Monday, October 23, 2023

Lots going on

Even though I no longer live with my ex, we do talk and have done a couple of things together.  On Friday, we walked to the University as their music department always has a concert at 12:30.  They have some very talented musicians, some well known to the instrumental world of music, others who perform are local, faculty and students.   Friday's concert did not disappoint.  After the concert everyone in the audience was invited to stay for a competition for local high school students.  We remained in our seats and was pleasantly entertained by the singing of these talented students.  There had been a shower while we were inside the building, however,  we escaped more rain while walking back to his house.

It was his 82nd birthday, and asked him if there was anything he would like to do.  He wanted to see the Taylor Swift concert that has been made into a movie at the theatre.  It was getting too late for a proper meal if we wanted to get to the theatre in time, so we picked up a quick take out.  I am not a fan of the music (if you can call it music)  these days, however, I did enjoy her concert.  It was a long movie, three hours, but the time when by fast.  Some of the young girls in the audience got up and were dancing just in front of the screen.

Saturday, I went to a quilt show, some of lovely quilts were on sale as well as fabric and patterns, only a pattern came home with me.   I then took the fixed jacket back to my daughter, she and SIL are leaving tomorrow for a vacation and were busy taking care of some outside chores that could not wait for their return.

Sunday, was a sunny day the wind was cool but cannot expect much else at this time of the year.  My ex called and said it was too nice to be inside, so we went for a ride.  We had hoped to see a lot of colour in the country but, was disappointed this year.  

Monday, woke to white roof tops, we had had our first frost of the season.  The forecast on TV last night indicated temps are going up into the high teens and even low twenties later this week.   Do not know what to where on these days, when on is cold and the next almost hot.

No after affects from the Covid and flu shots I received on Thursday, just a bit of tenderness around the injection site.  So hopefully I am protected for the Winter.

Must get on with my day.

Have a great day,



  1. How lovely that you and the ex are still friends.

    1. Some days when I see him it is still somewhat emotional, which leaves me drained, which I find difficult to pull myself up out of for a day or two afterwards. Time heals.

  2. Yes, winter is in the wings and we'd better be prepared! Glad you enjoyed the musical events - sounds lovely. Frost here today too!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...