Friday, November 03, 2023

Winnie the Poo weather

 It certainly is a blustery day out there, needing to get a couple of things from the grocery store this morning I was almost blown away.  We do have sunshine and milder temps but it sure is windy.  This will bring what leaves are on the trees down for sure.

I now have cold water in my toilet tank.  Two holes were made in the wall and the pipes attached properly as they should have been before.  The two men doing the job had it all done and everything cleaned up in just over an hour, so very little inconvenience for me.

I did quite a bit of sewing yesterday afternoon as I had nothing else on my agenda and I did need to get some of the projects on the go and some to get finished.

My granddaughter "D" hubby "C" and two great grands, "E" and "V" have just left after a lovely visit with them.  This is the first time they have been into my apartment and "E" liked the roof top area the best as he could see the workings of the huge crane out there.  

I fancy some Chinese food tonight for my dinner so will get some to satisfy my craving.  It has always been one of my favorite foods I like, to eat,  however, the Canadian version does not compare to what I have eaten in China.

I am going to make a new tradition for me, Friday night dinner is going to be a different one each week, from a different restaurant.  I have had English style Fish and chips, Chinese tonight.  Will have to do some looking around for next week's dinner.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. Indian, Thai, Japanese, French, Italian, Middle East .... oh you are going to have such fun.


The world of white

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