Friday, August 14, 2020

I'm back

Been so busy these past few days, just did not have the time nor the energy to post anything.  

We have finished the two gates we have been making, these are not your average small garden gate, each one measures 6 ft high and 57 inches wide.  They look quite nice despite neither one of us knew what we were doing.  Hubby 's daughter was pleased with them, so that is all that matters.  Do not intend on making any more gates, it was a lot of work.  The heat these past few days did not help either, we should not have been doing it, however, we did keep ourselves hydrated and worked slow and took lots of breaks.

I am sitting outside writing this at 8:30 ish p.m. there is a lovely breeze and I am also watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder to feed. Some come right up to my face, I have no idea what they see to attract them.  Some of them have beautiful colored feathers.  My camera is not sophisticated enough to capture the speed which they fly.

Hubby is cutting the lawns, but had to use the lawn sweeper to pick up  leaves from the maple tree, due to the hot and humid weather they are falling because of a blight on them. 

Well it is getting dark, I hate the thought of dark evenings, so must close for today.

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