Friday, January 17, 2025

Dollar Store

There are some things I buy at the Dollar Stores we have here.  I don't know why they are called Dollar stores as very little, if anything is sold for the "Loony" (a nickname for our one dollar coin, it has the imprint of a loon on it).  A loon is a water bird here in Canada.  

Several years ago everything in those store you could buy for the dollar, then Covid came and since then prices of everything have gone up even in these stores.

While wandering around after I had picked up what I wanted, I saw in one aisle, on both sides, Valentine decorations, every and anything red.  It's only a month away, so thought that was acceptable.  On to the next aisle, Easter stuff, all those pretty colours of pale yellow, green, blue, pink and mauve. Two months from now, I guess I can live with that.   Another aisle, gardening things that cannot be used outside until the beginning of May.    Is it only me, that thinks all of these things are being displayed a little too early, or am I just getting too old for all of this stuff.  I am thinking the latter.

We have some sunshine today, possibly some rain tomorrow and then on Sunday a Polar Vortex is going to bring temps down which are being forecast as the coldest for the month.

Washed my car yesterday, it was an awful mess.  The roads have had a lot of wet and slushy spots on them, which also contains the sand and salt to melt the snow, neither of which are good for vehicles.    

Have a great day.


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