Tuesday, September 05, 2023


 We are in for a couple of days of near record breaking temps, thank goodness for A/C in my New abode

Yea, I have moved, by myself to another smaller city.   Been busy unpacking, thus the reason for no posts.

Today the thermometre was suppose to read 30*C however, with the humidity it felt closer to 40*C.  Summer has been so fickle this year, on day hot, then cool, wet and a couple that were down right cold.

All the local children head back to school tomorrow, even two of my great grands sho start Jr. Kindergarten, one will be fine leaving her Mum and Mum will be OK taking her, however, the other may have a major breakdown, as she has always been home with her stay at home Mum.  I understand from my granddaughter, it will possibly be a week or two of just going to school for part of the day when it's possible for Mum's or Dad's to stay for a couple of hours so children can get accustomed to the new environment. 

Today, I had to have a tire repaired on my car, found out it had a nail in it, where did that come from I have no idea.   That's the second on in a week.

Tomorrow, is the first meeting for my quilting guild since June, this year we have decided to have an afternoon meeting, instead of nighttime.  

Thursday, dinner to two friends and then on Friday, a head light on my car needs repair.   

Sounds as if it is time for some new to me wheels, however, hoping to limp my car through the Winer and then look in the Spring once the weather gets warmer.

So that's for me this Tuesday, I am off to bed.

Good night,

Have a wonderful



  1. The link to your new abode didn't work for me but this is stunning news. I had a feeling something of the sort was brewing. Hope you are well settled in now and glad of the change.

  2. I hope the move went well and not too many feathers were ruffled. You say you are in a new city - is that where your guild is or have you joined a new one?
    You sound happy and content and that is the main thing. Well done on making such a big decision.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...