Thursday, March 04, 2021

Mixed bag

We have had cloudy skies, a brief snow storm that last all but a few minutes, wind to blow that snow all around, now there is some blue sky  white fluffy clouds and sunshine, but it is cool.  Much different than it was yesterday.  

Hope to get more done today than yesterday, as if was a lost cause for getting tucked into doing anything around the house.  The kitchen floor needs attention, and when the sun shines through the windows I can see the dust specks on the furniture.  I have started a photo album for D one of my grand daughters her birthday is coming up soon, so will have it ready for when I see her, masked and socially distanced.  My eldest great grandson E has a birthday of the 13th. he will be eleven years old, and a very handsome young lad.  He is going to be a tall boy, a baskets ball player?  possibly.   I give clothes to my greats  and he is now in size 14-16 size clothes, off to the men's store by the sounds of it.  Will need to do that this coming week.

Better get off of here and get all that work done.

Dinner tonight, not sure at the present time, should think about it soon though.  So that is me off for today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that sun coming in through the windows in spring... I love the sun but sometimes it screams out at me "See... you should have washed those windows last autumn after all!!!!!" ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

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