Tuesday, August 04, 2020

A foggy day in London town.

After having another 1/2 inch of rain last evening and over night, we woke to quite a thick fog.  At  9:30 a.m. writing this it is still quite foggy.   The air smells like Autumn  because of the dried dead grass on the lawns and the leaves that have fallen from our maple trees.  The leaves have some kind of blight or mold on them, which we can assume is from the very humid weather we have had recently.  We can expect today's wet cool weather to last for the balance of the day, then sunshine and warm, humid temps back again for the rest of the week.  

Up early again today to take advantage of the senior early shopping hour at the grocery store.  We usually set the alarm for 6:00 a.m. so we can be ready for 7:00, however, this morning for some reason Hubby's alarm went off at 5:00 a.m...... it might be a long day.

Sometime today I am going shopping for three of my great grandchildren's  birthdays which I missed during this isolation.  It is going to be an expensive shopping trip.  I buy clothes for all the great grands, I can't believe how expensive they are, I can spend almost the same for items for them as I can for myself.  Oh!! but some of the things in the stores are so cute, I can't resist.

When my two girls were young I use to make most of their dresses, they were so easy to whip up.  I would use the same pattern, but mix and match the yoke and skirt fabric, so it looked as if they both had a new dress even though they were all the same style.  One time I made them matching dresses, even now, they never let me know how much they hated that.  Both daughters have two daughters and none of them have ever been dressed the same.  Did/do you have make clothes for your children when they were young.?

Well, I should get off this computer and move or I will nod off.

Have a wonderful day.

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