Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cloudy and cooler

 Woke this morning to a cloudy sky with the forecast indicating some showers, much needed too.  The lawns have turned brown again, will not recover unless we have a good down pour for at least a couple of days.

The front of our house faces north, so we do not get much sun there, which is perfect for growing hosta. I do have several varieties, some of purple flowers others have lovely white one, much like a small lily.  The white ones are in bloom now.......or should I say they were in bloom.  The deer love these flowers and last night they had a banquet off my garden.  There is not much I can do to stop the deer, so live with the fact, now I only have the lovely leaves of the hosta.

Update later

1:50 p.m. and we have just had a brief shower, not enough to do any good, but enough so that no work can be done outside.  I am going into the sewing room to work on a couple of projects.

Our quilting guild consists of 20 members, a small group that can meet in each others homes on a rotating basis.  Our last meeting was in February, and since then we have had two Zoom meetings and a pot luck dinner in one of our members back garden.  We are now looking for a reasonable priced meeting room where we can start up our monthly meetings, and follow all of the COVID health department guidelines.  Hoping we can find one in time for our September meeting.  This year is the 20th anniversary of the guild being active, and we were planning something special for October, but we wonder if that will be a possibility,  time will tell.

The news has just reported school children in the area will not be going back to school the first week of September, but will gradually have a few students start the 2nd week of September.  I am so glad I have no work to go to and no children to worry about.  I do not envy parents during these troubling times.

Dinner tonight:  Live and onions, broccoli and a salad. Dessert yet to be decided.

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