Monday, October 16, 2023

Up early

 Today our quilting group had a sewing day, working on a challenge one of  members came up with, and she asked for my help.  We are doing a collage, today was an instruction and get started day.

Starting are 9:00 a.m. so needed to get myself moving and get to the hall and begin the set up.   Not as many members showed as I thought were going to but, that was OK.  Some had not done any of this kind of project before, so a learning curve for some.  

The hall was booked for another meeting in the afternoon so only a few hours to get started, most got to that point and know enough now to continue at their own sewing studios.  I decided to do a butterfly, however may also do something else, not to happy with what I have done so far.  Time will tell.

Hung one of my wall hangings on my dining area wall, the place is beginning to look more like home with the addition of my sewing.  Just popped home for a cup of tea, then heading out to do some errands.  It's not  raining, the forecast did indicated we would get some, so will take advantage of it being dry.

On the weekend I made some squash soup, not what I had expected it to taste like, it seems to be missing something.  Never made it before so, maybe it does taste like it does.   Have any of my readers made squash soup?  Recipe?

Tea finished, so I am off.

Have a great day



  1. I always add onion or leek. If I have time I roast the squash (pumpkin, here) first. I add curry powder and coconut milk sometimes. Or ginger. It definitely needs something to give it a bit of zing.

  2. I add a wee bit of cinnamon and nutmeg and brown sugar and/or maple syrup. It tastes like desert!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...