Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Slowly getting there

 Monday I worked all day unpacking and putting away, moving this and moving that and changing it back again.  Moving is a lot of work.  Did not need to be rocked to sleep that night.

Tuesday, picked up a few things at the shops, one thing was a cupboard for my bathroom that needs to be assembled.  Do they not have people to put furniture together anymore?  I have purchased several items during this past month and everything needed to either have legs put on or a complete assemble before it could be used.  Cheaper  to manufacture and shipping charges I am sure are the reasons why.  

Also had a visit from one of my granddaughters, she is in town  as she is going to be in a wedding on Saturday.  She has been friends with the bride since they were about a year old, as the brides mother was my granddaughters caregiver during the day while Mum and Dad went to work.

Here we are at Wednesday, the sun has now chased away all of the early morning clouds and it looks promising for a nice day, cool but, that's just fine with me.  Had a call yesterday from one of the furniture stores,  my TV stand is ready for pick up, so that is on my list for this afternoon.  It will fit in my car, as it will be in a flat box, you guessed it, it will need to be put together.  

Thursday I hope to finally have my headlight repaired, I don;t understand how something which I consider a simple fix turns out to be a major overhaul.  I am not a mechanic but............................

Friday, can't come too some for my hair cut, I am beginning to feel as if I am being covered by my hair.  It's not long by any means but, long for me.  I will be going to a new hairdresser, so keeping my fingers crossed I will be happy with what she does to my hair.   My DD2 has been going to her for a long time and recommended her.

That is my week, by the end of the month I am hoping I can relax somewhat, knowing all the things I need to buy, put together, unpack, put away and all important people, companies and organizations have been advised of my new information.

Yesterday, September 12th was the anniversary of my husband's' passing in 2010, where have those 13 years gone.  

Have a great day,



  1. Such a busy time for you, Pat, but you seem to be coping well. Maybe you can co-opt one of your grand kids to help you with assembling the new things. A sad time for you on the 12th but I'm sure you have lots of good memories.

    1. My two daughters and sons in law are putting the things together. A big help.

  2. You are keeping busy and sound happy. I hope you are. There are people that will assemble flat packs for a small fee. If I were closer I would do it for you! I love assembling flat packs. And I hardly ever swear.

    1. Feeling so much better than I did. My two daughters and sons in law are putting the things together.


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...