Friday, January 10, 2025

They are still in the front closet

 We have again avoided all the snow which has fallen north of where I live.   Living in the south, (S. W. Ontario) does have it's perks.  Don't jinks it by writing that.  My winter boots have not been worn so far this Winter.  Don't jinks it by writing that.

Wednesday was a meeting with my quilting guild, the first one for 2025.   One of the other members and I were the two who took care of providing an activity for the group and supplied the snack.   It was a nice couple of hours chatting about all of the coming and goings of the members during the holiday season.  There were several projects for show and tell, I had nothing to contribute to this portion of the meeting.

My living room is a mini greenhouse at the moment.  Two plants given to me for Christmas along with the amaryllis which now looks as if it will have a flower and the Christmas cactus is still looking great,  There is also a couple of plants inside for the Winter, Springtime will see them outside on the balcony.   

Had my hair trimmed yesterday, I was beginning to look a bit shaggy around the ears.  My hair has absolutely no curl so once it starts to get longer than I like it, it just hangs flat.  Just like everything else at the present time the price of that went up too. 

Prices!!  saw on FB this morning where the cost of buying stamps will be going up on Monday,  how true is that I don't know, but it would not surprise me at all that it is something that is happening.  

Need to go to the grocery store sometime today, for some milk, butter is on special too,  I don't use a lot but it is nice to have an extra pound in the freezer.  I always buy things I use if they are on sale and can be stored for a period of time. 

Better get moving.

Have a great day.



  1. I had purchased several books of stamps back in the fall (Rexall even had them on sale) in anticipation of sending Christmas Cards. And we know that didn't happen. I'm probably good for the duration of my lfietime.

  2. I had my boots on once back in December. I hate having to struggle into them. I have even been known to just wear my running shoes if the snow isn't too deep!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...