Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Gate making

My hubby promised his daughter he would make a wooden gate to replace the metal and wire one she currently has.  I dont know if you noticed I wrote "HE", well it is not "HE" any more it is "US".  He has a lot of great qualities, he was a teacher so has a lot of interesting things to talk about,  he has a great sense of humor, very generous,  caring, thoughtful and of course he loves me and is a great lover.  Oops TMI,  BUT a carpenter he is not, not that I am either, but two heads are better than one so they say.  

Measurements taken and take again, you know the rule, measure twice, cut once. Lumber gathered and project started, I forgot to mention he is very particular, everything has to fit just as it should, that is OK too, as I tend to be like that also.  So the frame is made, now need to add the boards tomorrow.  Did I mention we need two of these gates.   We will get it done, there really is no time frame they need to be completed, good thing too.  We have a lot of laughs doing the projects we get ourselves into, its great having him home.

Cooler today, I even put on a fleece sweater, the sun did not heat up the brisk breeze we had, warmer temps forecast for later in the week.

Not much else done today, because of the title of this post.  

Cannot explain why I have had such a sore neck and shoulder, I did do some strenuous housework on Friday, so putting it down to that, and the fact I am not as young as I use to be, feels a lot better today, thank goodness. 

I know I am late today, so I hope you all had a wonderful day.

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