Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday, end of Week Ten

The weather this week has been absolutely gorgeous, the weekend looks even better, sun and   temps in the mid to high 20* C.  Just as long as we don't get the humidity along with it, its going to be a great couple of days.

So busy yesterday, here we can buy a big bag of soil,  how big you may ask, it required a fork lift piece of equipment to move it off the truck and deposit where you want it to go.  We distributed all the soil in the low and bare spots in our back lawn. Hubby wheeled the barrow and I racked it, this morning, decided we might be getting to dam old for this kind of work.  But guess what?? we have another of these bags in the front lawn to do the same this.   It really is not that bad we have been taking our time.

We also planted annuals in my five window boxes,  they are petunia's and Creeping Jenny which tumbles down from the balcony box.  While doing that a humming bird started to take some food from the flowers in the hanging baskets, so out came the feeder for them full of sugar syrup. 

There are some plants that I want to move in the flower beds but that is really not a rush thing to do at this point in time.

Obviously, no sewing done yesterday, but I do want to get started on the quilt for dgd, and also the quilt our group is doing for our 20th anniversary.   Due to the virus, we are doing Zoom meetings every two weeks, ist not the same but at least we get to see what each of the members are working on.  The next scheduled meeting is next Thursday, better get sewing if I want to show anything that evening.

I have high blood pressure, who doesn't these days, any way the Dr. has suggested that I limit the intake of calories and walk, in other words, loose weight.   I admit I am about 20 lbs over weight but do you know how difficult it is too loose weight when you are 78 years old.  Grant you I have a good appetite, but you would think with all the outside work I have done this past month or so, the reading on the scales would be lower.  But no.  I don't snack in between meals, eat lots and lots of veg and fruit.  . Do you think, if I wore my COV:ID-19 mask 24/7 it would help??  I doubt it.   Are you successful in loosing weight, if you need to?  and if so, what is your secret?

Stay safe, stay healthy

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