Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring Cleaning

 Started to spring clean our basement level of the house this morning.  

We live within a short walk of a major Canadian University, and in the past Hubby rented out the bedrooms, bathroom, kitchenette and a private entrance in the basement to two female students.   He does not do that anymore as the young people these days want  accommodation with all the modern amenities and more. These rooms are perfectly fine but not as up to date as maybe they should be. They bedrooms are still ready for any visitors who are staying overnight. The kitchen cupboards are now storing extra small appliances that I brought with me and picnic and BBQ utensils, etc. etc.   Today was the day to do a spring clean of the kitchenette.  Somethings will go to the thrift shop, some to the recycle and other bits of this and that will go in the garbage.   It feels good to get that job finished.  On to the large bedroom next, not looking forward to that as the two closets are full.  

It looks lovely outside, beautiful sunshine and blue skies but it is still cold in the wind, the weekend and Mon and Tues. are predicted to be warmer.  I have a love hate relashionship with this time of the year.  I love that the snow is gone, I don't have to bundle up as if I am going to the North Pole just to take kitchen scraps to the compost bin.  I love seeing the new green sprouts of promised flowers, coming out of the ground. The sights of Robins and Tundra Swans and the little chipmunk all indicating everything is alive and well.  But I hate the fact that I cannot get out and really get the garden started for the season, such as planting the tomato plants for those juicy little morsels that go in my salads.  Going to the garden centre for annuals to bring some colour to the flower beds.  Preparing the planters on the front porch  to welcome visitor, (that is if we were able to have visitors).  Patience is a virtue so "they" say, so wait I must.  Here in this neck of the woods we really cannot count of not having a killing frost until after the 24th of May, which is the official opening day of "getting your garden ready for Summer" day.

This afternoon I am going to do more work on the binding of the comfort quilt, it is a long way around this large lap quilt.   I will post a phot of it when it is completed.  I really like it, nice and Spring like.

Dinner tonight, its Friday so salmon not sure what else yet. dessert we will finish up the strawberries and shortcake. 

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