Monday, September 25, 2023


Being in my new home for almost a month, I am finally able to get into some routine, I like routines.   It's the way I am, that's not to say I have no variety in my life, because I certainly do.  

A lovely weekend just passed, family and functions.  Son B and I went to the cremation of the flags, I was disappointed with the number of people that showed up.  Would have thought some city dignitary would have attempted to show some support for the soldiers that fought and died to give them the freedom they now enjoy.  I understand WWl was a long time ago, and most of family has even moved away from the city, not interested or passed.   BUT.    With all the ceremony, the flags were burned, a short service and then drinks in the Officers Mess of the armories where the armed forces reserves and cadets of all departments meet to learn,  memorabilia and photos are kept along with war time equipment is erected on the grounds.   

So, now the beginning of the week, I am finally going to alter my sisters dress today and see what day she is free for lunch this week.  After that is done I am going for a walk, as it looks as if the clouds are parting somewhat to show smatterings of blue sky.  We did have a shower overnight as the road had damp patches on it when I arose.  

No plans for the rest of the week, other than lunch with sis and Friday when the maintenance man is coming in to do a couple of jobs for me. I am sure to find something to keep me out of trouble.

Have a great day.


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