Sunday, August 23, 2020

Cannot believe it's been that long

 I did not realize I have not posted for several days, life just gets too busy.

So what have I been doing......Thursday, we repaired a roof at my hubby's daughters house, and did some gardening when it cooled down.  Friday,  decided  to go shopping and stock up on bathroom supplies,  then on to fabric shop to, hopefully, pick up some more fabric needed to complete my challenge quilt.  I was lucky to find the fabric I needed so all in all a successful shopping trip.  Then in the evening we were invited to friends for an outside, on the patio drinks.  It was a beautiful evening, no bugs, warm temps and we stayed much too long, as we come home at 12:30 a.m.  It was nice to catch up with these friends as we had not had a chance since shortly after Christmas.  Sue, has a condition which did not allow us to visit earlier, as she was concerned about the virus and her age.  Happy to report she is well, and London, Ontario did not report any new cases of the virus this day.

Saturday, hubby now has a new project, repair a patio. He had lots of lumber to complete it, however, he does not own a saw which would cut through it.  Enter friend who we saw on Friday.  He does wood working and offered to cut the wood, so yesterday afternoon that job was completed.  It was still very warm after dinner, so we went for a lovely drive in the country.  The only problem now is it starts getting dark around 8:00 p.m. so not much can be seen after that time, however, we did not get home until after nine, enjoyed being out in the cool air.  The downfall from riding in a convertible is, you get to smell all of the strong odours from chicken, pig and cattle farms, plus the pungent smell from skunks.  

Today, Sunday, is a rest day,  all this work we do during the week catches up to you, so really nothing on the agenda for today.  It is forecast to be very hot today, feeling like 38*C this afternoon, so it is wise for us to stay in, in the A/C.  I can get some long awaited sawing done, and hubby can catch up on reading the newspaper and watching some sports on the TV. 

Might just have him cook a steak on the BBQ for dinner tonight, along with some veg and a salad, some fruit for dessert, I think we have our evening meal all planed.

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