Sunday, May 31, 2020


Yes, it is even cooler this morning that it was yesterday, went down to five degrees C. last night. 
Sun shining, but the wind is strong, so making it feel colder than it really is.

Taking things easy today, a few muscles are hurting, I wish I would learn not to do so much, but never do seem to and then end up with too many aches and pains.  Should appreciate the fact that I can actually do all that I do, because so many people my age cannot.  Just have to start limiting what I do, I suppose.

Jumped on the scales this morning, you would think with everything I have been doing I would be  a skinny as a rail but  As soon as I look at food pounds seem to be put on.   Do you have a magic trick for loosing weight? 

Working in my sewing room today, making a paper pieced mariners star for a challenge quilt our guild is doing at the present time.  Not fond of paper piecing, but love the precise  way the fabric goes together.  Should do more of it to become better at doing it.  Do you paper piece when you quilt.

Cooking a beef roast for dinner, cauliflower and salads, not sure what is for dessert.

Stay safe, stay well.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Yesterday I mentioned the thunderstorms rolling through our area, after they were all finished we had some cold air, really cold.   Earlier last week it felt like the low 40"s today temp is trying hard to get over 14*C what a difference.   Walkers were actually wearing their Winter jackets as they went past the house.

Everything looks so fresh and green since the rain, there was almost 1/2 inch in the rain gauge when it was all done raining, maybe not quite enough to do a lot of good as the ground was so dry, but it was better than nothing.

Laundry and housework is on the "to do" list today, both have been neglected during the beautiful weather, as I opted to be outside most of the day, or just laze and soak up the warm air while having our morning coffee and our lunch on the balcony. 

We have a lot of seasonal crops growing here in S.W. Ontario. asparagus, strawberries, watermelon, squash and pumpkins and many more.  To plant, maintain and harvest these crops thousands of  off shore workers are brought in.  With them arriving, so is more cases of the virus, so the workers are put into quarantine for 14 days.  However, that is not as easy as it sounds, because these workers are all housed in bunk houses that hold up to 20 or more people, social distancing is just not possible.  And so it spreads to more and more of these workers, thus putting all these crops in jeopardy of being planted and harvested.   Students that are unable to do the normal jobs they usually do in the Summer, such as food servers in restaurants, being hired by the city to  maintain the flowers beds and councilors for Summer camps for children, etc,  are being hired by the farmers to fill in for the workers that are in isolation.  A win win solution for the student and farmer, however, these students are not experienced as the other workers, so it is taking a lot more time for all the work to be done and time is running out for some farmers crops.  Do you have seasonal off shore workers where you live or are local people hired for these jobs?
This month of May is all but over, where does the time go.  Cant believe we have been in isolation since March 15th.  being busy with our home projects has made the time go very quickly.  Slowly things are opening up here, just hope it does not cause more outbreaks of the virus. 

Well that's all for me today, off to do that housework.

Stay safe stay well.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Thunder storms

The heat and humidity that we have been having has spawned a series of thunder storms all around us, today is our turn to have one.   I am sitting outside under the canopy with heavy rain, wind and thunder and lightening all around.   Not complaining because we do need the rain as the ground is quite dry, but it could have held off until I had finished planting some flowers.  Hubby is glad he cut the lawn yesterday. 

Our quilting guild had another of our virtual Zoom meetings last evening,  it is nice to see everyone but still not the same as being there in person.   We dont expect to be able to get together, at the earliest September.  This is the 20th year we have been together as a guild, so we were planning on having a special celebration in October, still hoping that will happen, but at the present time, it's just a wait and see. 

Now the storm has gone through the temp. has dropped dramatically, just as the forecast indicated.  All of the humidity has gone too, that always makes it feel much hotter.  Back to near normal weather for the next few days.

This afternoon is now a sewing time for me, so will talk to you tomorrow.

Stay safe stay well

Thursday, May 28, 2020


We had a day of light showers, not enough to do any good though, but they made everything too wet to go out and do anything outside.  Tomorrow may be another story as we are suppose to receive the remnants of a storm currently in the U. S.

Picked up my quilt today from the long arm quilter, love the design and thread colour I picked out.  It is not made for anyone in particular so it's going to be mine for the time being.

In the city I live in we have a recycling depot, where residents can take their garden waste, at no charge, other recyclables, such as building materials, electronic  , etc you pay a charge.  I do have two compost bins myself, however do not put in  branches and weeds, so we took a load of this material to the depot today .  On our way out we saw a man loading his vehicle with bins full of wood chips, we needed some so asked how much it was to buy some, it was free.  We loaded up our empty containers and put it on our  hillside garden to stop the erosion of the soil.  It now looks great as the flowering plants stand out against the whitish chips.

Tonight our quilting guild had a virtual meeting, it was great to see everyone, but still not the same as in person.  We don't expect to be able to get together until after September.

That's all for me for today.

Stay safe stay well.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Whew... it's hot

Yesterday was just too hot to do much of anything, but sit in the shade with a cool drink.
Temp reached 33*C on our thermometer, and when the humidity was factored in it felt as if it was in the low 40"s

It is still quite warm, however, we have a breeze and a bit of cloud cover, more seasonal temps will arrive later this week.

My hubby has a classic Mustang convertible, so last night we went for a three hour drive in the country, no where in particular just cruising.  Lots of farmers working late to prepare the land, and the smells good and bad which comes from farming country.   Not many cars on the road, so it was a pleasant drive.  Saw a flock of geese flying in formation and a  Turkey Vulture in a tree.  Note to myself, take along my camera next time we go for a ride.

Today I am going to plant some flowers in my urns in the front of  our house, and just putter in the garden, there is always something to do outside.

Not much sewing going on, I keep that for a rainy day.

Hope you are keeping busy, what are you doing today.

Stay safe, stay well.


Monday, May 25, 2020

July May?

Two weeks ago we had snow, grant you it did not stay on the ground, but it was snow just the same.   Today, it is hot and humid, similar to weather we can expect in July.  How hot?   as I write this at 10:20 a.m. my thermometer is reading 27*C in the shade, feeling like 32-35*.   I am not complaining, we have waited for this for a long time.

Worked on my dgd quilt yesterday, did not get very far though.  It is a kit, not fond of kits, however, one of our quilt guild members was selling her fabric late last Fall,  she was ill and did pass away just before Christmas. RIP Roxie.   The kit was perfect for my dgd, and of course very reasonable, it's the first kit I have ever purchased and I might add the last.  It is just four easy blocks, some of which are 3D and it is all done in solid colours.  Really out of my comfort zone on all areas.   Hoping to get my scrappy quilt back from the long arm quilter soon, so the binding can be added and call that a finish. 

Plan on doing a bit more in the garden today, once the sun gets around and there is some shade on the front garden and lawn.

Dinner tonight is going to be cooked on the BBQ and will likely be cheese burgers and a nice big green salad.  Jelly with fruit was made yesterday, so enough for tonight and a couple more meals as well.

Stay safe, Stay healthy.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


As  child my hair was as straight as a yard of pump water, (my Dad used to say that) so I had two braids like most kids did in the late 40's in Britain.  Had them until I was 12 or 13 years old, then changed to one pony tail.  That was the go to hairstyle during my teen age years of the 1950's.  I do not remember ever going to a hair salon, so assume my Mother trimmed my hair through all those years.  Then came the time to graduate from school and find a job, I thought pony tails are not a good hair style for a job interview so had my hair cut and permed.  That lead to a life time of perms, heavens knows what damaged it did over those years.  In 2010 I decided enough is enough and got a new short style with no perm and liked it.  That is how my hair as been since then, until all the hairdressers were closed and still closed.  About a month ago I trimmed my hair,just a bit and it looked OK, then it grew and grew some more and low and behold I have waves and looks like a curl happening.   It was getting heavy and weighted down on top so gave myself a trim again this morning.  Hey, I'm not too bad at this "do it yourself" hair cutting.  Anyway I like the look of it so that's all that matters at this point in time.

Have you given yourself a trim during this isolation?

Sunny today, with a lot a clouds coming and going, thunderstorms predicted later due to the high humidity and heat.

Stay safe stay healthy

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Birthday Boy

Or should I be saying "birthday man",  today is my son's 59th birthday, does that make me feel old, you betcha.  Just saw a post he placed on Facebook, he is doing what he likes this weekend to celebrate.....playing golf.   Some  of the courses were opened this past week, just in time for him to play.   As a child he was not a player of sports, more of a book worm really, and that has paid off for him.  He went to college and studied computer science, just when they were coming into wide spread use.   Got a job where he got his foot in the door, so to speak and eventually became a IT specialist to a large company.  making a salary which has given him and his family a nice home, vacations and now able to partake in his favorite sport.  He has another sport, which involves a drink, he has a large selection of scotch, of which is pours on a regular basis.

Cloudy with light showers this morning, but trying to clear.  It is very humid, so thankful the sun is not shining full on, or it would be almost unbearable as the temp is suppose to be in the mid 20's today.

Laundry and housework on the schedule today. 

Because all of the schools are shut down, no prom is able to take place for the graduating class.  My youngest grand daughter graduates this year, bought her dress, which is beautiful, and no where to wear it.  So her friends parents had a prom night for the two girls last night in their home.   Girls got dressed up and apparently had a nice meal.   Not sure what else they were doing.  Dear gd's  18th birthday is in a couple of weeks and the same girl friend is arranging a drive by on June 5th.    Feel so sorry for all these kids who are missing out on these milestones in their lives, but nothing can be done, they just have to improvise.

Hope to get into the sewing room sometime today.

Stay safe stay healthy.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday, end of Week Ten

The weather this week has been absolutely gorgeous, the weekend looks even better, sun and   temps in the mid to high 20* C.  Just as long as we don't get the humidity along with it, its going to be a great couple of days.

So busy yesterday, here we can buy a big bag of soil,  how big you may ask, it required a fork lift piece of equipment to move it off the truck and deposit where you want it to go.  We distributed all the soil in the low and bare spots in our back lawn. Hubby wheeled the barrow and I racked it, this morning, decided we might be getting to dam old for this kind of work.  But guess what?? we have another of these bags in the front lawn to do the same this.   It really is not that bad we have been taking our time.

We also planted annuals in my five window boxes,  they are petunia's and Creeping Jenny which tumbles down from the balcony box.  While doing that a humming bird started to take some food from the flowers in the hanging baskets, so out came the feeder for them full of sugar syrup. 

There are some plants that I want to move in the flower beds but that is really not a rush thing to do at this point in time.

Obviously, no sewing done yesterday, but I do want to get started on the quilt for dgd, and also the quilt our group is doing for our 20th anniversary.   Due to the virus, we are doing Zoom meetings every two weeks, ist not the same but at least we get to see what each of the members are working on.  The next scheduled meeting is next Thursday, better get sewing if I want to show anything that evening.

I have high blood pressure, who doesn't these days, any way the Dr. has suggested that I limit the intake of calories and walk, in other words, loose weight.   I admit I am about 20 lbs over weight but do you know how difficult it is too loose weight when you are 78 years old.  Grant you I have a good appetite, but you would think with all the outside work I have done this past month or so, the reading on the scales would be lower.  But no.  I don't snack in between meals, eat lots and lots of veg and fruit.  . Do you think, if I wore my COV:ID-19 mask 24/7 it would help??  I doubt it.   Are you successful in loosing weight, if you need to?  and if so, what is your secret?

Stay safe, stay healthy

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Missed yesterday

Too busy to post yesterday, what did I do groceries,  lots of specials that we usually buy, so tab was a bit higher than normal, that's OK, we have a freezer full of food that will last us quite a long time.

Then we puttered around wasting a lot of time, then lunch.

Due to the virus and our age, my hubby suggested that we add a codicil to our co-habitation agreement.   Searching the web for all the legal information etc. too a long time, finally we had a document we were both pleased with and printed it.   Called friends to sign and witness, then went to their home and sat outside, six feet apart and completed the necessary signage.  We wanted to make copies for all of our kids but, no place to take care of that chore, so it will have to want.

Then dinner, chicken and asparagus, and then settled in for the night to watch a bit of TV

Today, has been a glorious day weather wise, windows open to let in the fresh air, even thinking about getting those shorts out, it was so nice, that will have to wait until tomorrow..
Went to local garden center, had to wait for a few minutes to get in. Got some hanging pots and some annuals.  Then off to the dept. store, walked in, no waiting,.  Picked up a couple of small folding  tables for our newly finished balcony and a Shepard crook to hang my Oriole feeder on.   Should think about getting the humming bird feed out too, they should be around shortly.

Then did some edging in the garden in front of the kitchen window, gardens look so much better when they have a nice crisp edge between soil and lawn. 

Sitting down now waiting for hubby to come home, he is at his daughters cutting her lawn.  Then dinner, tonight salmon, mushrooms and asparagus once again.  It was so nice we decided to get two bunches yesterday, and using up today, it does not keep well for too long.

Planning on going for another 1/2 hour walk again after dinner.

Stay safe, stay well

Monday, May 18, 2020

Rain, rain and more rain

Over night we had an inch of rain and today, so far, it has been raining quite steady.  Temp is have a difficult time to get over 13*C.  But, the forecast is looking so much nicer after tomorrow, with sunny skies and temps going up to 24-26*C on Saturday.  Bring on the sunshine, days like today make me very lazy.

 I am starting a new quilt. this one for my youngest grand daughter, all of my grand kids get a quilt from me when they turn eighteen.  She will be 18 years old on June 5th.   I want to have it ready for her by the time she goes to college in September.  She is taking her first year of flight training, so making a quilt called "City Aviation", it has a number of flying geese  and pin wheel blocks in it.  All done in solid neutrals ranging from creams to dark brown with yellows, green and a pop of burgundy.  The flying geese and pinwheels are 3D, so I am going to make some "test" blocks before making them for the quilt.  It is a kit, never done a kit before, so the fabric is just enough to make the quilt, and I am guessing not much left over.  Wish me luck.

As I said this is a lazy day so no much going on.

Stay safe Stay healthy

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Two completely different days

Yesterday, the weather was just beautiful, today, another story grey skies and rain which can't make up it's mind to fall or not.   Hubby was outside trying to get rid of the dandelions which come up every day in our neighbours lawn.  H. does not like dandelions, likes a lawn to look green not speckled with yellow.  As we can't use any weed killers, he digs them out. 

Slow Sunday, just put a roast in the oven for dinner tonight,  got several veg to choose from, not made up my mind at present.  Several left overs of dessert need to be used up, so its going to be like a buffet for something sweet after the main course,  Hate throwing good food out.   Do you use left overs?

Very quite in the neighbourhood today, not as many people walking, just those with dogs that need one of their runs for the day. 

Heard, but did not see the fireworks that someone was letting off last night, they were quite noisy, so glad I dont have a dog right now.  Years ago I had a Springer Spaniel she was very scared from the noise of fireworks, would hide under the bed.

Stay safe Stay well

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Spring Tonic

I made some stewed rhubarb today, yes it does that to me,   my neighbor has a small patch in her back garden, she does not use it so I asked her if I could take some.  Hubby is not that fond of it apparently, so only a few stalks were picked. 

Years ago, when I did a lot of baking for family, I had a recipe for a Rhubarb Custard Pie,  is was delicious.   In the cupboard I have a small pie plate, should make some pastry, and make one.  I do make a lovely pastry, it's a "no fail" recipe that works for me every time.  My sister has never, I mean never made pastry, just cannot make it edible, have no idea what she does to it to make it so bad.  Do you make pastry or buy ready made?  Have a favorite recipe for it?

Our balcony is finally finished the awing is up, all the painting is done, just have to wait for the floor to dry for a couple of days and then we can put out our furniture and enjoy.  We used a textured paint on the floor, it had grains of fine sand in it, just love the way it looks.   It should last for quite a long time.  Now the garden centers are open I can go and get a couple of hanging baskets to put up there.

Also did some weeding in the flower garden, they seem to pop up overnight at this time of the year.

This weekend is a holiday weekend here in Canada, Victoria Day, the unofficial first day of Summer,  Usually all the camp grounds are open, and parks, and big displays of fireworks are put on by cities, towns and organizations, but not this year.  Families could buy fireworks for their own displays.  They are nice to look at, but I cannot justify the cost of them, and half the time they are duds.

stay safe, stay well.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Where has the week gone

Can't believe it is Friday again, the days just seem to fly by. being busy and keep being busy must be the reason.

Yesterday, I completed the backing for the quilt top which I have just finished, this afternoon it will be taken to one of my quilting guild members, who will quilt it for me.   It is not for anyone in particular, but I may donate it to the nursing home where my late Mother lived for almost a year.

Hubby cut the lawn again, however, ran into a bit of a problem, so had to source out some new parts.  Thank goodness the parts store was open, he was able to go in the door, order the parts and then staff went in their stock to get them and brought them out to him.

We had heavy rain over night, however, now as I write at 10:30 the sun is trying to get through the clouds, however, forecast is for more rain later this afternoon.   Tomorrow is suppose to be sunny, so hopefully, we can finish the painting and call that job done and dusted.  Then we need to get out the awning, weather proof it as we do every year and then put it up on the frame work.  Sounds like a big job, doesn't it, but it is quite easy really.   Chairs, tables and a couple of mats, then we are all done and ready for the Summer, can't wait, it has been a long time coming this year.

Now the garden centers are open I can get a couple of hanging baskets and some annuals for the garden.  Typically here in S. W. Ontario we shouldn't plant any tender plants until after the 24th of May when all chances of frost are gone.  However, we always have some covering handy just in case the temps goes down too low.  I love gardening, finding it very relaxing, even though the getting up and down seems to get more difficult every year.  Do you garden? just flowers or veg?

Must get moving, these computers are such a time waster.

stay safe stay well stay home

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Cloudy with light rain today, so we are not able to do the final coat of paint on the floor.  It does  not look promising for doing it tomorrow either,  hopefully we can get it finished on Saturday.

We actually need some rain the ground is getting quite dry from the wind that we have had during this past week.

Had a surprise visitor yesterday, a Baltimore Oriole flew in to where I had the feeders hanging last year, we assume it must be the same one.  I immediately made some syrup and filled the feeder, unfortunately cannot hang it on the balcony railing, so placed it in a nearby tree.  He found it and had a feed.  As soon as the floor is finished I will put it where it was last year, must also get out the hummingbird feeders also.  /we enjoy watching them during the summer.   Do you feed the birds?  All year long we have all kinds of birds at our seed feeders.

All for  now,
stay safe stay well stay home

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


It was a beautiful sunny day, no breeze, just the right kind of day to do some painting.  So we applied two coats on all of the wooden parts of the balcony,   Glad that is all done.   We purchased some floor paint late last year, it was on sale for $9.00 a steal for a gallon of paint with a very fine sand in it.  The paint was on a shelf for "ooopsy" mixtures, ones that were mixed wrong or the customer did not like the colour.  It is a nice grey just what we were looking for.  It went on easy with a roller, we have one more coat to apply.   Loving how it is looking.

I made a ham bone and bean soup yesterday and we had a bowl for our lunch, it was very tasty, hubby had two servings he liked it so much.   It was quite good actually I used a new recipe I had not used before, will use it again.   However, beans and me do not agree with each other.  If I could bottle the gas they cause, I could fly around the world in a hot air balloon.   LOL

We had a lovely piece of salmon for dinner, with cauliflower and a salad.  We seldom have potatoes, rice or pasta occasionally.  Jelly with fruit for dessert.  

Not much else happening today. 

Stay safe stay well stay home

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Nippy Morning

Well, the temp did not quite reach the -5*C at our house, but we had a heavy frost, everything was white and  at 7:00 a.m. we had  to scrape the windows on the car so we could take advantage of the early hour shopping for seniors at the grocery store.  Not very many take advantage of that, as there were only five other shoppers, there were more staff than customers.  The only disadvantage I can say about going early is the veg's are not all out when we get there,  I usually go back to that area after all the other shopping is done.

My second eldest grand daughter and her husband were in a car accident last Wednesday, another vehicle went through a red light and hit them on the passenger side   Their car is not repairable so there must be a lot of damage done to it.  Gd has got a lot of bruises and is very sore, but thankfully no other injuries, her hubby was driving so he is OK.  Very very thankful they had none of their five children in the car at the time.  The insurance will get them another car and all the child car seats replaced because they were compromised.  One more thing to have to worry about especially at this time. 

My niece received her final chemo treatment today,  she will need to have a scan in the future, however, she is not sure when that might be due to the hospital situation at the present time.  Such a worry for her I am sure.

My youngest daughter, I have mentioned before, works in a hospital and apparently if she shows her ID badge at grocery stores, etc. she will be served first.  She has not used it as she feels she would be butting in line, I think I would feel the same way.

Chatty today, so will say

Stay safe stay will stay home.

Monday, May 11, 2020


Yea, snow  is what we woke up today, not a lot, but everything was covered by a good layer.   The temp warmed up enough to melt it, so it was all gone by 10:30 a.m.  Suppose to have a low temp tonight, Monday, of -5*C and cool days until the weekend when it is to be quite warm...I am looking forward to that for sure.

While we have been working on our balcony, most of the tools, etc. have been placed in our back downstairs (basement) hall,  it has not been cleaned, what is the use really, as it just gets messy again, with us walking in and out all the time.  We are all done with the carpentry work, so tools put back in their proper place and the area got a top to bottom clean today, I feel so much better, all the clutter was driving me made.  All we have left to do is the painting, I like painting so it's not a chore for me.  That job will likely not get done until later in the week.   Then the furniture, just a couple of chairs and two small tables will be put up there, it's going to look nice.  Can't wait really, I love sitting up there in the Summer, watching the humming birds, and the fire flies. 

While we have been in isolation I have been making a scrap quilt, now the top is all finished and I am looking in my stash for some fabric for the back and then it is off to one of the ladies in my quilting guild who has a long arm quilting machine and it will be quilted.  I used the pattern in one of Bonnie Hunter's books, she calls it Idaho Square Dance,   I am naming mine,,," Isolation Blues".   Here is a photo of the top, the quilts always look so much nicer when they are quilted, so looking forward to have that done, then all that is left to do is the binding.  Then I am going to start on my youngest grand daughter's quilt.

Stay safe Stay well, Stay home.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

In Canada today, it is Mother's Day,  my son has sent me good wishes for the day, my youngest daughter is working, so not able to contact me at present,  ( up date:  daughter #2 just called from the hospital (her work), to wish me a happy Mother's Day.)   my eldest daughter usually forgets, but that is OK.  I talk to my children throughout the weeks all the time.  When they were young Mother's Day  was home made cards, and bunches of flowers purchased as the grocery store.  Now they all have families of there own, they are Mothers and Fathers, so its their turn.  I still miss my Mother on days like I remember my Mum by looking at her photo.

Stay safe stay well,

Saturday, May 09, 2020


The temp went down to -1*C last night, however, the wind was bitter so making it feel even colder.  The high for today finally made it to 8*C again the wind chill made it feel colder.   We had light snow on and off all morning.  The photo looks foggy but that is the very fine snow falling.  Because it was fine, no accumulation, thank goodness. 

The strawberry fields are all covered up with plastic,  by the farmers, to protect the plants from the freezing temps we are having this weekend. Hope it does not destroy the plants or we will be without any strawberries this year.,  the imported ones are not as nice.

Today is my youngest great grand daughter;s first birthday,  have not seen her for a couple of months.

Very slow day, I do not seem to have much ambition when the weather is like this,, laundry and some housework is the extent of it today.

Stay safe, stay well, stay home

Friday, May 08, 2020

Freezing Friday

We thought yesterday was chilly, today it is down right cold, with snow in the air and a bitter cold wind.  Certainly not May weather, more like March.  Soup for lunch today.

No gardening or outside activities today, so it might be the right time to see some of the TV programs we have recorded.

The Ontario government has issued an update which includes the opening of some stores, including garden centers, hardware stores and stores that have a door which opens to the street.  There are strict rules and regulations which must be adhered to.  Hopefully,  there will be more openings in the near future to get the economy moving in the right direction,  And also hope there is no second wave to bring everything back to a standstill.

Must go, some housework to be taken care before we sit down  this afternoon.

Stay safe, stay well, stay home.

Thursday, May 07, 2020


It was down right cold, not chilly today, the sun was nice but the wind quite bitter.  They, the meteorologists, call it a polar vortex, the wind is rotating counter clockwise over a large area of Eastern Canada, and bring cold air from up North.  The forecast for tomorrow could be snow flurries.   BRRR. 

Worked on my scrap quilt today, almost finished.  It is a pattern from Bonnie Hunter, she calls herself a scrapaholic, as she only uses scraps to make the quilts she designs.   I often wander where does one get scraps if they do not make quilts which generates scraps.  From the look of  her designs I believe she cuts from purchased yardage.  I had a lot of scraps from the quilts I have made, so decided to use some of them for the quilt I am now making.  Still have a lot scraps left, so there could be another quilt made.  I hate to throw fabric away as it can be quite expensive.  The next quilt, however, is to be for my youngest granddaughter, she will be 18 years of age on June 5th, better get to work, hadn't I. 
Due to the isolation in place I would not have been able to give it to her on that date, so want to get it finished, in time for her to take it with her to the University in September.

The shrubs and trees are showing a lot of green, my daffodils are now past their prime, but the magenta coloured primroses and cowslips in the garden are out in bloom  now and look quite colourful.  jThe dandelions are also popping up all over the place.  We are not allowed to use weed killers, only the lawn care companies, so the only option is to dig the plants out.  We have a lawn maintenance company to do our lawns, however, the next door neighbour does not, so the seeds always seem to blow our way.  He is not very "garden" minded anyway, so they dont seem to bother him in the least.

All for me today.

Stay safe, Stay well, Stay home.

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday

The skies were blue and the sun had some warmth in it, however, we still have a cool north wind.  Yesterday, we woke to frost and the temp went down to -1*C, but it didnt warm up too much.  Oh well, its still early May so we can expect almost any kind of weather.

 Moved some plants in the garden today, they were rescued from the garden waste dump late last year when we were taking our leaves there.  I put them in the ground anywhere I could for the Winter, and now it is time for them to have a home.

Hubby has cut our lawns a couple of times now, and it will be a regular task every few days.  He has taken on cutting the neighbours lawn too. He has a riding lawn mower/tractor so its really not a chore for him. Being off work due to the virus, it is keeping him busy.  He was a teacher, retired,  but was not ready to do nothing, so he has been a bus driver for a company which caters to people with disabilities, or seniors taking them to appointments, workshop facilities and various destinations.  Due to his age and the nature of the work he received Dr's orders to take the time off until such time it is safe to return.

We have only been together for five years, so this time together has been a new experience for both of us, as mentioned previously he is usually at work during the day.   We have been on several vacations together, however certainly not as long as the eight weeks that we have been in self isolation. 

Both of our families are all well, so we are thankful for that,  missing seeing our grands and me my great grans especially all of their birthdays and graduations.

 Thats all for me today,

Safe safe, stay well, stay home and only go out if  it s necessary. 

Monday, May 04, 2020

What a difference a day makes

Sunday our temp went up to 20*C,  sunny and the wind was warm, today, another story, cloudy, very windy and cold, temp having a difficult time to even get to 8*C.

It was too nice to stay in the house yesterday, so we did some garden work and had our lunch outside.  All the lawns were cut and everything is ship shape until we can start to think about planting annuals.  The garden centers are now allowed to be open, all be it, ordering on line and picking up at the curbside.  I like to see the plants  in person, so dont know how that is going to work, but work it shall, we have no choice at this point time.

The next door neighbor's ornamental fruit tree is bloom and is absolutely beautiful this year, took a couple of pics yesterday, this does not do it justice/
On my resume I can now add another job qualification, today I became a Hair Dresser, in about an hour.   Cut my own hair, a couple of mirrors, a good pair of scissors, brush, comb and the clippers I cut my Hubby;s hair with, and I was good to go.   I am presentable enough to go outside without a hat on so think I did quite well.....considering.

Today is a good day to stay in and do some sewing, so I am off to the sewing room.

Stay Safe Stay Well Stay home. 

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Working in the Garden

It was a good day to be working outside, not too hot, nor cold.  Sun shining but a few clouds kept it nice.  Got a bit windy in the late afternoon, but by then it was time to call it a day.

No sewing done today, that is a raining day job.

Birthday boy received my message, he is a cute little fellow, very active and verbal at times.  He will be starting Kindergarten in September (if the schools are open).  He is one of five children my grand daughter has, dont know how she keeps them all busy.   Well I do know, I guess, because she is very organized, all of them accept the baby have their chores to do and she is very good at home schooling them.   During the Summer holidays she taught the oldest 10 years old, how to write cursive writing, as they do not teach it here, its all printing.  Most of the children do not know how to read the cursive writing.  I heard it called a code that most parents can write in and their kids have no idea what it is.

We had some ham for dinner tonight, along with some brown beans and a salad.  A small piece of lemon meringue pie for dessert.

After dinner we were resting our wearing bones by reading the newspaper and watching some TV.

Good Night Folks

Stay Safe Stay Well Stay Home

Friday, May 01, 2020

End of seven weeks.

We are still coping with the self isolation order and keeping busy. 

The showers we have had during the past couple of days have been fairly warm, so things are stating to grow,   Lawn is being cut today by hubby.  I have been painting parts of the balcony with a primer coat.  Tomorrow may see us putting the pieces together and then we can paint on the final coat.  Still a lot to be done, not young any more, so we have taken it slow and steady
Tomorrow, May 2nd is my youngest great grandson's 4th birthday, going to miss the celebrations for this one too  We have  a lot of birthdays in late April and all though May, going to miss the parties for all of them.

Fish for dinner tonight, no french fries/chips for us, we try not to consume too much fat.  Salad and another veg., fruit cocktail for dessert.   We eat simple but nourishing meals, trying to keeps weight at a manageable number. 

Had to stop writing until we had dinner, love these later evenings as we still do a bit of work outside after a meal.  Cools down somewhat though  after the sun goes down.

It's been a busy day, going to watch something of the TV to wind down before bed.

  Stay Safe Stay  Well Stay Home/

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...