Saturday, May 09, 2020


The temp went down to -1*C last night, however, the wind was bitter so making it feel even colder.  The high for today finally made it to 8*C again the wind chill made it feel colder.   We had light snow on and off all morning.  The photo looks foggy but that is the very fine snow falling.  Because it was fine, no accumulation, thank goodness. 

The strawberry fields are all covered up with plastic,  by the farmers, to protect the plants from the freezing temps we are having this weekend. Hope it does not destroy the plants or we will be without any strawberries this year.,  the imported ones are not as nice.

Today is my youngest great grand daughter;s first birthday,  have not seen her for a couple of months.

Very slow day, I do not seem to have much ambition when the weather is like this,, laundry and some housework is the extent of it today.

Stay safe, stay well, stay home

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