Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Hump Day

 When I was working that is what everyone  in the office called Wednesday, by noon we would be on the downward slide to the weekend,  now it is just another day of the week.   The days all just seem to be the same these days, get up, do this, do that and do something else then go to bed.  But, maybe the better warmer weather will make a change in our days, out in the fresh air without having to be bundled up with winter gear.  Even the birds are sounding a bit more cheerful this morning, the daffodils are showing some buds, even the trees are showing larger buds of promised leaves and all of the snow we had yesterday had melted by noon.  So, there are many things to be thankful for on this hump day.   Next hump day, we both get our 1st  COVID shot.

This morning we got our groceries, we usually go Tuesdays however, the roads were not in good shape yesterday, so decided to go today.  All of the specials that I wanted to get were all sold out, and tomorrow must be the delivery day for fresh fruit, veg and flowers as the shelves were lacking in all of those.  Lesson learned.

I was a beautiful morning albeit dark when we left the house, but now sun shining and a promise of a nice day.  I have a couple of errands to do and Hubby needs to go to the dentist as he chipped a tooth on Monday, chewing a vitamin we both take for our eye health. 

Once home I should get my rear in gear and do some housework, the sunshine has a habit of showing the dust on everything.  Then I want to start hand sewing the binding down on a comfort quilt, as I want to send a photo of it to our member who prepares a presentation for our Zoom meeting which is next week.

Dinner tonight,  have not decided yet but should soon, so that is what I am off to do right now.


  1. Our days are the same, Pat. No real ebb or flow to them... they're all the same. But that's ok too, I suppose. I remember having a list a mile long, of chores that I needed hubby's help with, ready for the weekend when he was off work. I'm glad those days are behind me. You should order-in your dinner tonight like we are. I figure it's St. Patrick's Day... any little excuse for a treat during these depressing pandemic days. If it were not for this virus, hubby, youngest daughter and I would have gone to our local watering hole for some green beer. *lol* Oh well... maybe next year. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Meant to type "our days are the same TOO, Pat". :-)


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...