Saturday, May 23, 2020

Birthday Boy

Or should I be saying "birthday man",  today is my son's 59th birthday, does that make me feel old, you betcha.  Just saw a post he placed on Facebook, he is doing what he likes this weekend to celebrate.....playing golf.   Some  of the courses were opened this past week, just in time for him to play.   As a child he was not a player of sports, more of a book worm really, and that has paid off for him.  He went to college and studied computer science, just when they were coming into wide spread use.   Got a job where he got his foot in the door, so to speak and eventually became a IT specialist to a large company.  making a salary which has given him and his family a nice home, vacations and now able to partake in his favorite sport.  He has another sport, which involves a drink, he has a large selection of scotch, of which is pours on a regular basis.

Cloudy with light showers this morning, but trying to clear.  It is very humid, so thankful the sun is not shining full on, or it would be almost unbearable as the temp is suppose to be in the mid 20's today.

Laundry and housework on the schedule today. 

Because all of the schools are shut down, no prom is able to take place for the graduating class.  My youngest grand daughter graduates this year, bought her dress, which is beautiful, and no where to wear it.  So her friends parents had a prom night for the two girls last night in their home.   Girls got dressed up and apparently had a nice meal.   Not sure what else they were doing.  Dear gd's  18th birthday is in a couple of weeks and the same girl friend is arranging a drive by on June 5th.    Feel so sorry for all these kids who are missing out on these milestones in their lives, but nothing can be done, they just have to improvise.

Hope to get into the sewing room sometime today.

Stay safe stay healthy.

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