Saturday, January 04, 2025

Started my diary again for 2025

For many years I have wrote in a diary, just jotting down the weather, temps and what I did during the day.

My 2024 diary only had six months of information, as I did not take it with me when I went on vacation, because I normally write a travel diary which has a lot more interesting information in it.  The accident I had did not allow me to even think about writing everything that was happening to me.   By the time arrived home, I was in not well enough to start the month of July, and then it wore on to August and then  just couldn't  get motivated for the rest of the year.

2025 is a new year, so started up again writing all the not so interesting things I do every day.  It does however, let me look back to see what I did or did not do during the days, weeks or months.

Just before I go to bed I sit down and enter the information.

Yesterday, was a busy day for me again. I'm getting to like these days of hustle and bustle.  So what kept be busy on Friday.   Out for lunch with two friends from my quilting guild, we tried  a new cafe none of us have been to before.  It received a "A" rating from all of us.  I had a steaming bowl of cauliflower and cheese soup,  so did P, D had a wrap which she enjoyed.  We did a lot of chatting and put the world to right and was not rushed out of the cafe as soon as our food was eaten.   It will be a place to go back to again.  

We then went to the local hospital and browsed in their gift shop.  It is operated as a fund raiser for the hospital and manned by volunteers.  This shop has a wide selection of gifts for patients or for people like us going in to look to see what they have.  Most of the Winter clothing they had was on sale, I saw a very nice sweater, did not buy it as I could not try it on, as I had two layers of clothing on under my coat which would have made it difficult.  I will be going back on Monday and hope it is still there.

A nice day was had by all.

I had received an invitation for dinner with friends, so once home I changed and was on my way.   Wine with appetizers, chicken kababs, baked potato, carrots and salad and more wine.  We then retired to the living room for dessert and coffee.  More wine and conversation.   I had a lovely time, getting home and in bed, late again.

It is a cold windy day again today, temp as I write this at 12:00 noon is -6*C,  we did not get any of the snow that the forecast indicated, further north did get it once again.

Christmas decorations are being taken down today, and returned to the locker until time to put them up again in December.   Now that our postal workers are now back to work I am receiving some of the Christmas cards stuck in the system for four weeks.  I am now going to be sending a note back to everyone, in lieu of cards.

Have a great day




  1. Well done on starting your diary, Pat! I use my blog to keep track of my life but have been very lazy this year. One of my New Year's resolutions! I also will be sending some letters in lieu of Xmas cards soon.

    1. I have received some cards from "over home" and I will be doing the same as you.

  2. I keep a diary for appointments and the like. It's very useful to go back and remember when things happened. Like Chris, I use the blog for day to day stuff - if I update it!
    Busy is good. Especially as we get older. I know too many people who stagnate at home and wonder why they feel so low.

  3. I need to be busy to avoid feeling low especially these dark dreary days of Winter.

  4. I do enjoy these, a very nice diary of what you have been doing. The day-to-day stuff is what I find so interesting. I am a little behind in writing mine this week, so you have inspired me to hop to it or I am going to forget what I have done the day before. I usually put them up on Tuesday. I have put this past week's one up today. Sounds like you have had a lovely week and thanks for telling us all about it. Happy rest of the week to you :)


They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in...