Monday, April 15, 2024

Hoping it continues

 Good morning!

We have sunshine again, three days in a row, and the temp is going up, just keeping the fingers crossed it will remain the same, and not revert back to some cooler winter type of weather.   It is still April so we can expect almost anything and everything.

Flowers are blooming, daffodils, pansies and cultivated primroses.  The forsythia is blooming also, which means the ground is getting warmer, that must be the reason for the dandelions too, which are attracting some early butterflies.  The magnolia and ornamental fruit trees are showing definite signs of forthcoming flowers.   Hoping it continues.    

On Thursday I delivered three of my quilting projects to a quilt show, which was held Friday and Saturday.  I needed to pick up the projects at a certain time after the show, however, I went earlier to see all of the beautiful works of art done with fabric, needle and thread.   Was not disappointed as the display of quilts was spectacular.   I was asked to help take down the displays and was more than happy to do that, as I was able to get up close and personal with those quilts.  

Sunday was the last day of the Masters golf tournament, I am not a golfer but like to watch.   This year all of the flowers on the course were out in full bloom, beautiful.  When I attended the Masters with my son and DIL several years ago, all of the Azaleas had bloomed early due to a very early Spring, so none of them looked as lovely as the ones yesterday.    Watched this year's with my ex at his house, after the winner had been given the green jacket, he cooked a steak on the BBQ.   He needs to know the reason why, soap and water, vacuums and dust cloths were invented or that will be the last time I visit.  There is absolutely no excuse as to why those things cannot be used.  Not a priority, I guess. 

Monday, Monday I go and get my income taxes done, I went last week, however, the young man helping me did not have enough experience to take care of the details in mine, another person will be doing it today.  Time is running out as it needs to be done by the end of April.   After that is done, it will be lunch time, then I am going for a nice walk to the local park it is just too nice to stay in.  

Have a great day



  1. In the UK we had a few sunny days last week - and warm sunshine - warm enough to have breakfast outside in my late husbands favourite cafe and toast him on what would have been his 65th birthday
    Today we have a storm ….. Good luck getting your taxes filed

    1. We have had two days of 18*C, now today, (Wed) clouds, and rain for a few days.
      Sorry for your loss, I am sure he would be pleased you visited the cafe he liked to visit.
      Would be interested to know where you are in the UK.

    2. Thanks for the reply . I am in the South West of England - Bristol - famous for the Suspension Bridge, the Great Britain and Wallace and Gromit ( amongst other things )
      Siobhan x

  2. I think you spoiled the ex. I hope he was expecting you to pick up the dust cloth and start work!
    A walk in the park sounds lovely.

  3. We have been having lovely weather here too, and I hope it lasts for both of us. It’s great seeing all the spring flowers blooming isn’t it? You sound like you have a nice variety. How wonderful that you delivered not one but three quilting projects. I wish I could quilt but though I was good with a paint brush, I was never very good with a needle. I also have enjoyed watching golf but not a golfer myself either. Glad you didn’t pick up a duster at your ex’s. Taxes are over and done with for another year, hurray! I hope you enjoyed your walk at the park. You have a nice day and rest of the week also :)

    1. I am back to thank you for your visit. I am delighted you want to use my dandelion photo for your fiber art. Please go ahead and use it and thank you so much for asking.



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...