Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Couple of Days--long post

No post on here for a couple of days, been busy.

Thursday, had my wheels retorqued, as my winter tires were put on several days ago and it is a good idea to make sure those wheels are on as tight as they should be.  

Needed to refill one of my prescriptions at the pharmacy, late last week I requested same, however, I kept on being told it was not ready for pick up.  Finally went in to see why, apparently there is a supplier issue for this med. and the pharmacy staff were very rude, almost yelling at me, when I asked some questions and, of course, needed some answers.  As they were raising their voices to me, I turned around and left the store.  Immediately, I took myself to another pharmacy, asking them to transfer all of my info to them and told them the reason why.  They did so, and also sent a fax to my Dr. asking for a substitute medication.  I also visited my Dr. office to advise them of my predicament and change the pharmacy information.   During the afternoon I received a call, my Rx was ready for pick up at the new pharmacy.  If one pharmacy can do it, why not the other.

Now, off to the dentist for a cleaning, result no issues with my teeth.

Needed to go to the ex's house to pickup a couple of garden ornaments that belonged to my Mother as DD1 wanted them.  Everything went down hill for the rest of the day.  As they were too big for my car, ex offered to deliver them, so off we went. By this time it was starting to get dark, as it does on November evenings.  On the return trip, we ended up in a fender bender, resulting in enough damage, which needed the two drivers to go to the police reporting station. No one was hurt, so I was thankful for that, and two hours later we arrived at his house.

Some important things taken care of today, others did not happen, enough said.

Yesterday, I had a great day, having lunch and visiting with two co-workers from way back, after lunch they came to look at my new digs.

Now, we are up to date, Saturday, frost overnight, now nice and sunny and it is not forecast to get very warm today, all of lovely weather has past now and it will only get colder as the month draws to an end.

Christmas music----I have no problem with any of the seasonal music, however, riding in my car on Thursday, the announcer said, seasonal music will be played every day, starting Friday at 7:00 am.  I turned off the radio, as in my opinion it is much too early for this to happen.  I suspect all the stores will be playing this type of music too.  I must be getting old and cranky.

Time for laundry and to get on to my day.

Have a great day



  1. An eventful couple of days, Pat, but that's what keeps life interesting. Too bad about the fender bender. I love the seasonal music at this time of year and never really tire of it. Maybe I'm in the minority!


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...