Saturday, November 11, 2023

November 11th.

My father was not in WW11, as he was a farmer and considered to be an essential service in England.  He was, however, in the Home Guard, along with other members in the area, they made sure the village and countryside where we lived  was safe.   In 1991 he did pass away on November 11th. so I am remembering him today along with all the men who lost their lives to save ours.  My Mother was a Red Cross nurse during WW11, she passed away in March 2018, remembering her today also.  Not that I don't think of them every day, today is just one of those days where you think a little bit more of the people who are no longer with us.

My father in law was in the first WW and was injured, he was one of the lucky ones as he was able to come home.  

I will be watching, on TV,  the service from our national monument in Ottawa later this morning.  Hope that city is having the same weather as we are currently having, if so, it will be a pleasant day for everyone who is attending.

Keeping up with a promise to myself,  last night I had Mexican tacos for my dinner, they were home made with all the trimmings and went down very well.  

Winter tires now on my car, so Mother Nature can now send the snow, in the future, not right now.  The forecast for the next week is looking good as far as sunshine is concerned, no rain or snow predicted, however, that can change very quickly at this time of the year.  I do have a busy week coming up so better get the household chores done today and also some sewing as I have several projects that have a deadline for completion.  

A walk this afternoon, along with a quick trip to pick up a Rx from the pharmacy is also on my list of things to do.  

So better get at it.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. It is a sad day for many and with wars still ongoing, no end in sight for the families of those who serve. My father was wounded during the Dieppe landings so was shipped home and avoided most of the war. An uncle who was a Merchant seaman went down with his ship in the English Channel so I will be thinking of him today.


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