Friday, January 03, 2025

So nice to slow down-- Or am I

The Christmas season was very busy for me, travelling to DD1 and her family of 11 people both big and small, for the 25th, so you can imagine the excitement when it was time for opening gifts.  All five children are well behaved and helped set the table with the food and helped clean up afterwards and do the dishes.  Mum is raising them the right way.  Then I prepared dinner for a visit from DD2 and her family of 4 and a boyfriend on the 26th.   On the 27th I visited GS and family to exchange gifts, then lunch with my son and daughter in law, then had dinner with a GD as she will be in Ottawa for her birthday January 25th.   On Dec. 28th I visited my sister and had a lovely visit, tea and cake and put the world to right.  On Tuesday, December 31st, GD and her five children made a surprise visit, it was nice to see them all again.  

In the evening of  the 31st. a group of resident's in the apartment building had a party to bring in 2025.  Karaoke,  dancing, games, a table full of nibbles of all kinds and of course, a drink or two.  I had a great time, the best New Years eve I have had in years, 

The weather co-operated for all of the travelling I had to do, not that I had to go too far, but at this time of the year we never know what it will be like from one hour to the next.  

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your likes or dislikes of Winter weather, I had a green Christmas, even now today, January 3rd.  I only have a light dusting of snow from over night, which was added to a previous dusting from two days ago.

My living room looks like a greenhouse,  my Christmas cactus is full of the most beautiful pink flowers, DD2 gave me my final monthly flower arrangement from her Christmas gift of 2023, a poinsettia arrangement with three different plants in it, all different colours.  Two GD gave me a Peacock plant, (the common name), which I have not seen before.  During the day the leaves are spread and when it gets dark the leaves brunch up, like the peacocks tail thus the name.  Along with three other plants that will be going outside when the weather warms up in late Spring.  Having a garden is the thing I miss the most living in this apartment building, so these plants make me happy.

Must finish my coffee and get ready to get on the move again as I am going out to lunch with two friends.  Once home again, change my clothes and then out as I have been invited to have dinner with some friends.   

The weekend is going to be a time for me to pack up the Christmas decorations and finally get in my sewing room and start making another quilt, as a GD and her partner are expecting a little girl in May.  Number 8 great grandchild for me.  

Have a great day.



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