Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 We did our early grocery shop yesterday morning, in the afternoon I did some errands in the neighbouring city,  

Once home again, the weather was so nice I decided to trim my two clematis.  The instructions that came with one  when I purchased it several years ago, indicates it needs to been trimmed in the Spring, leaving 2/3rds of the old growth about 12 inches from the ground.  I was surprised to find it had buds on it as did the one which was in the garden previously.   That done I decided to pull some weeds starting to emerge from the soil.  Gloves on and work was so nice to get dirty.   With a bag almost full, it was time to  call it a day and start on dinner.   Gardening season has started outside for me.  Tomorrow I am going to plant some tomato seeds which I will keep in the house,  these were saved from the plants I had last year.  Also going to put some marigolds in some soil too.  

The rain we had a couple of days ago, has made the grass green up so it should start growing once we get some warmer weather.  

We had another shower either over night or early this morning, it is still cloudy, however, the sun is trying to eek through.  It is still quite cool out there though.  Tomorrow is forecast to be downright cold. 

Dinner tonight, ham, some of the scalloped potatoes are left, so we will clean them up with some veg and a salad.  Not sure what is for dessert, possibly lemon pie.

Well I am off to start doing some housework. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Back into Red

We have now been placed back into the red category due to increased numbers of covid  cases,  which means tighter restrictions  for everyone.  There are individuals that think going to bars and drinking green beer on St. Patrick's day was OK, wearing no masks, no social distancing etc etc.  We are now suffering the consequences of those few.  It makes me angry that people just don't get it, they think, "it won't happen to them", never a thought  about other people.

The change in restrictions do not make much difference to us, but it does to others who are trying to do the right things. Businesses are suffering and closing, people are now suffering because of loosing their jobs.  Everyone is paying the price of a few who did not do the right thing.  Rant over.

We have a beautiful sunny day, the sun is very warm coming in the windows that face towards the south.  My daffodils are in bloom, and the grass is greening up from the recent rain we have had.  Spring  has finally sprung.

Not much happening here today, we did go to the grocery store during the senior hour first thing this morning.  I need to travel to a neighboring city this afternoon to drop off a quilt on a guilds members  front porch.  She will be doing the quilting on her long arm  machine for me, this quilt is just too big for me to do it on my sewing machine.  Then to another members front porch to pick up some small batting pieces for the placemats our group is making.   

Not sure what Hubby is up to today, I know he is just itching to be able to get outside and do things out there.  He is going to make a garden shed for his daughter, but  it is a bit too cold to do that outside just yet.  Plus he is not sure if there is sufficient lumber at the stores right now to do it.  His daughters' neighbour  wants to finish building a fence, however, there is no lumber available for that.

Dinner tonight, our usual Tuesday chicken, scalloped potatoes , veg and salad, dessert there are two portions of chocolate mousses left, so that is all taken care of.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Looking Better

 Yesterday's weather was not nice at all, cold rain and windy, when we went bed last night the rain had flakes of snow mixed in with it.  This morning, there was a little snow on the roof tops.  Now the sun is shining but it is still cold.   Cannot expect much more than that I suppose it is still March.

My youngest daughter has invited us for Easter dinner on Saturday, I usually take dessert when she has us over for a meal.  I have decided to make carrot cake.  (Bunny!.......carrots)  lol.   I have a recipe that I always use, it is so yummy with the cream cheese frosting.

Hubby was at the dentist this morning, not happy when he came home, he has a small cavity that needs to be attended to, so he is back there again on Thursday.   He had a chipped tooth repaired a couple of weeks ago, today a cleaning and now the filling, it is costing him a small fortune.  Dentists are so expensive.  I am fortunate my late husband had a good government health care plan that was transferred to me, so I get my dental work almost paid for by this plan.

He was reading in the paper about a couple who had won a lot of money in the lottery and they were hoping to go to California for their wedding anniversary, which is where they spent their honeymoon .  Obviously that likely won't be any time soon.  Anyway, Hubby was asking, when our anniversary is. ... well we are not married, so we really do not have an anniversary.   I moved in with him on August 4th, so we decided that is our anniversary date.  So, now I am hoping the virus will allow us to celebrate somehow on that date.  We can only hope.  We both have a milestone birthday this year, so maybe we can combine anniversary and birthdays together and have big celebration.

Now, to find the carrot cake recipe and make sure I have all the ingredients I need because tomorrow is early grocery shopping day. 

Back to now.....dinner is beef au jus, squash and salad, dessert chocolate mousse.  

Have a great Monday.


Sunday, March 28, 2021


 It was quite dark when I woke at 7:05 a.m. as the clouds were hanging quite low and it was raining.  Much needed rain, I might add.  In the coming days we will almost see the grass growing and more plants starting to come alive.   

Hubby cooked our usual scrambled egg breakfast again this morning.  In the past he has never had to do any cooking, after his wife passed his meals consisted of fast food, and opening a can of pasta stuff.  I hope he is healthier since I have been preparing better meals for him.   He enjoys his food, but always restricts the amount, so stays at a constant weight he feels comfortable at.  Quite slim and trim for his age. 

I worked in my sewing room yesterday, I wanted to make the blocks I am currently working on a bit larger, so had to do some designing for that to happen.  I am liking how the block is looking now, so will continue with those and will need to get some additional light grey fabric for the other blocks.  I was hoping to use fabric I already had in my stash, but had to buy a contrasting colour and the grey just mentioned.  Then I also need to decide what design I am going to use for the place mats our group is doing.  During this pandemic and lockdowns we have had,'t know what I would have done  in the Winter months if I didn't have my sewing to keep me busy.  

I am writing my memoirs for my children and wanted to research the village I lived in prior to coming to Canada.  I Googled it and to my surprise and almost shock, what was the first picture I saw on  Wikipedia but the house I lived in.  Oh! it brought back some memories, it had not changed much in the 67 years , I went onto the Google street view map and saw my Dad's farm, the places where my friends lived, the road I walked to school on, and the places where I played.  The village goes all the way back to 1268, which surprised me as I did not know this before.   Google and the computer is a marvelous thing.  Hubby and I were planning on going to England so that I could show him where I lived, introduce him to my friends and also the relatives I still have there, but COVID got in the way, maybe some day in the future, hoping that will happen.  In the past I have been back to the village twice, since I left, but that was also a long time ago.  

Dinner tonight is leftovers from last nights dinner, I do not bother with a big Sunday dinner as I use to do, when we would have family over for a meal.    

Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Catch Up


It was a glorious day, temp went up to 22*C and sunny.  I went for my 1 1/2mile walk in my shirt sleeves.

21*C is the magic number., the magic number for what???   The top down on the convertible, yes, these two old birds went for a 1 1/2 hour drive in the country.  Not much to see yet, but it was so nice to get out of the house and just go.  

 We had homemade beef and mushroom pot pies for dinner, they were delicious if I do say so myself.

We did have some rain overnight, not sure how much, as no rain gauge out yet.  Note to self, get it out soon.


It was a cloudy day and very very windy, as the day wore on it became colder and colder ending up at 5*C, a stark difference from the previous days.  

It was one of those days where absolutely nothing was done.   I did help Hubby do some things on his computer, but that was about it.  Lazy.....I blame it on the weather.

Dinner was fast food, yes I was even THAT lazy.  Oh but it felt nice not to cook.

Today Saturday:

Cloudy again to start the day and cold but warming up to about 13*C by the end of the day with clearing skies.

What rain we had on Thursday night did make a difference in the lawn, the grass is getting greener and the lilac bushes have bigger leaf buds, my daffodils are almost out.  

I plan on doing some housework today, not that it needs a lot done, the laundry is now in progress.  Then I will do some sewing on the quilt I am currently doing.   

We had our Zoom guild meeting on Thursday evening, and we as a group make comfort quilts for the chemo patients at a local hospital, however, I am pleased to say they have more quilts than patients right now, so our focus has changed.  We will be making placemats for Meals on Wheels clients for the balance of the year.  Each member will be making two each month for the next six months, so that will provide a placemat for each client at several M on W.  units in the area.

Still no side affects from the covid vaccination, so that is good, don't expect any now.

Dinner tonight, not sure yet, I do have some beef stew left but not enough for two, so may have to think up something to add to the meat line for dinner.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 The weather forecast predicted showers this morning, so far we have not had enough moisture to even wet the path.   It is early, so there could be more.

Doing some housework this morning and then we go for our shot at noon, back home after that for more housework.  It has been slipping these past couple of days, just too nice to be inside.

All of the burlap is now off the small trees we planted a couple of years ago, they did very well during the Winter, no killed branches at all, so pleased we did wrap them.  The snowdrops are still looking lovely and there are a few crocus in bloom, where they came from I have no idea.  The daffodils are getting bigger and so are the buds on the lilac.  I can't wait until there is some colour in the garden.  The geraniums I am over wintering in the house are producing a lot of flowers, so very pleased with that.   

 Hubby worked on his lawn tractor yesterday afternoon, he is very particular about everything he does, so it all has to be perfect.  Today he will be painting a rust preventative on the mower deck.  He is happy to be able to be busy outside.  

Not sure what we will have for dinner tonight,  I believe I have been cooking too much food, so going to start reducing the quantity that I cook.  We still have some of the strawberry dessert I made, so will clean that up for dessert.  

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Last Day

 Today will likely be the last day of sunny skies for a few days, as we are expecting the clouds to roll in overnight and showers tomorrow and Thursday, with rain on Friday.  We could use a little rain as the ground has dried up very nicely since all of the snow as melted.  The winds that we have had most days also helped dry up the ground.

Hubby worked on the lawn tractor yesterday, getting it ready so when the lawn needs to be cut he will be all set to go.  It is starting to green up quite nicely, just needs the rain to get it really growing.

I went for a 1 1/2 mile walk yesterday, have not done that for some time due to the slippery conditions we have been having.  It certainly felt good to get the blood running through the veins again.  

As it was Tuesday again, a trip to the grocery store early this morning was on the agenda.  There were more people in the store than I have seen for quite awhile.  I like getting the groceries early in the morning, the only negative is the fresh produce is still being displayed and some not even out in the coolers at all.   We always buy a BBQ chicken from the store later Tuesday afternoons, that is our dinner meat for the day, so if some items are not out in the morning Hubby picks them up when he get the chicken.

As I said chicken for dinner, rice, asparagus and we have some of the strawberry dessert left, so will clear that up for dessert.  

Not much else happening in my world today, will just enjoy the weather and get outside while I can.

Monday, March 22, 2021


 Yes, it is a beautiful day in the neighbourhood, the sun is shining and it is warm.  I like these Spring days, however, come Wed. they will come to a halt, as we are predicted some wet weather and cooler temps.  April showers are going to be a bit early, but if March showers bring May flowers let it come.  I am ready.

I finished sewing the binding down on the comfort quilt J and I were paired up to put together.  This is the blocks that members of the guild made for April 2020, but due to you know what, it has taken a little longer than normal to get it put together, quilted and finished.  I am loving the way it looks.  Members were given a piece of the green fabric which  had to be used in the block for the leaves and stem, they could then add any bright colour they chose to make the tulip, which was also a requirement for the block.

Having our lunch outside was really nice yesterday, the patio is sheltered from any breezes, so it was just perfect for a picnic. 

This morning we completed the consent forms for our COVID vaccination on Wed.  Apparently, the age bracket is now opened up for 75 year old's and up, but no one can go to the Dr. or pharmacy yet to get the shot.  Only specific centres are open for the present.  Things are beginning to look more positive than they were, so hope it continues. 

The steak Hubby cooked for dinner last night was very nice.  Tonight we are have BBQ ribs.

Going to finish this and go for a walk, it is just too nice to stay in the house today.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

We are on a roll

Another frost morning which is now beautiful and sunny day, feeling warmer than it was yesterday, it is almost lunch time, so thinking it maybe picnic time on the patio which is a bit sheltered from the breeze we have, which is still a bit cool.

The leaves on the daffodils are getting taller and the buds are looking a little bit fatter, so blooms should b here soon.   Snowdrops are still looking as fresh as ever, and now I have some crocus out in the garden at the back door.  Spring has now sprung.

Hubby did such a good job cooking the burgers last night I am going to get him to do a steak for our dinner tonight.  I made the strawberry dessert last night but it is lacking in a bit of flavour, so not sure if I will make it again.  I did have some frozen strawberries, so I cooked them down to make a sauce to go over the dessert, which made it better than it was.

Not much going on today, I am going to make the label for the comfort quilt and just sit outside to finish sewing the binding.

So now preparing lunch 

Have a great day. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Frosty Morning

After dinner last night we had to run an errand to Hubby's son's house.  When we drove into the driveway we were away from most of the city lights and could see the clear sky full of stars and also the moon.   The air was crisp so we knew it would be a cold night.  We woke to a frosty morning, which soon gave away to a beautiful sunny day, but it was still cool.  We were forecast a warm day, so looking forward to that.

Hubby received a call yesterday from the man who he stores his Mustang for the Winter.  His car is the last one in so it has to be the first one out.  We picked it up this morning.  It started up right away and purred all the way home.  Now all we have to do is wait for the temp to get up to 21*C, which is the coldest temp we feel comfortable at when riding with the top down.   We are hoping that when it gets that warm, and there are toilets open (we are at an age where they are considered an essential service)  we can get out for drives.

Did a little more spring cleaning again today, laundry all done, folded and put away and a pair of pants patched.

Hubby doesn't know it yet but he is cooking dinner on the BBQ, cheese burgers are on the menu for dinner tonight and I have just made a strawberry dessert from the diabetic cook book I have.  The number on the scales keeps on getting higher and higher, from the lack of exercise and eating too much comfort food, so we are making an effort to do something about it.  Starting with what we are putting in our mouths.  

 Have a great weekend.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring Cleaning

 Started to spring clean our basement level of the house this morning.  

We live within a short walk of a major Canadian University, and in the past Hubby rented out the bedrooms, bathroom, kitchenette and a private entrance in the basement to two female students.   He does not do that anymore as the young people these days want  accommodation with all the modern amenities and more. These rooms are perfectly fine but not as up to date as maybe they should be. They bedrooms are still ready for any visitors who are staying overnight. The kitchen cupboards are now storing extra small appliances that I brought with me and picnic and BBQ utensils, etc. etc.   Today was the day to do a spring clean of the kitchenette.  Somethings will go to the thrift shop, some to the recycle and other bits of this and that will go in the garbage.   It feels good to get that job finished.  On to the large bedroom next, not looking forward to that as the two closets are full.  

It looks lovely outside, beautiful sunshine and blue skies but it is still cold in the wind, the weekend and Mon and Tues. are predicted to be warmer.  I have a love hate relashionship with this time of the year.  I love that the snow is gone, I don't have to bundle up as if I am going to the North Pole just to take kitchen scraps to the compost bin.  I love seeing the new green sprouts of promised flowers, coming out of the ground. The sights of Robins and Tundra Swans and the little chipmunk all indicating everything is alive and well.  But I hate the fact that I cannot get out and really get the garden started for the season, such as planting the tomato plants for those juicy little morsels that go in my salads.  Going to the garden centre for annuals to bring some colour to the flower beds.  Preparing the planters on the front porch  to welcome visitor, (that is if we were able to have visitors).  Patience is a virtue so "they" say, so wait I must.  Here in this neck of the woods we really cannot count of not having a killing frost until after the 24th of May, which is the official opening day of "getting your garden ready for Summer" day.

This afternoon I am going to do more work on the binding of the comfort quilt, it is a long way around this large lap quilt.   I will post a phot of it when it is completed.  I really like it, nice and Spring like.

Dinner tonight, its Friday so salmon not sure what else yet. dessert we will finish up the strawberries and shortcake. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021


I am so fortunate to live in the area I do.  On the north end of a city and in the country too.   The wooded area, a small river and meadow lands  on the opposite side of the street are home to lots of wildlife.  I have mentioned the deer we see on a regular basis, and last night did not disappoint.  Four doe and a male with his rack held high walked down the street and back into the land behind the Monastery across the street.  Last week we had the turkey and this morning a fox with his bushy tail was seen crossing the street.  My camera was not readily available and he went so fast anyway no photo was captured.  

This fellow looks as if he is well fed and ready for the table.  
My guild quilt block for the month of March.  Can you spot the OOOPPses ?   Its not a mistake it is a design element,   lol  that's my story and I am sticking to it.

We had a brief shower this morning, its windy and still cloudy and that is the forecast for the rest of the day.  

When finished here I will be seeing what is for our dinner tonight.  We had another strawberry shortcake last night for dessert, still some left so that is that course all made.

Bye for now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Hump Day

 When I was working that is what everyone  in the office called Wednesday, by noon we would be on the downward slide to the weekend,  now it is just another day of the week.   The days all just seem to be the same these days, get up, do this, do that and do something else then go to bed.  But, maybe the better warmer weather will make a change in our days, out in the fresh air without having to be bundled up with winter gear.  Even the birds are sounding a bit more cheerful this morning, the daffodils are showing some buds, even the trees are showing larger buds of promised leaves and all of the snow we had yesterday had melted by noon.  So, there are many things to be thankful for on this hump day.   Next hump day, we both get our 1st  COVID shot.

This morning we got our groceries, we usually go Tuesdays however, the roads were not in good shape yesterday, so decided to go today.  All of the specials that I wanted to get were all sold out, and tomorrow must be the delivery day for fresh fruit, veg and flowers as the shelves were lacking in all of those.  Lesson learned.

I was a beautiful morning albeit dark when we left the house, but now sun shining and a promise of a nice day.  I have a couple of errands to do and Hubby needs to go to the dentist as he chipped a tooth on Monday, chewing a vitamin we both take for our eye health. 

Once home I should get my rear in gear and do some housework, the sunshine has a habit of showing the dust on everything.  Then I want to start hand sewing the binding down on a comfort quilt, as I want to send a photo of it to our member who prepares a presentation for our Zoom meeting which is next week.

Dinner tonight,  have not decided yet but should soon, so that is what I am off to do right now.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

It's back

Winter.....we had a fall of snow overnight, not a lot but it also looks as if we had some freezing rain also.  The forecast is for wet snow or rain this afternoon, it all depends on the temperatures.   Extended forecast indicates warmer temps and sunshine on the weekend.

We were planning on getting our groceries this morning as we usually do, however,  decided to put it off until tomorrow morning when the roads are in better shape, they were very slippery this morning.  Don't want any accidents this late in the season.

As I have mentions previously  the quilting guild I belong to make comfort quilts each month for the chemo unit at a local hospital.  Every month each member makes a block, which must include the pattern or fabric, two members have chosen for that particular month.  I have just completed the block for the month of  March, for which some gray fabric was supplied and we were to add light and dark purple to complete the star block requested.  I made a big OOOPS cutting the gray fabric a little short on four pieces, so had to add more to make it the correct size and I just had enough left over to do that.  It does not show too much in the final block and once all the quilting is done I hope it does not show.  

Today, Hubby wanted a lot of information printed from his investing web site, so that has been out morning task, have done nothing else.  Just had lunch a couple hours late, so dinner is going to be late tonight too.   Nothing much else to do really, so  I don't mind.  Plan on doing some sewing this afternoon as I need to get some binding sewn on a quilt. 

Dinner tonight chicken veg, salad. still have some rice pudding to use up so dessert all taken care of.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Jet Lag

 This past weekend we put our clocks ahead an hour, as a result I am suffering from a slight case of jet lag.  My body clock is taking it's time to readjust, give me another day and I should be all sorted out.

Yesterday, we masked up and went to my great grandson's 11th birthday,  he liked his new shirt and pants, "Granny, they match the colour of my new shoes", who knew.   Ice cream cake or cup cakes were offered with the required candles, only two "one's" were needed.   We also acknowledged my grand daughters birthday, which was March 8th and also her husband's which is today, March 15th.  

We had another stop to make as Hubby's daughter lives close to where we went for the birthday celebrations.  She needed a couple of small trees cut down, so we killed two birds with one stone.  It was a nice sunny day, but the wind was bitter, it cut through like a knife and as a result from standing outside while the trees were felled, I got chilled to the bone and did not really warm up until later that evening.

Last night we watched the Grammy Music Award show on TV.  I understand these  people are performers and perform they did.  One in particular, in my opinion, did more than perform,  at one time I thought I was watching a porn movie.  I am not a prude,  but this act went just a bit too far.  Yes...I can also turn off the TV and not watch, but I did not.   I know hair is just hair and clothes make the woman or man, but ......  I also understand that tattoos are in fashion right now,  and it is the choice of some people to have them,  I am not a fan, there not a limit to them?   I respect the choices of people who want them, don't get me wrong, however, I often wonder why.  Am I old fashioned, yes maybe I am, a person who remembers The Ed Sullivan Show only being allowed to show Elvis from the waist up.  Couples on a sitcom  were not allowed to be shown in the same bed, even Lucy and Desi who were married, had to be shown sleeping in twin beds.  I have had my rant.........................

Today, is a lovely sunny day, albeit cold, temp went down to -6*C last night and my poor snowdrops are hanging their heads.   Tomorrow is sounding as if it might be warmer with rain in the forecast.

Indoor jobs being done today, housework and some sewing this afternoon. 

Dinner tonight, left over scalloped potatoes,  I have a cauliflower to use up but not sure what meat we will have yet.  

Saturday, March 13, 2021


Yesterday we  had Easter dinner walking through our back garden, no not a pig, but a fat wild  turkey.   We had five come walking though just about the same time last year.  They must be looking for something good to eat as pickings must be getting low in the usual habitat.  

We have another lovely sunny day but it is cold, went down to -3*C last night.   Perfect days for the sap to run, and from all the newspaper articles and  TV reports it is a good year for the syrup producers.  Usually the school children are visiting the sugar bushes for a school trip or parents are taking them there during the March break period, however, none of that is happening this Spring.  I am not really a fan of maple syrup, do you like it?

The pancakes I remember having as a child were a crepe and we would have them for a dessert.  Mum would make them nice and thin, we would then squeeze lemon juice and a dusting of sugar on them and roll them into a log.  yummy.  I should make them soon, as just writing about them  I can taste them in my mouth.  Have you any had crepes like this?    Having just said that, when Hubby and I were travelling out to Western Canada, we drove through the U.S. the hotel we were staying had a big restaurant, and we were both hungry so ordered the blueberry pancakes, they were so fluffy and light and stuffed full of blueberries.  We also had the choice of several  syrups, maple, blueberry and many more.   Delicious and they kept us satisfied until dinner.

OMG I am making myself hungry and I've just had a late lunch.

Laundry washed, dried and everything put away.   Not much else happening here today as I am suffering from a bit of vertigo again.  Just did the Epley maneuver which helps to clear it up almost immediately.  

Dinner tonight is going to be something that does not require a lot of prep, on the menu, BBQ ribs, a veg not sure what yet,  

Well, that is all for today.

Friday, March 12, 2021

New record

 Yesterday's weather was no where near what was forecast, which was cloudy with showers in the afternoon.  We did have a few clouds in the morning, but the skies soon cleared and we set record high temps for this area.  Can you believe it went up to 20.6*C, it was a glorious day.  It is forecast to be cooler today, but the sun is shining and it is warm in the protected areas of the garden. 

Very little snow remains, only in very shady areas where the plow piled it.  My daffodils leaves are getting taller and it looks as if the tete a tete daffodils are showing some buds.   I would like to get some more of  those in the Fall, as I really like them.  There were robins on our lawns this morning, so Spring is near.  When Hubby retrieved the newspaper from the mail box there was a very strong odour  which indicated the skunks are out of hibernation.  I also saw a ground hog a couple of days ago, so the warm weather is telling them its  time to get up.  

Not much planned for today, but I am sure I will find something to do, either housework wise, (there is always something to do in that regard) or go in the sewing room.  I would love to get in the garden but it is just too wet to do anything yet and we could get some miserable weather in the coming days, so really not much point in getting too hasty.

Yesterday, I had a slight case of vertigo, Gravol  tablets helped to calm my stomach,  I have a lingering headache today,  which is caused by tension in my neck to keep my head level, so I do not get dizzy.  It will pass as I get mobile and doing things today.

The tacos we had last night were really nice for a change, there is enough of the meat mixture left over for the same tonight.  I am so glad Hubby is not a fussy eater, and has no problem with leftovers for a couple of days.  Some members of my family would throw it out, I just cannot do that, so we have leftovers.   Usually once a week we raid the fridge and pull out bits of this and bits of that which have been saved from a previous meal, but not really enough for another and we have a buffet of numerous dishes.  I am so glad we bought a new microwave oven a couple of weeks ago, I rely on it to warm all of these leftovers.  Do you save leftovers?  Disguise them as something else, or serve as they were the first time around?   Or do you  throw them out?

So dinner tonight is tacos, salad and chocolate mousse.

No prep it's all done.  I like these kind of days.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


The overnight forecast was rain, we did  not get any, the forecast for today rain, so far we have had none.  The temp did not go below 13*C last night, so a lot more snow has gone this morning.  Only piles made by the snow plow are remaining.  The snow was covering up all of the litter that people just toss on the ground,  will need to go out on the road and do some picking up.  

Not much on the agenda today,  do need to get the vacuum out and do a quick dust,  after that I will do some prep work for dinner and then some sewing.

Hubby has been busy with the online investing he has become interested in since  retiring.  He has only been interested in computer work since he has been home and during the past Winter it has kept him busy learning everything he needs to know.  I help him as much as I can, but I don't know a lot, wish I did.  But, with my son and Hubby's son both in the computer  programming field  we can get help with almost anything computer related.  

Hubby has his monthly appointment with his chriopractor this afternoon and he plans on going to his daughters house to do a couple of chores for her.

I have  put on a few extra pounds over the Winter, so now making a conscious effort to cut down,  not eliminate, some of the carbs and sweets I have been consuming.  I do believe I have been using food as a comfort tool during the combination of the pandemic and  the Winter.   Once I can get out and work in the garden I will feel  better, fresh warm air and dirt under my finger nails always makes me feel good.

Dinner tonight will be soft shell tacos a salad and chocolate mousse for dessert.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Is it here?

 The calendar says, not yet, but I see signs everywhere.

What is it?  SPRING

Today we did have beautiful sun but the clouds have moved in for the predicted rain tonight and tomorrow.  The temp went up to 18*C and it is a lovely day, albeit a bit windy.  

How do I know spring is just around the corner, there are signs everywhere I look.

The snowdrop blooms are beginning to open, I just love these little flowers, it amazes me how they can grown beneath the snow like they do.  Once the flowers are in full bloom they last for months.

The daffodils leaves on the hillside garden are now about three inches tall now.

I saw lots of flies on the white fence at the back of the hillside garden.

A chipmunk was sitting on the front porch this morning, feasting on the seeds left by the birds.

My sister has had robins in her front yard yesterday and again today.

The Tundra Swans are resting in a pond not very far from us, they are on the way up North and always stop at this spot every year.  Hubby and I saw them last year there were thousands of them.  Such beautiful creatures.

This coming weekend we Spring Forward, by putting our clocks ahead an hour.

So there you go.....Spring is just around the corner.

 At the present time Ontario is starting to vaccinate the 80+ old residents, as Hubby and I will not be 80 years old until later in the year we assumed we would be included in the next age bracket.  Never assume anything.  There is an article in the newspaper this morning, which states,  it is not your age that determines when you are eligible it is the year you were born.  It went on to say, if you were born in 1941, but still not had your birthday this  year, you are considered 80 years old.   Sc this old bird.  lol, gets on the web site and low and behold  I was able to register us and we get our shot later this month. .  We had now problem registering, but there were only a few open times available.  Actually, I am glad we did not know about the fact we could register prior to today, because I am sure there are some 80 year old's in more need of the vaccine than Hubby and I. so it gave them a chance to get there shot before us.

Dinner tonight...left over pork roast,  veg and lemon meringue pie for dessert.


Tuesday, March 09, 2021


 Have to go and get some errands done today, already done the groceries, but need to pick up Rx's, birthday clothes, soaps from Bath and Body, they have a sale, and I love there hand soaps, also need to go to the bank machine for a bit of cash.  Other, things to pick up, here there and everywhere. 

Worked on my grand daughters album yesterday afternoon, just a few more drawings that she did when she was little and gave to her grandfather and me.  I saved a lot of those drawings for all of my grandchildren.  I also have a couple from my great grands.  One item in particular I am keeping is a rose petal.   When my Mother passed away, all of her grandchildren and great grands, placed red roses on her coffin.  Only the eldest of my great grands was at the funeral, and when it was his turn to place the rose, he noticed that I was crying, and he took one of the petals off the rose before placing where he wanted to on the coffin and then handed me the petal.   "Don't cry, Granny" he said,  "Keep this to remember your Mum".  So I now have this petal in a little box in my guest bedroom.  

He is such a wise, thoughtful young man.  I just hope that in the future he is not on the end of racial issues.   He Daddy is originally from a country in Africa,  so he has quite dark skin  and very curly hair.  Love him to bits as well as all of his siblings.  

We have lovely sunshine this morning and the snow is slowly melting, my snowdrops are free of their white blanket, and I can see  some tulip and daffodil leaves starting to peek out of the soil.  On Saturday next, we put our clocks ahead an hour,  the evenings will be longer but unfortunately will not be able to do much outside for awhile.

Dinner tonight is our usual chicken, asparagus and might do some rice.  On the weekend I made some strawberry turnovers as I had found some puff pastry in the freezer when we were cleaning it, so wanted to use it up.  We have two left so that is dessert all sorted.   Hubby loves that kind of pastry, so another package in now in the freezer.

Sunday, March 07, 2021


When we woke this morning we were greeted with grey skies, which looked as if that was going to be our weather for today, however, now at 9:45 a.m. we have beautiful blue sky and sunshine.  There is still a bit of nip in the air from all of the snow still on the ground, that needs to melt before the air starts to warm up.

Our patio is at the back of the house and it is protected from the wind, it is so nice we though, lunch would be nice out there today, but I believe that is pushing it a bit.  The weather for the next few days is looking promising, with temps in the low double digits, so we my be able to do lunch outside on one of those days.

This morning we decided to clean out the freezer, this job had been on our to do  list for a long time so today was the day.  It did not take long, not as much ice build up as we had expected.  It is an old chest type freezer, works like a charm, but I cannot reach the bottom of it, so Hubby had to do that.  All spic and span, food all arranged, good job done.

Tomorrow is my second eldest grand daughter's birthday, and I am working on the photo album for her.  Tomorrow, I need to go an buy great grand son's birthday gift, his B-day is the 13th of March.  I also have an I Spy quilt for the little ones in the family.  I sent E birthday card in the mail as he mentioned to his grand mother, he never gets any mail.  

Not much happening around this neck of the woods today.  

Dinner tonight is some left over shaved beef roast, squash, brussle sprouts and I found some pff pastry in the freezer so will use that to make dessert.

Friday, March 05, 2021

Ooops forgot

 As I have mentioned in previous posts, I intend to write the poem etc on the first of the month page in a new birthday reminder book.  So here on March 5th is the one for this month.

Birthstone:  Aquamarine or bloodstone.

Elements:  Pisces is the water sign.  These signs are artistic, emotional and perceptive.

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

Who in this world of ours their eyes

In March first open shall be wise;

In days of peril firm and brave,

And wear a bloodstone to their grave.

Yesterday,  I started to clean cupboards in the kitchen, ,,, ,Spring clearing has started in this house.  I plan on doing something every morning, finishing up one room at a time.  Behind  and under the stove and fridge was done last week.  Working on the food cupboards today,  The kitchen is not dirty by any means but just knowing everything has been sorted out and cleaned makes everything nice and fresh again.   When the weather improves Hubby will be given the task of cleaning the window.  

Two years ago my Mother passed away, where has that time gone.  It certainly does not seem that long ago.  Miss telling her of all the comings and goings of the family.  She would be pleased, everyone is well.  I don't know how she would have accepted the situation we are presently in.  She was in a nursing home, so none of the family would have been able to visit her and as her eye sight was not very good she would have never been able to see us through the window if we were outside.   So I am glad she has not had to live through COVID.

Dinner tonight:  Salmon, Mushrooms, another veg, salad and strawberry shortcake  for dessert.

Thursday, March 04, 2021

Mixed bag

We have had cloudy skies, a brief snow storm that last all but a few minutes, wind to blow that snow all around, now there is some blue sky  white fluffy clouds and sunshine, but it is cool.  Much different than it was yesterday.  

Hope to get more done today than yesterday, as if was a lost cause for getting tucked into doing anything around the house.  The kitchen floor needs attention, and when the sun shines through the windows I can see the dust specks on the furniture.  I have started a photo album for D one of my grand daughters her birthday is coming up soon, so will have it ready for when I see her, masked and socially distanced.  My eldest great grandson E has a birthday of the 13th. he will be eleven years old, and a very handsome young lad.  He is going to be a tall boy, a baskets ball player?  possibly.   I give clothes to my greats  and he is now in size 14-16 size clothes, off to the men's store by the sounds of it.  Will need to do that this coming week.

Better get off of here and get all that work done.

Dinner tonight, not sure at the present time, should think about it soon though.  So that is me off for today.

Wednesday, March 03, 2021


When we woke the sun was just starting to rise and a promise of a nice sunny day,  It has turned out to be just a lovely day, the sun is warm and more snow has melted.

Today, we attended the funeral of A, so pleased it is a nice day.  Rainy days always make a funeral more sad.

Due to Covid, we needed to make a reservation to attend the visitation, so yesterday Hubby made one for the slot of 10:00- 11:15 a.m.  We could not go to the funeral service due to the capacity limits, so will watch it streaming on the computer.  We then went to the cemetery for the service there. 

I have a funny, will may funny is not the right word

As mentioned above, Hubby made the reservation early yesterday, Tuesday, I then needed to go to the store to pick up a couple of things I needed.  I told him I would be back shortly.   I was gone longer than he thought I would be and began to worry that I would not be back in time for the visitation.  He proceeded to get dressed in his suit etc. expecting me to arrive home momentarily.  However, at this point time time, he though that, I was never late for any appointment and that I must have been in an accident and was unable to contact him.  So he came looking for me.   He saw me on the street and it looked as if I was heading home, however, I went to another store.  He proceeded to come home and wait for me.  But, of course that did not happen.  It was getting late, so he decided to go to the funeral home expecting me to realize it was getting late too and I would meet him there instead of coming home and going together.  He pulls into the empty parking lot of the funeral home, and even that did not click in.  He also knocked on the door and asked if A was resting there and was told yes, however, the funeral was tomorrow WEDNESDAY.

In the mean time I had come home and the bag he has his suit in was on the bed, white shirt etc all gone. I do not know why he would be wearing it today, so though he had to do something regarding A. with some legal stuff.  There was no note either, so must assume he left in a hurry.  Still wondering, he returns, comes in the door and said "Get the white coats and straight jackets ready"   He then tells me what he did, we had a good laugh and now he is wondering if his mind is going.  

Not much done today around the house, it seems we have been coming and going all day.

Dinner tonight fettuccine noodles, alfredo sauce and meatballs with a salad.  Too full for dessert  tonight.

Monday, March 01, 2021

Sap and the Dentist

 March 1st

Pinch and a punch the first of the month,  do kids do that any more, I think not.

Things are looking a bit more Springy every day, the snow is slowly melting, there are more birds coming to the feeders and they appear to be more active too.  On my Facebook this morning a friend posted some photo's of the sap buckets hanging on the Maple trees and they look as if the sap is running fast.  She mentioned it was looking to be a good season for the maple syrup this year.   

I have a dental appointment this afternoon, just a regular check up, no oother work needs to be done, that I am aware of.   I have to travel to the city I moved from for this appointment and need to do several errands there also, so a busy day ahead by the sounds of it.

We had a lazy day yesterday, Hubby cooked breakfast for us again, that has become his job for Sunday morning, and it is nice to have a leisurely breakfast cooked for me.   I am thinking he should move on to more time in the kitchen, but he is not that way inclined.   He does lunch once in awhile but it is usually a sandwich, so nothing too involved in doing that.  Two pieces of bread, butter and a filling, some carrot sticks, celery and radish.  Usually fruit for dessert.  To be honest, I rather like just me in the kitchen doing my own thing.  When we have our families over for dinners, (my that seems ages ago), I always like everyone to visit in the living room while I am preparing, once that is done, they can assist in bringing everything to the table.  What is your routine for cooking a large meal for family, same as mine or do you enlist help?

Depending on what time I get home tonight, dinner, might be a "just grab and go", and my Mother use to say.  Think it might be a pizza and a large salad, quick and easy.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...