Monday, March 01, 2021

Sap and the Dentist

 March 1st

Pinch and a punch the first of the month,  do kids do that any more, I think not.

Things are looking a bit more Springy every day, the snow is slowly melting, there are more birds coming to the feeders and they appear to be more active too.  On my Facebook this morning a friend posted some photo's of the sap buckets hanging on the Maple trees and they look as if the sap is running fast.  She mentioned it was looking to be a good season for the maple syrup this year.   

I have a dental appointment this afternoon, just a regular check up, no oother work needs to be done, that I am aware of.   I have to travel to the city I moved from for this appointment and need to do several errands there also, so a busy day ahead by the sounds of it.

We had a lazy day yesterday, Hubby cooked breakfast for us again, that has become his job for Sunday morning, and it is nice to have a leisurely breakfast cooked for me.   I am thinking he should move on to more time in the kitchen, but he is not that way inclined.   He does lunch once in awhile but it is usually a sandwich, so nothing too involved in doing that.  Two pieces of bread, butter and a filling, some carrot sticks, celery and radish.  Usually fruit for dessert.  To be honest, I rather like just me in the kitchen doing my own thing.  When we have our families over for dinners, (my that seems ages ago), I always like everyone to visit in the living room while I am preparing, once that is done, they can assist in bringing everything to the table.  What is your routine for cooking a large meal for family, same as mine or do you enlist help?

Depending on what time I get home tonight, dinner, might be a "just grab and go", and my Mother use to say.  Think it might be a pizza and a large salad, quick and easy.


  1. Just found your blog via Meanqueen. Always nice to meet another blogger from southern Ontario. And my wife is a quilter too.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, where in Southern Ontario. I will visit your blog, do you post photo's of your wife's quilts?


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...