Thursday, November 23, 2023

Slow day

Here it is Thursday and it is going to be a day of "not doing too much".  I have been busy for several days and will be going no where today.  Need to get into the sewing room and decide on a pattern for my GGD's quilt.  She is three months old now and has not received her quilt from me yet due to going on vacation and then moving.  For all of my other gg's their quilts were done before or just shortly after they were born.  The fabric is all bought so hopefully I can get it done before Christmas.  

Tomorrow evening is the pot luck dinner here in the building, this time I am making a black bean salad, it is delicious, even if I do say so myself.   It needs to be made today so the flavours can soak into every morsel.  I also made the placemats and coasters for the door prize, so need to deliver that to the organizer of the dinner.  

At the beginning of December I usually put up some Christmas decorations, plan on doing the same this year but scaling it down somewhat.  Next week I will retrieve them from the locker downstairs, I can't remember just what is down there as it was packed away a long time ago.   Oh! I job I need to do today is write my overseas Christmas cards.  I don't send many, only eight or so as the price of postage is just unreal, plus a lot of people I did send cards to over the years I have lost contact with or they have passed away.  

Years ago when a stamp cost only two cents if the envelope was not sealed,  Christmas cards were sent to everyone.  There would be strings strung across the ceiling with dozens of cards hanging from them.  After the holidays they were used by my children for arts and crafty things they did.  

Enough reminiscing, It was sunny first thing this morning, now cloudy and grey skies,   the wind appears to be blowing quite strong too, so it likely feels a lot colder than the temp of 5*C.   

The gardeners are out doing a clean up of the flower beds and getting rid of the final fall of leaves, it will likely be the last until Spring as the weather is forecast to change in the next few days.   One of the cleaners in the building told me there might be raised gardens being made next Spring for anyone who wants to plant some small veg or flowers.  That is a good idea for those who like to get there hands dirty once in a while.

Wishing all of my U.S. readers a lovely Thanksgiving day.

Well, even though I said it was a slow day, I better get moving and do some of those things on my "to do list".

Have a great day



  1. Have only sent two Christmas cards so far - to my family in South Africa. Their mail service is very poor and stuff doesn't arrive until well after the holidays. I like the sound of your black bean salad - wish I was there to try it. You will be happy to get your hands in the dirt next Spring, I'm sure!

  2. Christmas cards are still a big part of my celebration of the season. We were a military family so we have friends in far flung places. My fathers family are all in the US and down your way (I'm in N.Ontario) so the cards are my one outreach to them all, year in and year out. I have a friend who makes the most beautiful cards. My aunt says each card is a gift itself, they are that beautiful.

  3. I have always sent out cards, unfortunately a lot of the recipients have passed. My ex's daughter makes beautiful cards.


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