Saturday, January 18, 2025

Grey and wet

Just as the forecast predicted, we have rain for the time being, later today it is to changed into snow.  

I am hoping the weather will not hamper my trip to the theatre with a friend tomorrow.   The snow removal equipment is usually out early to take care of the roads,  Time will tell.

Happy hour last night upstairs,  it is usually the same group of people from the building who attend.  Lots of chatter and laughs.  

Not going anywhere today, so will get in my sewing room as soon as the bit of tidying, dishes and the bathroom clean is done.

Jumped, .... I don't jump, should have wrote stepped on the scales this morning.  Happy with the number that came up on the little screen,  three pounds since the new year.  I am not on a diet as such, just using smaller servings of healthy food with no grease or lots of sugar.  Also, including more exercise and walking.  On Monday I am going to join the Yoga class which is held everyday of the week in the community room upstairs.  Will also try and get as much walking in as I can depending on the weather.  I could go to our local arena, however, nothing compares to a nice walk outside in the fresh air.

Have a great day


1 comment:

  1. Good news on the scales, Pat - wish I could say the same although I haven't actually put on any pounds. Happy hour sounds like fun!


They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in...