Sunday, December 10, 2023

Out and about

 This week has been a busy one.

Monday I had lunch with four friends who I use to work with.  Prior to Covid we would go out several times a year, however, this was the first time in a few years we were able to get together.  We went to Swiss Chalet and had their Festive special, with the chocolates, which are included in the meal, to take home.

Tuesday I did a little shopping, as I needed a pillow insert as I am making a reading pillow for one of my Great grands.  Also had a brief visit to a sick friend who had recently moved into this building.

Wednesday, saw me eating again, however, this time it was at my quilting guild pot luck lunch meeting.  The food was delicious and we had a fun meeting afterwards.  In past years we would have a gift exchange, however, we all have everything we need so it was decided we would give to the organization in the city which helps the homeless community. 

Thursday the owner of this building hosted a party for the residents.  A finger food buffet mainly sandwiches and wraps, cheeses, crackers for a number of spreads, and cookies for dessert.  All washed down with wines, soft drinks, coffee and hot chocolate.  Everyone also received a toque and a T-shirt.

Friday  I visited with my sister, we had not seen each other for several months. In the evening my ex took me out for dinner, the food was good but, the company was not in a good mood, so the evening was very upsetting.   We had decided to have "dates", however, I am going to stop these outings, as they are not worth the effort of even thinking about anymore.    

Saturday, yes partying again, this time at a Secret Santa gift exchange.  There are several women in the building that love putting together evenings for the residents. They are fantastic at doing it too.   Anyone could participate, only if they wanted to.  Ladies brought a gift for a lady, men for a man, in the price range of $15.00 to $20.00 and under the tree they went.  One by one everyone picked a gift, however, when it came your turn to get a gift, you did not necessarily get one from under the tree you could steal a gift from someone else if you wanted it.  Needless to say several gifts exchanged hands a couple of times with a lot laughter involved  too.  My gift was a journal, perfect as I write in one every day.  We then had pizza along with BYOB (bring your own booze).  A fun evening.

Today, Sunday recuperating from a busy week, so a slow start to the day.   I do intend to do some sewing as some gifts need to be finished.   

The weather this past week has been unseasonably warm, I am not complaining,  however, just wish we could see some sunshine for a couple of days as it has been overcast and dreary every day.  It makes the evenings draw in earlier than they do at this time of the year.   In approximately two weeks the sun will be rising a wee bit earlier and setting later, however, it seems to take a long time before it can be noticeable. 

Well, I should get myself moving.

Have a great day,



  1. What a lovely idea, the Secret Santa gift exchange. We used to do something similar at work and it could get a bit raucous!

  2. You have been busy! A shame the date idea didn't work but no point in being with a grumpy guts who brings you down.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...