Friday, September 15, 2023

Late getting up

Had my headlight fixed yesterday,  not as bad on my bank account as I thought it would be, which is a good thing as it certainly has been taking a beating so far this month.  

Had a stressful day yesterday too, not going into too much detail here but, needed to return to my old address.   So you can come to your own conclusions.

Went to my DD2 last night for another visit with Granddaughter K.   Was later than I had expected to come home, winding down after a long day I watched the news on TV.   So a bit later going to bed than I have been, thus the late getting up this morning.   Taking today a bit slower,  however, my car is in need of a good wash so that I will do this morning and this afternoon I have a much needed haircut.

Beautiful sunny day but, cool with the same forecast for tomorrow.  Rain showers are on the horizon for Sunday.   So goes the transition from Summer to Autumn.

Have a great day



  1. You and your will be all sparkly and fresh by tonight!

  2. Sounds as if the decision to move was not necessarily mutual. I hope things improve for you but you do sound so much happier where you are. Cleaning a car is good therapy - or so I am told!


The world of white

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