Friday, January 24, 2025

Friendly Afternoon

 For the past few days we have had very, very cold temps, almost too cold for it to snow.   The weather now is certainly not as cold as it was, so we had another dusting of snow yesterday.

Myself and two quilting friends meet up about once a month and either do something quilty or go and look at quilt shops and drool over all of the fabric lining the walls and some times we walk out purchases.  Always, ending the day with lunch or coffee and something sweet.

Yesterday was one of those days and another friend joined us to.  Two bins of fabric had been donated to our group which had to be sorted for our guilds sewing day in February.   Sitting on the floor trying to co ordinate the colours and decide if there was a sufficient amount to make a small quilt took us a couple of hours.  We were successful in making 17 bundles of fabric to distribute to the members that are able to attend the sewing day.

This may not sound like a very interesting afternoon for some, but when quilting and fabric is your main ingredient for a hobby,  and you are with friends of like mind, I had a nice afternoon.  Ending our day with tea and cake, along with conversation to put the world right. 

As I mentioned the snow started just as we were getting ready to leave, not enough to cover the roads yet, so it was a good drive home.

Today, yoga this morning, shower and then need to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things,  do a little more on the fabric peacock picture I am currently doing and then this evening happy hour upstairs in the community room.

Have a great day


1 comment:

  1. Lots of fun things to get you through the dreary winter months, Pat.


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