Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Blue Skies

Woke this morning to a promise of blue skies and warm temps, it is going to be a lovely day for sure.

Moved some things around in my sewing room to make it more convenient to get to all the bits and bobs I need to start doing some serious sewing, as I need to get the guilds block done today.  So far, this configuration is working out a lot better than it was.

Picked up a few groceries I needed, however, the produce in the store I was in was not very good, everything was packaged up, so heaven only knows how long it had been in that plastic.  In the future I will visit a farmers market type store close by for the fruit and veg. After putting everything in its place, I set out for a 3/4 hour walk, it was hot, so glad there was a few shaded areas which felt nice and cool while going through them.

Last evening was Trivia night here, so went to see what that was all about.  A dollar was put in a container and we took our seats.  I was at a table with five other people, four tables all told, each one was a team.    The questions came, we answered them all, not all were right though.  However, at the end of the evening, our team won, and the dollar pot was divided amongst my winning team.  Did not get rich for sure. 

Today,  I am looking forward to the theatre performance tonight, just hoping the company I will be with is just as nice as I hope the show is.  I will let you know.

Have a great day,



  1. Do you have any Mennonite markets close by? We've been so happy with the prices and quality of goods we are buying there.

    1. They are not close to me, however, there is a roadside market which sells their own home grown veg.

  2. You have been busy, Pat! Glad things are working out for you in your new home.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...