Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Once in a lifetime

When I got up yesterday, it was cloudy and it had rained, Oh no, it is going to be a big disappointment for a lot of people.  Everyone was hoping for a lovely sunny day, the excitement had been building for days and days and now clouds.

As the morning progressed more blue sky could be seen and by noon hour, yes, lovely sunshine.  

All the preparations, extra policing staff, roads closed and some opened for all of the expected flow of traffic to converge into the area.  The special viewing glasses had sold out days ago.   Schools were closed,  restaurants opened early and I am sure stayed open late to feed and water the many people who were making a full day of  it.   Families made it a party/picnic day, and the television stations were running programs for hours on end to document this event.

Now, we wait.  The sun had a lot of heat in it and the temp rose to a high of 17*C  it could not have been any perfect for this once in a lifetime event.  And, we wait.

It's time,  the sun was not so bright as it was, over time, twilight, then it became darker and  darker, stars were shining.   It's cold, so cold I had to put an extra cardigan on.  Street lights came to life, and the birds stopped singing.  It's quiet, the workers putting up a nearby building had to stop doing their job.  It's so very quiet.  It's so very surreal.   

If this is happening in 2024 and we all know the reason why, it makes me wonder, what did people think was happening years and years ago when they had absolutely no idea.  I am sure they were thinking it was the end of the world.    So back to April 8 2024.

The sky was black but, in the distance it appeared to be sunset the sky was pink, orange and red.  Then very slowly it started to get lighter and lighter, no stars, all the lights when out and now sunshine again, and the temperature began to rise.

A total eclipse of the sun.  

Now, today April 9, 2024, the sun is shining again as it does, and it won't get dark until this evening. Everything is back to normal, children in school, people going about their normal daily lives, the birds are singing, construction workers on the job site working.  

All the photos have been viewed, and now the special viewing glasses have been stowed away as a souvenir of a once in a lifetime experience.   A total eclipse of the sun.  

Have a great day



  1. What a great description of this once-in-a-lifetime experience, Pat. Unfortunately, here it was overcast and I only caught a glimpse of the moon's shadow moving across the sun, but it was very dark and eerie at the height of the eclipse.

  2. That’s an excellent description of your day, and interesting about the eclipse. We didn’t see much of it and I have been relying on others experiences so thanks for yours. A very interesting read!

  3. We didn't achieve a complete black out but it was exciting nonetheless.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...