Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday

The skies were blue and the sun had some warmth in it, however, we still have a cool north wind.  Yesterday, we woke to frost and the temp went down to -1*C, but it didnt warm up too much.  Oh well, its still early May so we can expect almost any kind of weather.

 Moved some plants in the garden today, they were rescued from the garden waste dump late last year when we were taking our leaves there.  I put them in the ground anywhere I could for the Winter, and now it is time for them to have a home.

Hubby has cut our lawns a couple of times now, and it will be a regular task every few days.  He has taken on cutting the neighbours lawn too. He has a riding lawn mower/tractor so its really not a chore for him. Being off work due to the virus, it is keeping him busy.  He was a teacher, retired,  but was not ready to do nothing, so he has been a bus driver for a company which caters to people with disabilities, or seniors taking them to appointments, workshop facilities and various destinations.  Due to his age and the nature of the work he received Dr's orders to take the time off until such time it is safe to return.

We have only been together for five years, so this time together has been a new experience for both of us, as mentioned previously he is usually at work during the day.   We have been on several vacations together, however certainly not as long as the eight weeks that we have been in self isolation. 

Both of our families are all well, so we are thankful for that,  missing seeing our grands and me my great grans especially all of their birthdays and graduations.

 Thats all for me today,

Safe safe, stay well, stay home and only go out if  it s necessary. 

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