Monday, August 31, 2020

Where did August go

 Here we are the last day of August, and it is certainly feeling a bit like Autumn today.   Last night was cool and there was a heavy dew this morning.  Beautiful blue skies today so it is warming up nicely.  No humidity so one feels like doing some work outside without getting too hot.   The flowers gardens needs to be weeded now that we have had some rain.  The cherry tomatoes are ripening nicely, picked some to go into a salad for our dinner tonight.

Hubby has gone to the lumber store to get some additional pieces he needs for his daughters patio. She did help him a lot yesterday, which was nice to see.  I was able to be the supervisor. lol 

The hummingbirds are visiting the feeder quite often now, fattening up for the flight south I suppose. It wont be long before we see a lot of birds heading to warmer climes.  

After finishing this post I am going into the sewing room to cut some fabric for the curved piecing round on the challenge quilt.  After this one  round of half square triangles and then the border, then the top is done.  A reveal will, we hope, happen  in October.

Dinner tonight, burgers on the BBQ, beans and salad.  we did not get to finish the fruit in jelly last night, so that is what we will finish tonight.

Saturday, August 29, 2020


We had showers on and off all night and the same for this morning, and the forecast is for the same most of the afternoon.  Much needed rain I might add.  It is cooler but the humidity is making it feel quite sticky.  On days like this one does not know what to wear from one moment to the next.  All outside activities are not going to happen today, so laundry, housework and some sewing are on the agenda for today.  

My youngest granddaughter decided to plant a garden this year as there was not much else for her to do, due to the virus.  She has had a bumper crop of veg, cucumbers, tomatoes, swiss chard and kale.  Also, she planted sunflowers, most of them are about 8 feet high, however, one has to be 12 feet and still growing.  The flower has yet to bloom so looking forward to seeing it then.

Better get doing the second load of laundry.

Dinner tonight, salmon, mushrooms, broccoli and salad.  finishing the fruit in jelly for dessert.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Rain, rain and more rain

 After the storm we had yesterday, the sky cleared, for the late evening, however, overnight the clouds moved in again and we had an inch of rain.  At the time of writing, it is pouring down and thunderstorms and rain are predicted for today and tomorrow.  Not complaining as we desperately  needed this rain.  

The appointment at the dentist went well, I do have two spots of gun disease which has now cure, but can be kept in check with brushing well and flossing.  I still think the dentist is trying to recoup some of the money she has lost during the period of time she was closed.  They wanted me to come in every four months, which would be almost another $150.00 out of my own pocket, as my extended health coverage pays 90% of my invoice if I go every six months.  Also, paying for their PPE which is not a lot of money but I am sure they did not use enough PPE during my visit to amount to the amount on my bill.   Enough moaning and groaning I should be happy I have teeth and a dentist to go to when it is needed.

Today will be a day to catch up on some much needed housework and then some sewing.  Hubby was hoping to watch some sports on TV, however, all of the basketball, baseball and hockey teams are not playing to support the Black Lives Matter movement, because the authorities do not seem to be doing anything to stop the unnecessary killing of black people in the U.S.

Dinner tonight will be left over ribs, another corn on the cob, (it was yummy last night, so sweet) and a salad.  Dessert fruit in jelly.   

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Steamy, dentist and tornado

 The day started off being very pleasant, sunny with a nice breeze, then it became very humid.  High temp of 30*C but feeling more like 41*C. very uncomfortable.  

Had to travel to the city that I moved from for a dentist appointment after lunch, there were warning issued for a tornado watch, but the sun was still shining so I visited my youngest daughter for a cup of tea and a chat.  After about 30 minutes. the sky began to get very dark so I decided it was time to start heading for home, the trip would take 45 minutes.  I had no sooner got in the car and there were drops of rain on the windshield.  Further down the road I had to pull over as I could not see, it was raining and blowing so hard I could feel the car rocking.  It calmed down a bit so started out on my way home again.   Rain and wind all the way home, did see a rotten tree had fallen over the road, along with twiggy type branches and leaves.  In the time for me to get to London, a half of an inch of rain had fallen.  The radio and my phone had the emergency messages on them advising people to take cover if the weather turns really bad.

As I write this at 5:15 p.m. the sun is trying to shine and it is getting very warm again.  We do not get these types of storms often, thankful for that.  Not like the people in the U. S. states of Texas and Louisianan where the hurricane is bearing down on them.

Not much else done today,

Dinner, BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, and a salad/  lemon meringue pie and a bit of ice cream.    This does not sound like a very healthy meal.  Too many carbs and sugar for sure.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cloudy and cooler

 Woke this morning to a cloudy sky with the forecast indicating some showers, much needed too.  The lawns have turned brown again, will not recover unless we have a good down pour for at least a couple of days.

The front of our house faces north, so we do not get much sun there, which is perfect for growing hosta. I do have several varieties, some of purple flowers others have lovely white one, much like a small lily.  The white ones are in bloom now.......or should I say they were in bloom.  The deer love these flowers and last night they had a banquet off my garden.  There is not much I can do to stop the deer, so live with the fact, now I only have the lovely leaves of the hosta.

Update later

1:50 p.m. and we have just had a brief shower, not enough to do any good, but enough so that no work can be done outside.  I am going into the sewing room to work on a couple of projects.

Our quilting guild consists of 20 members, a small group that can meet in each others homes on a rotating basis.  Our last meeting was in February, and since then we have had two Zoom meetings and a pot luck dinner in one of our members back garden.  We are now looking for a reasonable priced meeting room where we can start up our monthly meetings, and follow all of the COVID health department guidelines.  Hoping we can find one in time for our September meeting.  This year is the 20th anniversary of the guild being active, and we were planning something special for October, but we wonder if that will be a possibility,  time will tell.

The news has just reported school children in the area will not be going back to school the first week of September, but will gradually have a few students start the 2nd week of September.  I am so glad I have no work to go to and no children to worry about.  I do not envy parents during these troubling times.

Dinner tonight:  Live and onions, broccoli and a salad. Dessert yet to be decided.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Late p.m. rain cleared to air

 Yesterday was hot, hot, however, late afternoon we had a brief but heavy shower, it became sunny and we could see the mist rising off the roads.  However, overnight the air cleared of all the humidity and today is a lovely day.  Sunny with a lovely breeze.

Up early again to get our groceries, and now we are working on the patio for hubby'a daughter.

Dinner last night was not what I had planned, it was a pizza and salad.  What would  we do without freezers and microwave ovens.

I use a toaster/convection oven a lot, especially during the Summer months when I don't want to heat up the kitchen using the large oven on the stove.  So along with the previously mentioned appliances preparing a meal is quite simple for the foods that we regularly eat.  I do not make a lot of baked goods anymore, mainly because hubby should not eat them and I can certainly do without the calories which are usually in pies and cakes.  Having said that I have recently purchased some Stevia, which is a sweetener derived from the stevia plant and it contains no calories.  When the weather does cool down and we get into eating more comfort foods I am going to try this instead of sugar.  The package does indicate you use the same amount as you would for sugar.    Do you use any particular appliance on a regular basis to prepare your meals?

We have two tomatoes plants which are doing quite nicely after being planted quite late in the season, one is a grape and the other a cherry tomato.  The animals are having a difficult time trying to east the fruit this year as we have both of them surrounded by wire mesh.

Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus,( may not be much as the spears are looking a bit tired), salad and fresh fruit for dessert.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Hot and a Hawk

Yesterday was a scorcher, the heat and humidity made it very uncomfortable to be outside for any length of time, so I was in the sewing room for the afternoon.  We did have some black clouds pass just to the north of us and we had a few rumbles of thunder and some lightening, but rain only to wet the ground.  Of course, the sun came out and made it feel even worse than it was.

Today's forecast is going to be much the same as yesterday, so I got my walk in early this morning,  by the time I had returned home I was getting quite hot, despite the breeze and walking in the shade of the trees.

Hubby is at his daughters house, he plans on fixing her patio, so took some wood over there.  She wanted patio stones, but does not have the money to buy them.  We shall see if the wooden one is approved.

Last evening and while on the balcony having our morning coffee we wondered why there were no squirrels about as they usually are, eventually we knew why.  The first pic is one I took last night, and the second one this morning, there was a huge hawk causing the lack of wildlife.  Last night it was out in the open under the tree and finally flew off, this morning it was lurking in the under brush in the neighbors back garden.  It sat there for a very long time and finally went up into a tree and we lost sight of it. 

The sun was shining on my camera so this one is  not too good.

Well I should get busy.

Dinner tonight:  Pork chops, apple sauce, peas with mint and a salad.  Dessert, something simple, not sure what yet.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Cannot believe it's been that long

 I did not realize I have not posted for several days, life just gets too busy.

So what have I been doing......Thursday, we repaired a roof at my hubby's daughters house, and did some gardening when it cooled down.  Friday,  decided  to go shopping and stock up on bathroom supplies,  then on to fabric shop to, hopefully, pick up some more fabric needed to complete my challenge quilt.  I was lucky to find the fabric I needed so all in all a successful shopping trip.  Then in the evening we were invited to friends for an outside, on the patio drinks.  It was a beautiful evening, no bugs, warm temps and we stayed much too long, as we come home at 12:30 a.m.  It was nice to catch up with these friends as we had not had a chance since shortly after Christmas.  Sue, has a condition which did not allow us to visit earlier, as she was concerned about the virus and her age.  Happy to report she is well, and London, Ontario did not report any new cases of the virus this day.

Saturday, hubby now has a new project, repair a patio. He had lots of lumber to complete it, however, he does not own a saw which would cut through it.  Enter friend who we saw on Friday.  He does wood working and offered to cut the wood, so yesterday afternoon that job was completed.  It was still very warm after dinner, so we went for a lovely drive in the country.  The only problem now is it starts getting dark around 8:00 p.m. so not much can be seen after that time, however, we did not get home until after nine, enjoyed being out in the cool air.  The downfall from riding in a convertible is, you get to smell all of the strong odours from chicken, pig and cattle farms, plus the pungent smell from skunks.  

Today, Sunday, is a rest day,  all this work we do during the week catches up to you, so really nothing on the agenda for today.  It is forecast to be very hot today, feeling like 38*C this afternoon, so it is wise for us to stay in, in the A/C.  I can get some long awaited sawing done, and hubby can catch up on reading the newspaper and watching some sports on the TV. 

Might just have him cook a steak on the BBQ for dinner tonight, along with some veg and a salad, some fruit for dessert, I think we have our evening meal all planed.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Autumn is in the air

Last night the low temp went down to 11*C. one sure sign the season is starting to change.  However, having wrote that, the temps are forecast to get hot and humid again just in time for the weekend.  Today we had a heavy dew, but the sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky, so it is drying up quite quickly.   The problem with this kind of weather, one does not know what to wear from one hour or one day to the next.

 Most mornings we sit on the balcony with our morning coffee, earlier in the summer there were many birds coming and going, today as we sat we did not see nor hear any birds at all.  Robins have raised their young and are now getting ready to go south for the winter.  The Baltimore Orioles visits the feeder once in awhile and they along with the hummingbirds will soon be leaving.

I am not a cold weather person and as I get older I hate the Winter more and more every time it comes around.  This year, I have a feeling I will hate it even more than I have in the past, and it is mostly due to the isolation we have had and I fear we will have more of it during the cold and flu season which is not far away.

It is time for me to go for my walk.

Dinner tonight, fresh corn on the cob, and hamburgers on the BBQ, not sure what will be for dessert, a few hours to think about that, could be just fruit tonight.

OK I am on my way, have to get those steps in, I so desperately want to loose some weight, I feel frumpy and I dont like that feeling at all. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 Last night was quite cool, low temp was 16*C,  but waking up this morning we have clear blue skies with no humidity and a nice breeze.  The forecast to more sun for the rest of the day.

Up early for our grocery day. then we just have a couple of things to do to the gates and then we can call it a finish.  Now on to the next project, whatever it may be.

Not much else going on in this neck of the woods, a lot of discussion about children going back to school in September.  I am so glad I do not have to make the decision to keep children home for virtual schooling or sending them to the classroom.  A lot of children are bused to school and that is a discussion also.  


We had blue skies and clouds all afternoon,  if you were in the shadow for any length of time it was very cool.  Clouds have gone and now sky is clear for the cold temp for tonight 11*C.  

 Earlier in the Summer the deer ate the tender tips on my phlox. however, the plants produced more flower buds and now I have a lovely display of flowers.  I have three different colours, pale purple, and dark purple and a coral/red one.  Along with the black eyed Susan the garden is looking very colourful st the moment.

Its done....the gates are finished and are looking good considering neither one of us, really knew what we were doing.....thank goodness for YouTube.

 Dinner tonight, chicken, asparagus, and cole slaw, with a chocolate pudding for dessert.

Monday, August 17, 2020

No time today

 Such a nice day today, we took advantage of it and worked outside for most of the day.

No time to sit and write a post, doing this one just before going to bed.

Will post again tomorrow.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sun shine

The sun did shine very briefly early this morning, now it has become dark with some very ominous looking clouds.  So dark in the house we had to turn the lights on.  It is looking as if the forecast is going to be right today, so I am expecting thunderstorms to move in shortly.   We do need the rain the ground has become very dry again.

 By the time I wanted to buy some tomato plants in the Spring they were all gone, so we though, no fresh garden tomatoes this year.  However, we had a plant starting to grow in the area where we had one last year.  Dug it up and planted it in a pot and next week we will be harvesting some lovely red ripe tomatoes.


It is now raining very hard, no outside work is going to be done today by the looks of it.  The sawing room is going to have a visitor for most of the afternoon by the looks of it.  I do need to get moving on a couple of quilts I have started.

Dinner tonight: BBQ ribs, sprouts, cauliflower, salad, and jelly with fruit.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Nice breeze

 It is still warm, however, there is a nice breeze to cool the air a bit.  Hope it continues as this afternoon it is forecast to be hot once again, but with the possibility of a thunderstorm, not holding my breath for any amount of rain.

Catching up on laundry and housework today, as just about an hour left to finish putting in some screws in the gates and it is a finish.  

The grass looks a lot better now it has been cut, it was growing at different levels over the entire lawn and made it look very untidy.  

Yesterday, would have been my Mother's 103rd birthday, and at this time of the year the family would have a combined party and reunion to celebrate .   But due to the circumstances no reunion took place.  I did a virtual reunion via Facebook asking descendants of my Mum and  other members of family in the UK and friends to check in and say hello or leave a comment.  Pleased with the response.  Hoping nest year will be a better situation and we can have a normal reunion.

Well, I should get started on this housework, so will close.

Friday, August 14, 2020

I'm back

Been so busy these past few days, just did not have the time nor the energy to post anything.  

We have finished the two gates we have been making, these are not your average small garden gate, each one measures 6 ft high and 57 inches wide.  They look quite nice despite neither one of us knew what we were doing.  Hubby 's daughter was pleased with them, so that is all that matters.  Do not intend on making any more gates, it was a lot of work.  The heat these past few days did not help either, we should not have been doing it, however, we did keep ourselves hydrated and worked slow and took lots of breaks.

I am sitting outside writing this at 8:30 ish p.m. there is a lovely breeze and I am also watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder to feed. Some come right up to my face, I have no idea what they see to attract them.  Some of them have beautiful colored feathers.  My camera is not sophisticated enough to capture the speed which they fly.

Hubby is cutting the lawns, but had to use the lawn sweeper to pick up  leaves from the maple tree, due to the hot and humid weather they are falling because of a blight on them. 

Well it is getting dark, I hate the thought of dark evenings, so must close for today.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


I am OK, just very busy with life at the moment, will post later today,

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Monday, August 10, 2020

A scorcher

 Today is going to be HOT and very uncomfortable, temp going up and feeling as if it is 42*C with the humidity factored in.  It is going to be a day for not doing too much outside.

Gave the great grands their b-day gifts yesterday, I give clothes, not toys that is Mum and Dad, and Grandma's job.  A. is 8 years old and loves everything that sparkles, I had a request from Mum no more  because they come off..  She received two outfits, top and leggings with butterfly pattern, shorts and top with flamingo pattern.  C is four, and a cute little guy, he loves clothes, "Oh I love this,  Granny", and stripped off the clothes he was wearing and tried on the two t-shirts and shorts.  V. is one and very shy, a romper outfit and top and leggings for her.  Kids and Mum pleased with everything.  Me too as all of the clothes were on sale.

Well, I should get moving, even though not much onthe agenda for today, sewing sounds like good idea and I should go for a walk after dinner. Have not done that for a few days due to my shoulder and back were too sore. thinking back maybe I should have done my walks it might have helped.

Dinner tonight, not sure at this moment, we have some salmon, cauli and broccoli, salad, apple sauce for dessert.  Yes, that is what it will be, easy.  I like easy on days like this.

Stay well.


Sunday, August 09, 2020

Feeling better today

Yes, now I got yesterday off my chest, today is a better day,

Thunderstorms rolled through all morning, with lots of rain that we could definitely use.  Starting to clear at noon, the sky getting lighter and it looks as if there is some blue sky coming our way.  If the forecast is correct, it will be feeling like 39*C this afternoon.  If the sun gets shining after this rain it is going to be very humid.

We both slept in this morning, catching up on some rest, as we have been doing of lot of manual work these past couple of days, working on the gates.  

I will be going into the sewing room for at least a couple of hours this afternoon, hubby will be watching some golf on the TV.

DD! is hosting a B-day get together for her daughter and her family,  we will be  going over at 4:00 p.m. as I have gifts for three of my great grands b-days, that I have missed during the isolation.  I have not seen any of them since Christmas, and knowing how fast kids grow I will likely be shocked as to how much they have grown.

Dinner will likely be  leftovers from last night, so an easy fix tonight.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Having trouble know what day it is.

It is a good thing we get a daily newspaper, I have the internet and my Fitbit or I would never know what day it is any more.  They all seem to run in together, nothing different from the previous or the next.  Do any of my readers feel the same way or is it just me.  

Even though the new cases of the COVID 19 in Ontario are coming down, and business, etc. are opening, nothing feels the same and I know it is going to be a long time. if ever, life will get to where it was before March.  I feel cheated because I can not go to see my grands, great grands, my children,  sister, and others that mean so much to me.  All the live concerts, live theater, my quilting meetings all on hold.  I know I am not the only one in these troubled times,  I just needed to vent.  Thanks for listening.

Still working on the gates, should be done in a couple of days. then we can connect them to the fence.

Dinner tonight, Philly steak on a bun and salad.  fruit for dessert.

Hope you had a great day,


Late posting

Today has been one of those days where I have been busy but have accomplished very little, thus the late 

It has been a beautiful day, warm sun and no humidity, just a slight breeze.  It is still cool in the morning and evenings, and just right to get some early or late chores done in the garden.  Will soon have to start thinking about what plants I am going to move to other locations and also want to take some cuttings from my geraniums, pot them up so that they have some Autumn sunshine to start them off for being in the house all Winter.  The plants in the garden are loving the rain we had last week and these cooler temps, so the flowers ar looking nice.

Still working on the gates, these are no small garden gates that you walk through, there are two which are almost six feet wide.  Made some progress today, but Hubby is feeling a bit sore from everything he did yesterday, so we stopped before we began to make mistakes.

No sewing done today, the challenge our guild is doing, started with a block of our choice and every month we are given a round which must have certain methods of putting blocks together.  The first was stars, second applique, third paper piecing, fourth curved piecing,  and the last one we ere given was half square triangles, there is one more round to be issued later this month.  I am currently working on the curved piecing, incidentally we have until October to finish all of the rounds, however, due to the social distancing it will likely be later than that.  

Dinner tonight was pork chops, applesauce, broccoli, and salad.  Lemon Pie pudding for dessert.

Hope you had a wonderful Friday.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Taking it easy

The pain in my shoulder and neck does seem to be improving, the gate making yesterday did not do it much good I am afraid, so today, I am taking it easy.   Heating pad, pain tablets, and muscle rub cream and time will make it better I am sure.  Was going to go to Dr. however, there is nothing for him to see, so it would be a waste of time for him and me.  

Another cool night, but woke to a nice bright sun rising over the trees, a bit warmer today.  With these cool nights it take longer for the air to warm up and it smells different.  That statement sounds a bit crazy but, it does,  leaves and plants damaged by the recent wind and heavy rain are now starting to decompose giving off the Autumn smell.  I hate to see the cooler weather come, I am a Summer person, and as the years pile on I hate Winter more each year.

Going into the sewing room today, as I said earlier at the beginning of this post I am taking it easy.

Dinner tonight, BBQ spare ribs, veg of some kind, salad and a chocolate mousse pudding.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Gate making

My hubby promised his daughter he would make a wooden gate to replace the metal and wire one she currently has.  I dont know if you noticed I wrote "HE", well it is not "HE" any more it is "US".  He has a lot of great qualities, he was a teacher so has a lot of interesting things to talk about,  he has a great sense of humor, very generous,  caring, thoughtful and of course he loves me and is a great lover.  Oops TMI,  BUT a carpenter he is not, not that I am either, but two heads are better than one so they say.  

Measurements taken and take again, you know the rule, measure twice, cut once. Lumber gathered and project started, I forgot to mention he is very particular, everything has to fit just as it should, that is OK too, as I tend to be like that also.  So the frame is made, now need to add the boards tomorrow.  Did I mention we need two of these gates.   We will get it done, there really is no time frame they need to be completed, good thing too.  We have a lot of laughs doing the projects we get ourselves into, its great having him home.

Cooler today, I even put on a fleece sweater, the sun did not heat up the brisk breeze we had, warmer temps forecast for later in the week.

Not much else done today, because of the title of this post.  

Cannot explain why I have had such a sore neck and shoulder, I did do some strenuous housework on Friday, so putting it down to that, and the fact I am not as young as I use to be, feels a lot better today, thank goodness. 

I know I am late today, so I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

A foggy day in London town.

After having another 1/2 inch of rain last evening and over night, we woke to quite a thick fog.  At  9:30 a.m. writing this it is still quite foggy.   The air smells like Autumn  because of the dried dead grass on the lawns and the leaves that have fallen from our maple trees.  The leaves have some kind of blight or mold on them, which we can assume is from the very humid weather we have had recently.  We can expect today's wet cool weather to last for the balance of the day, then sunshine and warm, humid temps back again for the rest of the week.  

Up early again today to take advantage of the senior early shopping hour at the grocery store.  We usually set the alarm for 6:00 a.m. so we can be ready for 7:00, however, this morning for some reason Hubby's alarm went off at 5:00 a.m...... it might be a long day.

Sometime today I am going shopping for three of my great grandchildren's  birthdays which I missed during this isolation.  It is going to be an expensive shopping trip.  I buy clothes for all the great grands, I can't believe how expensive they are, I can spend almost the same for items for them as I can for myself.  Oh!! but some of the things in the stores are so cute, I can't resist.

When my two girls were young I use to make most of their dresses, they were so easy to whip up.  I would use the same pattern, but mix and match the yoke and skirt fabric, so it looked as if they both had a new dress even though they were all the same style.  One time I made them matching dresses, even now, they never let me know how much they hated that.  Both daughters have two daughters and none of them have ever been dressed the same.  Did/do you have make clothes for your children when they were young.?

Well, I should get off this computer and move or I will nod off.

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, August 03, 2020


We had another 1/2 inch of rain overnight, and the grass is looking better already.  It is still cloudy and more rain is forecast for today and tomorrow, then sunshine for the balance of the week.

Hubby is out spraying the lawns with nematodes to combat the grubs of several types of beetles we have here.  The Japanese beetles have done a lot of damage to one of my clematis.  

 My sister B called me yesterday, as her grandson and his wife had a baby sex reveal get together for immediate family yesterday.  I had guessed a "boy" but as usual I was wrong again, they are going to have a girl.  So will have to start looking in my stash of fabric that would be appropriate for a baby girl quilt. I am sure I might find something,  lol.  I do have quite a lot of fabric, however, not as much as one of the member's in our guild.

It looks as if it will be a sewing day today,  I do have several projects on the go at present, so do not have to worry about not having enough to do.  I tend to get bored doing the same project , so having a number of different quilts and wall hangings, does not let me get bored with doing just one.

Dinner tonight will be pot roast, carrots, salad and fruit in jelly for dessert.

Hope you are having a wonderful day. 

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Never happy...are we

During the month of July we complained about the heat and humidity,last night it rained all night with a total of 1 3/4 inches of rain and we have showers and cold temps today.  When I say cold,  we have had a high 27*c and a low of 17*c.  As I write this at 5:40 p.m. it is very windy and the rain is coming down in horizontal sheets.  We have needed this rain so cant complain too much I suppose.  

Slow day, cannot do anything outside, except in between the rain we placed some wire around our tomato plants.  The deer like to eat them, but I dare them to get through what we erected today.

Did some sewing and Hubby is watching TV.

Dinner: Salmon, peas, mushrooms and a spinach and kale salad with sunflower seeds, dessert is going to be easy, a store bought lemon pie pudding, you know the ones that come in a plastic tub.

 So car ride tonight, so it will be an evening in front of the TV, hoping there is something interesting to watch, if not, we have some recorded programs we can look at.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Jobs and a reunion disappointment

Bedding changed, laundry on, Hubby has trimmed the hedge and lawn is currently being mowed.  Need to get all of the outdoor jobs taken care of today as we are forecast rain for the next three days, at the present time we have bright sun and blue skies and it is a bit cooler.  

Late yesterday afternoon a deer was in the garden getting ready to eat my Rose of Sharon bush, it is a small one as I planted a sapling from my daughters garden a couple of years ago. Wanting to protect it and also our tomato plants we cover them with sheets for the night and take them off in the morning.

I did a lot of housework yesterday, only the three bathrooms to do today, ONLY she says.  Then I will go into my sewing room for a couple of hours.  

My youngest daughter and her husband adopted their first daughter from China in 1999, they were in a group of six families travelling to the same area and all of these babies were from the same orphanage.  Being together with these families for two weeks they created  a deep bond with everyone.  Each year since 1999, all six families have been having a reunion on this, the August 1st, long weekend holiday.  The families have taken turns hosting the get together's and having some fantastic times together doing things such as, white water rafting, horse back riding, zip lining, going to a holiday resort and the list goes on.  As the girls got older they wanted shopping trips and partying.  In March they were in the process of deciding what they would do this year for the reunion, however, the virus put an end to that.  
Their second daughter, also from China, was adopted in 2003, however, that group was so big, and came from all over Canada and some from the U.S. so it was impossible to have any reunions for her, however, she and well as all the other siblings go to the reunions and participate in the activities.  They are hoping to be able to have a bigger and better get together next year.  As I also traveled to China with my daughter and SIL I went to all of the reunions too, such a disappointment for me not to go this year, as it has been lovely to see these girls go from 9 month old babies to  young ladies.

Dinner will be left overs tonight, however, have to decide on something for dessert.

Stay well

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...