Sunday, March 07, 2021


When we woke this morning we were greeted with grey skies, which looked as if that was going to be our weather for today, however, now at 9:45 a.m. we have beautiful blue sky and sunshine.  There is still a bit of nip in the air from all of the snow still on the ground, that needs to melt before the air starts to warm up.

Our patio is at the back of the house and it is protected from the wind, it is so nice we though, lunch would be nice out there today, but I believe that is pushing it a bit.  The weather for the next few days is looking promising, with temps in the low double digits, so we my be able to do lunch outside on one of those days.

This morning we decided to clean out the freezer, this job had been on our to do  list for a long time so today was the day.  It did not take long, not as much ice build up as we had expected.  It is an old chest type freezer, works like a charm, but I cannot reach the bottom of it, so Hubby had to do that.  All spic and span, food all arranged, good job done.

Tomorrow is my second eldest grand daughter's birthday, and I am working on the photo album for her.  Tomorrow, I need to go an buy great grand son's birthday gift, his B-day is the 13th of March.  I also have an I Spy quilt for the little ones in the family.  I sent E birthday card in the mail as he mentioned to his grand mother, he never gets any mail.  

Not much happening around this neck of the woods today.  

Dinner tonight is some left over shaved beef roast, squash, brussle sprouts and I found some pff pastry in the freezer so will use that to make dessert.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like some wonderful birthdays are coming up, Pat. Best of wishes for everyone. Getting that freezer cleaned out is a relief, I know. I feel the same way when ours is done too. Hubby and I have gone on some very "daring" motorcycle rides, weather-wise. As long as the temperature is 43*F and the roads are clear, we know we can go. We don't do that quite as often as we used to, as these old bones of mine get mighty chilled these days, but we have on occasion. I remember one November day in 2018, we wanted to get the backyard leaves cleaned up for the final time before winter... so we bundled up for the task. Well, around lunchtime it started to snow. I always pack sandwiches for lunch before we start working, so I won't have to do it at lunchtime. Well, when it was time to eat, we got out the lawnchairs, sat down, and ate our sandwiches.... with the snow coming down around us. *ha-ha* So bundle up and eat that lunch on the porch, honey. You never know what tomorrow may bring. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...