Thursday, August 27, 2020

Steamy, dentist and tornado

 The day started off being very pleasant, sunny with a nice breeze, then it became very humid.  High temp of 30*C but feeling more like 41*C. very uncomfortable.  

Had to travel to the city that I moved from for a dentist appointment after lunch, there were warning issued for a tornado watch, but the sun was still shining so I visited my youngest daughter for a cup of tea and a chat.  After about 30 minutes. the sky began to get very dark so I decided it was time to start heading for home, the trip would take 45 minutes.  I had no sooner got in the car and there were drops of rain on the windshield.  Further down the road I had to pull over as I could not see, it was raining and blowing so hard I could feel the car rocking.  It calmed down a bit so started out on my way home again.   Rain and wind all the way home, did see a rotten tree had fallen over the road, along with twiggy type branches and leaves.  In the time for me to get to London, a half of an inch of rain had fallen.  The radio and my phone had the emergency messages on them advising people to take cover if the weather turns really bad.

As I write this at 5:15 p.m. the sun is trying to shine and it is getting very warm again.  We do not get these types of storms often, thankful for that.  Not like the people in the U. S. states of Texas and Louisianan where the hurricane is bearing down on them.

Not much else done today,

Dinner, BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, and a salad/  lemon meringue pie and a bit of ice cream.    This does not sound like a very healthy meal.  Too many carbs and sugar for sure.

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