Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Autumn is in the air

Last night the low temp went down to 11*C. one sure sign the season is starting to change.  However, having wrote that, the temps are forecast to get hot and humid again just in time for the weekend.  Today we had a heavy dew, but the sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky, so it is drying up quite quickly.   The problem with this kind of weather, one does not know what to wear from one hour or one day to the next.

 Most mornings we sit on the balcony with our morning coffee, earlier in the summer there were many birds coming and going, today as we sat we did not see nor hear any birds at all.  Robins have raised their young and are now getting ready to go south for the winter.  The Baltimore Orioles visits the feeder once in awhile and they along with the hummingbirds will soon be leaving.

I am not a cold weather person and as I get older I hate the Winter more and more every time it comes around.  This year, I have a feeling I will hate it even more than I have in the past, and it is mostly due to the isolation we have had and I fear we will have more of it during the cold and flu season which is not far away.

It is time for me to go for my walk.

Dinner tonight, fresh corn on the cob, and hamburgers on the BBQ, not sure what will be for dessert, a few hours to think about that, could be just fruit tonight.

OK I am on my way, have to get those steps in, I so desperately want to loose some weight, I feel frumpy and I dont like that feeling at all. 

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