Tuesday, March 09, 2021


 Have to go and get some errands done today, already done the groceries, but need to pick up Rx's, birthday clothes, soaps from Bath and Body, they have a sale, and I love there hand soaps, also need to go to the bank machine for a bit of cash.  Other, things to pick up, here there and everywhere. 

Worked on my grand daughters album yesterday afternoon, just a few more drawings that she did when she was little and gave to her grandfather and me.  I saved a lot of those drawings for all of my grandchildren.  I also have a couple from my great grands.  One item in particular I am keeping is a rose petal.   When my Mother passed away, all of her grandchildren and great grands, placed red roses on her coffin.  Only the eldest of my great grands was at the funeral, and when it was his turn to place the rose, he noticed that I was crying, and he took one of the petals off the rose before placing where he wanted to on the coffin and then handed me the petal.   "Don't cry, Granny" he said,  "Keep this to remember your Mum".  So I now have this petal in a little box in my guest bedroom.  

He is such a wise, thoughtful young man.  I just hope that in the future he is not on the end of racial issues.   He Daddy is originally from a country in Africa,  so he has quite dark skin  and very curly hair.  Love him to bits as well as all of his siblings.  

We have lovely sunshine this morning and the snow is slowly melting, my snowdrops are free of their white blanket, and I can see  some tulip and daffodil leaves starting to peek out of the soil.  On Saturday next, we put our clocks ahead an hour,  the evenings will be longer but unfortunately will not be able to do much outside for awhile.

Dinner tonight is our usual chicken, asparagus and might do some rice.  On the weekend I made some strawberry turnovers as I had found some puff pastry in the freezer when we were cleaning it, so wanted to use it up.  We have two left so that is dessert all sorted.   Hubby loves that kind of pastry, so another package in now in the freezer.

1 comment:

  1. I have an adopted daughter of color. She's our youngest and still at home, coming to our family when she was 11 weeks old. She's experienced racism already but not nearly as bad as most. What a dear & precious great grandson you have.... such a beautiful heart. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...