggd's, my goodness the little one is getting so she looks all around and once in awhile a little grin on her face.  Not allowed to take photo's, which I can understand completely, so cannot show you how cute they both are.  Believe me they are.

All of our lovely sunny warm weather has vanished with the snap of the fingers.  Yesterday, it became cloudy with a couple of brief showers, windy and cold and it looks as if we have the same weather for today too.  T'is the season but, we have not had a frost yet, it seems as if they come later and later every year. 

Must get a move on.

Have a great day


Friday, October 06, 2023


During the night we had some showers, today is cloudy with breaks of sunshine, definitely cooler but not unpleasant.  

After long conversations with several people at the store where I purchased my furniture I spoke to the manager, the remaining pieces I am waiting for are in transit, (read on the ocean somewhere).   However, the manager was able to find a dining room table which matches my chairs, it is being delivered today within a window of four hours this afternoon.   Only need one more thing and  it is supposed to arrive at the end of the month, then I will have all the furniture I bought back on August 9th. 

Had to do a quick trip out to do some errands, needed a couple of things at the grocery store, it would have been very busy later today.  Our government is talking to the large grocery chains to stabilize the prices of food, good luck on that, I would say.  I know the tricks of the grocery stores, the prices remain the same but, the containers get smaller.  The gov. knows this too and it was also addressed in the conversations.  Apparently, if the grocery giants don't conform to the stabilization, fines will be imposed.   We shall see how all this pans out.  Personally, I think it is a political play to get votes.  

Lunch time.

Have a great day and to my Canadian readers have a lovely Thanksgiving, no matter what you are doing to celebrate.



Wednesday, October 04, 2023


Several months ago, ex and I purchased tickets to see a performance of "The Phantom of the Opera". Last night we went to see it.

The local professional theatre has students from all the secondary high schools in the city, the opportunity to become involved in putting on a show.   With professional instruction and assistance everything is done by the students.  Set design, costumes, props, lighting, sound, advertising, dancing and acting.  Not everyone wants to be an actor, so there is no lack of interest in all of the other things that need to be done to put on a performance.

If I didn't know any better, I would have said this show was done by professionals, it was that good.  The talent of these young people is amazing and to have this opportunity to be able to do this is a credit to all of the professional staff that helped.  Well done.

I am  sure some students have been inspired by this experience and will pursue a career in the field of theatre they are interested in.   

I do not know where you are located if you are reading this, so what I am going to write is not in any way  judging anyone, no matter who they are or what they think or do. In my eyes, anyone can be and do anything they want to, just as long as it does not have any negative effect of me personally. So please don't take this as a negative criticizing comment.   This subject I am going to comment on is all over the news, whether it is on the web, TV or in the paper, so it is not just my observation.

So here goes.  In the program from last night's performance and in all of the other programs from previous professional shows I have seen, the names and a brief bio of everyone involved is included.   Beside each photo of everyone is their name,  and    Why, why, why,  is there also printed (she/her), (him/he), (she/they) (him/they)???  Contradicting myself here,  I do know why, however, is it necessary to print this.  I really am not interested, I don't know you personally and likely never will, however, if you do whatever you do, to the best of your ability, that is all I am interested in. 

Some close people in my life,  have decided to change their personal direction, so it's is something I am fully aware of, understand it, not sure if I do.

I understand the world is changing, and maybe that is my issue, I am OLD SCHOOL and I find things, not just this, very difficult to understand, why!  Is this now being used instead of girl, boy, Mr. Mrs. Ms. to identify a person. 

Enough said.

Yesterday, the area was just shy of making a record high temp for the day, it is possible any record could be broken today, as the temp is going to be higher.  Beautiful blue skies as I looked out this morning.  

Quilting guild meeting this afternoon.  

Have a great day.


Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Blue Skies

Woke this morning to a promise of blue skies and warm temps, it is going to be a lovely day for sure.

Moved some things around in my sewing room to make it more convenient to get to all the bits and bobs I need to start doing some serious sewing, as I need to get the guilds block done today.  So far, this configuration is working out a lot better than it was.

Picked up a few groceries I needed, however, the produce in the store I was in was not very good, everything was packaged up, so heaven only knows how long it had been in that plastic.  In the future I will visit a farmers market type store close by for the fruit and veg. After putting everything in its place, I set out for a 3/4 hour walk, it was hot, so glad there was a few shaded areas which felt nice and cool while going through them.

Last evening was Trivia night here, so went to see what that was all about.  A dollar was put in a container and we took our seats.  I was at a table with five other people, four tables all told, each one was a team.    The questions came, we answered them all, not all were right though.  However, at the end of the evening, our team won, and the dollar pot was divided amongst my winning team.  Did not get rich for sure. 

Today,  I am looking forward to the theatre performance tonight, just hoping the company I will be with is just as nice as I hope the show is.  I will let you know.

Have a great day,


Monday, October 02, 2023

Continues most of the week

 The lovely weather we have been having these past few days is forecast to last until at least Thursday and then well, the perverbable S%#T hits the fan with day time temps just above the single digits.   Well, it is that time of the year, so it is to be expected.

Yesterday, was not a good day for me.  No details for you only suffice to say had to go to  my former home, you can come to your own conclusions.

My DD2 called yesterday just to chat and she told me they had a lovely surprise phone call from their youngest daughter.   "Meet me at the airport at 10:30 a.m. I am flying in".   Apparently, one of her friends is further along in his flying experience than she is and he had to do a cross country flight of so many km's as it is one of his required flights to do in his course.  He asked her to take the flight with him and one of their first touch downs was in the small airport in this city.  After a short visit off they went to complete their flight. 

Not a lot happening today, just need to go to get a few groceries and then finish my sewing for the guild meeting on Wednesday.  Might even take a nap as I did not sleep well last night.

Going to the theatre tomorrow, so looking forward to that, it is a performance done by high school students with the help of the professionals.   The students do everything, acting, costumes, set design, lighting, music, everything else to present a show which also includes front of house.   This year's show, The Phantom of the Opera, I have heard it is very good.  

Have a great day.


Saturday, September 30, 2023


Last evening was the Thanksgiving potluck dinner I went to here in the building.  Thanksgiving is not until next weekend here in Canada, however, the informal social group always plan a potluck for holidays on the last Friday of the month.  Next month is the Halloween dinner.

Oh! the food, the table was loaded with it all, dishes of almost everything you could imagine.  Sausage rolls, salads, casseroles of green beans, squash, corn bread, turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, and my hash brown potato casserole.  The desserts table was just as full with pies, fruit, tarts and cake.  Needless to say no one left the room hungry.  I tried to contain myself by taking just a very small portion of practically everything, so was pleasantly satisfied not stuffed to the gills.

Tonight is another dinner out, becoming a social butterfly.  My DD1's birthday is today, so have been invited out to have dinner with her family.  

We have lovely sunshine today, after several cold and somewhat wet days.   The forecast for the next week looks fantastic, almost summertime temps with humidity which will make it feel almost 30*C.  Thank you Mother Nature, I am not ready for the cold weather, 

I did some sewing yesterday and now my sewing room looks as if a bomb went off in it.  This is the first day I have actually been sewing since being here and I could not find a darn thing I wanted, so today is a tidy up and do some rearranging, the configuration I currently have is just not working.

So better get at it.

Have a great day



Thursday, September 28, 2023

Great day

Even with the weather cloudy, windy and a bit on the cool side, I had a great day.

I did some alterations on  a dress for my sister, and we decided we would meet up and have lunch in a restaurant in a town equal distance from both of us, delivery the dress and had our lunch.  The chicken soup I had was delicious.  Afterwards, we both needed to pick up a couple of items from the grocery store, then we parted ways, she to her home and me, well I wasn't far from a couple of friends and didn't know when I would be down that way again, so decided a visit to see them would be a good idea.

I had not previously advised them I was coming, and was pleased to find they were home.  Over coffee we had a good natter and catch-up of all of their family and mine.   Two hours later I was on my way back home.  I had a great day.

So what am I doing today, it is wet, raining at the moment, so it appears to be an inside day for me.  Tomorrow the residents here are having a Thanksgiving potluck dinner in the social room upstairs.  I am taking a hash brown potato casserole, easy to make and always delicious.  AND of course, a glass of wine.

They also have a raffle at the dinner, so today I am going to make some Mug Rugs (coasters) to contribute to the table of prizes.  It also looks like the perfect day to get my block finished for my quilting meeting which is next week.  

Saturday, Sept 30th is my DD1's birthday, so I have been invited to have dinner with her and her family.  

My social calendar is filling up but more on that in a couple of days.  

Now, I am off to the sewing room to see if I can find, (still unpacking some things in there) some fabric suitable for my sewing projects.

Have a great day.


Monday, September 25, 2023


Being in my new home for almost a month, I am finally able to get into some routine, I like routines.   It's the way I am, that's not to say I have no variety in my life, because I certainly do.  

A lovely weekend just passed, family and functions.  Son B and I went to the cremation of the flags, I was disappointed with the number of people that showed up.  Would have thought some city dignitary would have attempted to show some support for the soldiers that fought and died to give them the freedom they now enjoy.  I understand WWl was a long time ago, and most of family has even moved away from the city, not interested or passed.   BUT.    With all the ceremony, the flags were burned, a short service and then drinks in the Officers Mess of the armories where the armed forces reserves and cadets of all departments meet to learn,  memorabilia and photos are kept along with war time equipment is erected on the grounds.   

So, now the beginning of the week, I am finally going to alter my sisters dress today and see what day she is free for lunch this week.  After that is done I am going for a walk, as it looks as if the clouds are parting somewhat to show smatterings of blue sky.  We did have a shower overnight as the road had damp patches on it when I arose.  

No plans for the rest of the week, other than lunch with sis and Friday when the maintenance man is coming in to do a couple of jobs for me. I am sure to find something to keep me out of trouble.

Have a great day.


Saturday, September 23, 2023


My son,   B and DIL, J visited yesterday afternoon, I needed some techy help with my printer, all fixed and runny smoothly now.  It is nice to have a IT person in the family to fix all my issues, without the asking for anything in return.  

We had a lovely visit, as my DD2 also dropped in too, everyone has approved of my new digs, so happy about that.  

DD2 and SIL celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary yesterday.  Really! where did that time go.  Flowers and dinner, hope that had a great meal.

B & J are here in town to care for their two granddaughters today, as Mum and Dad are going to a wedding this afternoon, a lovely day is in the forecast.

My son is very interested in the armed forces, in particular, the one here in this city.  My father in law, B's grandfather, fought in WW l in the 91st Battalion in France, returned with injuries, and lived a full life afterwards.  The flags of that battalion have been hanging in a church in this city, however, had to be removed.  They had been there for a very long time and the years had taken their toll of the flags as they disintegrated while being  taken down. They were loveling put together as best as could be, and as all of the soldiers from the 91st are now passed, it was thought fitting to have a service and cremate the flags.  The ashes are going to be place in a cemetery where some of the personnel from that battalion are buried.   I am going with B to the service tomorrow afternoon.

In my mail yesterday there was an advertisement for the local curling club, advising they have several days during the first week of October, where you can go and learn about curling.  Never played, however, B & J and grandson C are in leagues, so I thought why not go and see what it is all about.  So that is my plan for a day come October.   I am always willing to start something new so I thought I will either like it, hate it, or kill myself in the process.   Wish me luck.

Two loads of laundry in, should be done now, so will go and take care of it.

Have a great day


Friday, September 22, 2023

Beautiful Day

 Woke to a promise of some sunshine and decent warm temps today, must take advantage of them these days as I am sure they are numbered.  Getting to be that time of the year where everything and anything with the weather could change in a minute.  Noticed more trees are starting to change colour, such a beautiful time of the year.

Ever since I have moved, my printer is not working, so my son B is coming into town for the weekend so I have commandeered him for a couple of hours to see if he can  rectify the problem, it was working fine, however, suspect it is something to do with the wifi, just a guess, as I am not techy enough to determine the issue.

Also, need to pick up a couple of things at the grocery store, then it is Happy hour again, where did that week go.

Two more pieces of furniture arrived yesterday, counter stools.  All of the necessary bolts, washers and a tool, Allen wrench? came to put them together.  I was able to do that with no problem, so now I can eat my meals at a proper height until my dining table arrives, which I hope is soon.  I am a patient person, but going on almost two months is a long time.  I do believe the manufacturers only make items once they are ordered, none of the stores I went into had an inventory, only display models.  A sign of the times once again.

Now that I am just about settled and organized, I must get into my sewing room, my sister wants a dress altered, the block for the guild is due in a couple of weeks, I need to decide on a pattern for a baby quilt and get that started and also decide on the project for our guilds challenge.  That should keep me out of trouble for awhile.

Have a great day


Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 Since the middle of August I have been on the go, emotionally drained and  packing, buying furniture, travelling back and forth, unpacking and I could go on and on with all the things I have had to do.   I have had help from my family which has been an immense help to me but, there were things that just I had to do.

Yesterday, it all caught up to me and I did absolutely nothing except for a shower, make my bed and prepare meals.  All of my energy had been used up and I had no desire to do anything at all, so all afternoon I read a book on the balcony.

That's what I needed, as today I feel better, still going to take it easy, however, there are a couple of things I need to do at the bank, and a few odds and ends to do in my sewing room, like putting my fabric away in an orderly fashion.  Life is looking rosy today.

The day started out cloudy but, now I see breaks in the clouds and some blue sky, just as the forecast predicted, high temp up to 22 *C.

Have a great day


Monday, September 18, 2023

All put together

 The furniture that needed to be assembled was done yesterday by DD2 and S I L, I don't know what I would do without their help on these two things.   Thank you again, I don't think they read my blog but, just in case, another thank you.

I bought an area rug for in front of my love seat, it didn't look like the right one, so this afternoon I took it back to see if I could find another that would look better.   Moved the hanging racks back and forth, this one? no,  maybe this one?  no.   Finally gave up looking in that store and moved on to another one.   Did the same thing there and then one caught my eye, it is now on my floor.  Another box ticked off.  

Here is a photo of  my granddaughter, I did get her permission. 

She was in the wedding party of her friend she has had for most of her life.   It was an outdoor wedding, the weather was perfect and everything went as planned, so a great day for all.
Went to say "Goodbye" to her tonight as she will be leaving early in the morning to return to Ottawa and get caught up on all of the things she has to do at the University.

Today was sunny with some serious looking clouds but, no rain, it is going to be cool tonight, down to 6*C and warming up to 22*C tomorrow with a promise of some sunshine.  A typical Autumn day.

That's all for me today,

Have a great day.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Must get sewing again.

 Now that I am almost settled and the evenings are drawing in, I must think about getting back into my sewing room and starting the baby quilt for my youngest Great granddaughter.  She was born in late July and due to vacation and moving, it is not even started.  Her nursery is a pale peach colour, so will look for some fabric along that colour way, as I don't have any in my stash.

A cloudy start to the day and 15*C, however it appears as if the sun might just break through.  Later this week warmer temps are predicted.

What am I up to today, my DD2 and S I L are coming over this afternoon to put another piece of furniture together, then I will be making a pork tenderloin for dinner, so hope they will stay for a meal.  A walk sometime today, may go a little further down the path today, I know it leads to one of the beautiful parks we have in the city, it will be a busy place if the weather turns out nice.

My granddaughter K  was a bridesmaid in a wedding yesterday and she sent me a photo of herself all dressed up, she is a very pretty girl.  I will ask her if I have permission to show here on my blog.  The wedding was  a very informal outside wedding, so she will be helping to clean up today.  I will have a final visit with her tomorrow as she returns to Ottawa and back to studying on Tuesday.  She will more than likely be home for Christmas.  My other granddaughter C was flying this weekend so was not able to come home for a couple of days.  Not sure when I will see her, April was the last time, just before she went up north for the summer.

Better get my day started

Have a great day


Saturday, September 16, 2023


After I had done what needed to be taken care of I went for a 3/4 hour walk this afternoon.  

Just behind where I now live there is a paved walking trail, don't know how long it is, however, it runs right through the city and beyond.  It is well kept, no potholes or rough patches and no hills, which is a blessing as I have not done a walk for over a month, so need to start doing that again on a daily basis.

Made a zucchini lasagna for my dinner, never done that before but, I had a couple zucchini in the fridge that needed to be used up, also some bolognese spaghetti sauce I had made and put in the freezer.  Along with some mozzarella cheese, a piece of crusty bread, it was a tasty dish and will make that again.   It was suppose to have cottage cheese in it, however, I had none so just made it without.   

Today started out sunny, but clouds, not threatening ones moved in during the afternoon, temp was comfortable at 21 *C.  There is a possibility of some showers tonight, don't mind when then come when I am sleeping.

Yesterday, the building I now live in has a happy hour every Friday afternoon at 4:30 p.m., so I filled up my glass with wine and went to meet some of my neighbours.  All the people there were, I think retired, as they were "Q Tips", I love that.  Explanation:   People with white hair and fairly new white running shoes.  When I was on a cruise I heard that, as a lot of the people were older and had obviously bought new shoes as there was going to be a considerable amount of walking on this trip.  Anyway, back to my happy hour,  everyone was friendly and to my surprise there was a woman there who I met years ago at classes we both took for ceramics.  There was something about her face I recognized, so went up to her and she was as surprised to see me as I was her.  I don't forget faces but, names I am no good at remembering.

They also have a karaoke and trivia night, so plan on going to them even though I can't carry a tune in a bucket, however, I have a lot of bits of information floating around in my brain, so hopefully it turns out to be a couple of fun nights.  I consider myself fairly outgoing, so looking forward to this type of interaction with people, did not have it for the past few years.  

  Have a great day


Friday, September 15, 2023

Late getting up

Had my headlight fixed yesterday,  not as bad on my bank account as I thought it would be, which is a good thing as it certainly has been taking a beating so far this month.  

Had a stressful day yesterday too, not going into too much detail here but, needed to return to my old address.   So you can come to your own conclusions.

Went to my DD2 last night for another visit with Granddaughter K.   Was later than I had expected to come home, winding down after a long day I watched the news on TV.   So a bit later going to bed than I have been, thus the late getting up this morning.   Taking today a bit slower,  however, my car is in need of a good wash so that I will do this morning and this afternoon I have a much needed haircut.

Beautiful sunny day but, cool with the same forecast for tomorrow.  Rain showers are on the horizon for Sunday.   So goes the transition from Summer to Autumn.

Have a great day


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Slowly getting there

 Monday I worked all day unpacking and putting away, moving this and moving that and changing it back again.  Moving is a lot of work.  Did not need to be rocked to sleep that night.

Tuesday, picked up a few things at the shops, one thing was a cupboard for my bathroom that needs to be assembled.  Do they not have people to put furniture together anymore?  I have purchased several items during this past month and everything needed to either have legs put on or a complete assemble before it could be used.  Cheaper  to manufacture and shipping charges I am sure are the reasons why.  

Also had a visit from one of my granddaughters, she is in town  as she is going to be in a wedding on Saturday.  She has been friends with the bride since they were about a year old, as the brides mother was my granddaughters caregiver during the day while Mum and Dad went to work.

Here we are at Wednesday, the sun has now chased away all of the early morning clouds and it looks promising for a nice day, cool but, that's just fine with me.  Had a call yesterday from one of the furniture stores,  my TV stand is ready for pick up, so that is on my list for this afternoon.  It will fit in my car, as it will be in a flat box, you guessed it, it will need to be put together.  

Thursday I hope to finally have my headlight repaired, I don;t understand how something which I consider a simple fix turns out to be a major overhaul.  I am not a mechanic but............................

Friday, can't come too some for my hair cut, I am beginning to feel as if I am being covered by my hair.  It's not long by any means but, long for me.  I will be going to a new hairdresser, so keeping my fingers crossed I will be happy with what she does to my hair.   My DD2 has been going to her for a long time and recommended her.

That is my week, by the end of the month I am hoping I can relax somewhat, knowing all the things I need to buy, put together, unpack, put away and all important people, companies and organizations have been advised of my new information.

Yesterday, September 12th was the anniversary of my husband's' passing in 2010, where have those 13 years gone.  

Have a great day,


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...