Thursday, May 14, 2020


Cloudy with light rain today, so we are not able to do the final coat of paint on the floor.  It does  not look promising for doing it tomorrow either,  hopefully we can get it finished on Saturday.

We actually need some rain the ground is getting quite dry from the wind that we have had during this past week.

Had a surprise visitor yesterday, a Baltimore Oriole flew in to where I had the feeders hanging last year, we assume it must be the same one.  I immediately made some syrup and filled the feeder, unfortunately cannot hang it on the balcony railing, so placed it in a nearby tree.  He found it and had a feed.  As soon as the floor is finished I will put it where it was last year, must also get out the hummingbird feeders also.  /we enjoy watching them during the summer.   Do you feed the birds?  All year long we have all kinds of birds at our seed feeders.

All for  now,
stay safe stay well stay home

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