Sunday, December 31, 2023

Last day of 2023 and deep in thought

I am sitting here today, the last day of 2023 and reflecting back on all the happenings during the year, both the good things and also the ones that caused pain, not physical but emotional upset, those I would rather forget, but they are part of life that molds us and hopefully makes us a better person by learning from those mistakes.  

In the coming year I am burning bridges, repairing old ones and also building new ones and look forward to a happier year, not only for me but, for others in my life.

It has been a busy and lovely holiday season, but honestly look forward to a more normal life without all of the hustle and bustle.  Food, so many different meals and dishes have been consumed, very small portions of everything is how I am able to maneuver myself and not over eat.  Sometimes the temptations were difficult to control.   Then when I think about those who have none, I feel guilty, however, I did do my part by contributing to organizations which help those who are struggling, one can do only so much        .  

My quilting and sewing will be a craft I will continue to pursue, as it gives me pleasure to create pieces of fabric into useful, colourful quilts which I usually give away to organizations, individuals or family.   I have a multitude of  photo's which I retrieved from my locker yesterday, which will now be sorted and given to my children to do with what they want.

Reviewing travel brochures for a possible vacation is also happening right now, there is one destination which is of interest, time will tell if it is the one.

Now I am on my own, consider myself to be very independent,   I need to replace my old car for a reliable mode of transportation, so a new car is also going to be happening.

Why am I doing all of the above!!!  Early in December a friend I had known for a long time, who was younger than me,  healthy and enjoying life, suddenly passed away.   It made me realize life is short, make the most of it while you can and that is what I intend to do in 2024 and hopefully beyond.   

The weather we have been having is very unseasonable, no snow or freezing temperatures, we had a green Christmas with rain and foggy conditions.  Today, overcast with rain in the forecast again, which could turn into some light snow if the temperature goes below freezing. If it is snow, it won't accumulate as the ground is not frozen yet and it will melt on contact.  I miss seeing the sunshine, but we might see some mid week.  

I wonder if all of the changes in the weather will have an adverse effect on crops especially the Winter Wheat which usually is covered with snow which protects the small plants from the weather.  Other plants, shrubs and trees along with animals which usually hibernate during the Winter months are all confused.  Mother Nature usually makes corrections along the way so, we will have to rely on her wisdom to make it right.

Wishing the readers of my blog a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Have a wonderful day, stay safe.


Monday, December 25, 2023


The last three days have been very busy with family get togethers and the last is happening tomorrow as I entertain my two daughters and their families.  What was I thinking!!!!  It will be the first gathering I have had in my new home, there is not a lot of space but it is not about that its about family.  I will have a visit from my son and some of his family later, as his work is taking up a lot of his time as he will be travelling out of the country in a few days time.

I can honestly say this has been the best Christmas I have had in quite awhile, even with it being very boisterous at times. Being with my family this year was one of the things I had to do, as past Christmases I neglected to do that, repairing my relationship with them was number one on the list of things I had to do.  It is now being done.  Past years I cooked a big meal for my ex's family that I felt was not appreciated by them and not doing that for my family.  My fault, now mine to fix which I have now started to do, and it feels good.   

I received lovely gifts, some useful, some extravagant and some good to eat.  My four year old great granddaughter "V" gave me something she picked out, not from a store, but from her house.  I am assuming it was things she liked to eat and were special to her.  It was wrapped her way with seasonal wrapping paper and lots and lots of tape to tame all the loose bits that would not just do what she wanted them to.  In it was a small plastic rectangular container which contained a plantain, an avocado, a root of ginger, three nuts, several candies and a painted rock.   Honestly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry because so much thought and effort was put in that gift.  

We had a white Christmas not the snow kind of white but a foggy one which really didn't fully clear until later afternoon.  It has been very mild up to 10*C was the high for today. Usually, we are digging ourselves out of piles of snow, but green grass was the colour of the ground today.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.

Have a great day


Sunday, December 17, 2023

T'is the season

  All the prep for the season must be taking place in a lot of homes right now,  me, just doing a little for the big day.  It certainly is not like it use to be, much too commercialized, which takes away from the meaning of the season. 

Seasonal music has been playing on the radio station I listen to since November 16th.  It's now turned off, one gets a bit tired of listening to all of the songs being recorded by the new artists (I call them artists for the sake of a better word), half of the carols and songs one cannot recognize as they have been jazzed up or are accompanied by a new tune.  I prefer the way they were first recorded.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday and also the day before, no one would know it is December.  Temps in the low double digits, 10 - 12*C for the high of the day and wall to wall sunshine, and beautiful sunsets.  A memory came up on my facebook from eight yeas ago and the ex was clearing a lot of snow from his driveway, certainly a bit different now.  It appears we will have a green Christmas, as it is raining today, however, the forecast is indicating more sunshine mid week.

Our quilting guild is making quilts for an organization helping the homeless, so I helped to hand sew on the bindings one day this past week.  Then visited with an ill friend, she was looking well, up and out of bed and expecting other visitors, so it was a short visit.  I will go again sometime this coming week.

On my late hubby's birthday in May and again at this time of the year I take a small spray of artificial  flowers to place in the vase on the columbarium. I did that yesterday.  I also replaced the saddle that goes on my Mum and Dad's grave with seasonal artificial flowers and greenery.  Again, I do this in December and again sometime in the Spring.   Then went on to my sister's for a quick visit and give her a gift.  Driving to my parents grave and my sister's home is almost an hour each way, did not mind the trip due to the nice weather.  The country roads are not a good place to be in the Winter so, I don't usually visit sister B when the snow and ice is on the ground.  

Started baking some shortbread cookies yesterday.  I only did half the recipe as it makes a lot of cookies.  I will finish them off with a bit of icing tomorrow.

My sewing machine has not been working as the way it should, so took it in for a maintenance checkup.  Not a good time to have this happen as I am still doing some sewing for some gifts.  I do have another machine I am using, it is as old as the hills but is doing the job at the present.  

While in the stores yesterday, I saw Valentine merchandise on a shelf, lets get Christmas and New Years over with first, shall we.

Not sure what is on my to do list today, some sewing will certainly be done and was thinking of going to a church down the street to listen to the candle light performance of carols being sung by the choir.  I do not go to church and not religious but, I do like to hear the carols sung properly at this time of the year.  

A slow start to the day, still in my housecoat, finish this and get a shower and then get moving.

Have a great day


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

New Year's Resolution

 Eating out again today, three of the women in the building asked me to join them for lunch in a local tea room.   Quiche and salad and a lovely pot of tea, great company and a lot of laughs.  We then visited an artist's studio and store for a look around, lovely works of art, and lovely prices too.  In the car and then off to a museum to have another look around.  Nice company, great lunch, sun shining so enjoyed my day.

Tomorrow, going for a sewing morning to help our guild finish off quilts for the new accomodations for some of the  homeless people who are being shown how to care for themselves and a small apartment. The host advised coffee and snacks provided.   Then I have been asked to join the ex in attending a jazz concert.  I am a bugger for punishment, however, I am only going if he is in a better frame of mind.  

Thursday, yes lunch again with two long time friends.  We are going to a nice restaurant in the country, hope they have their fireplace burning as they usually do at this time of the year.  So cozy and warm.

So why the title!    Because I am going to make a New Year's resolution, in fact, the one I make every year.  Eat healthy, loose some weight.  Will have to see if I get past January 2nd 2024.

Have a great day.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Out and about

 This week has been a busy one.

Monday I had lunch with four friends who I use to work with.  Prior to Covid we would go out several times a year, however, this was the first time in a few years we were able to get together.  We went to Swiss Chalet and had their Festive special, with the chocolates, which are included in the meal, to take home.

Tuesday I did a little shopping, as I needed a pillow insert as I am making a reading pillow for one of my Great grands.  Also had a brief visit to a sick friend who had recently moved into this building.

Wednesday, saw me eating again, however, this time it was at my quilting guild pot luck lunch meeting.  The food was delicious and we had a fun meeting afterwards.  In past years we would have a gift exchange, however, we all have everything we need so it was decided we would give to the organization in the city which helps the homeless community. 

Thursday the owner of this building hosted a party for the residents.  A finger food buffet mainly sandwiches and wraps, cheeses, crackers for a number of spreads, and cookies for dessert.  All washed down with wines, soft drinks, coffee and hot chocolate.  Everyone also received a toque and a T-shirt.

Friday  I visited with my sister, we had not seen each other for several months. In the evening my ex took me out for dinner, the food was good but, the company was not in a good mood, so the evening was very upsetting.   We had decided to have "dates", however, I am going to stop these outings, as they are not worth the effort of even thinking about anymore.    

Saturday, yes partying again, this time at a Secret Santa gift exchange.  There are several women in the building that love putting together evenings for the residents. They are fantastic at doing it too.   Anyone could participate, only if they wanted to.  Ladies brought a gift for a lady, men for a man, in the price range of $15.00 to $20.00 and under the tree they went.  One by one everyone picked a gift, however, when it came your turn to get a gift, you did not necessarily get one from under the tree you could steal a gift from someone else if you wanted it.  Needless to say several gifts exchanged hands a couple of times with a lot laughter involved  too.  My gift was a journal, perfect as I write in one every day.  We then had pizza along with BYOB (bring your own booze).  A fun evening.

Today, Sunday recuperating from a busy week, so a slow start to the day.   I do intend to do some sewing as some gifts need to be finished.   

The weather this past week has been unseasonably warm, I am not complaining,  however, just wish we could see some sunshine for a couple of days as it has been overcast and dreary every day.  It makes the evenings draw in earlier than they do at this time of the year.   In approximately two weeks the sun will be rising a wee bit earlier and setting later, however, it seems to take a long time before it can be noticeable. 

Well, I should get myself moving.

Have a great day,


Friday, December 01, 2023

Wet Dec. 1st.

After a beautiful sunny but windy Thursday, with a temp up to 9*C,  today is wet and the forecast is the same for the next few days.   

My two daughters picked a lovely day to go shopping yesterday, they wanted to get some Christmas shopping done.  We live close to the boarder of the U.S. and we use to go and do a lot of shopping there, however, with Covid in the past few years no one went anywhere, so now it is all but over, that is where they wanted to go.   The prices and  choices are more attractive than here in Canada,  even with the exchange rate, however, having said that, you do  need to know your prices as some things are more expensive there.

Up at 6:00 a.m. as DD2 was going to pick me up at 7:00 a.m. for a 3/4 hour trip to get to DD1 who was going to be the driver.  Started shopping at 10:30 a.m. had a lovely lunch, an afternoon of shopping and I walked in my door at 7:30 p.m.  Needless to say, I am slow to get moving this morning, breakfast and a shower and now ready to take on the day.

The music concert I was going to go today, involved a walk in the rain and then sitting in wet clothes for an hour or more, so decided I did not want that, so no concert today.  It is a free concert so no loss as far as money spent on a ticket.

So what am I going to do, first tidy up the kitchen and then do some sewing, also make a pot of soup, it is that kind of day.  Finish writing my Christmas cards that I send out to Canadian addresses, and check the gift list for the great grands.  Should also make a shopping list for a few groceries needed, which is most likely on my "to do" list for tomorrow.   

My social calendar is filling up for December already, it is going to be busy just as November was.  First up is lunch with friends on Monday, these friends for quite awhile, so it is going to be a lot of catch up conversations.

Well, should get moving

Have a great day.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...