Friday, October 11, 2024

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.   

The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges and yellows of Autumn.   It seems to have been a long time before they started to show  but once they start there is no stopping them.  A beautiful time of the year, which is made even more colourful with the aurora of the northern lights.   I have seen amazing photo's of them.  

Another colour, white.  On the roof tops yesterday morning was frost.  The first frost of the season, which seems to be quite late this year.  It was cold overnight, but no frost in the area this morning, however, there will be more to come in the future.

On Wednesday this week I went to the  movies.  Wanted so much to see "Lee".  It is a true story and has distant connection to my family.  This is a brief story.

Elizabeth (Lee) Miller was a photo journalist during the second world war.  She lived in Paris met Roland Penrose in London, UK, married  him in 1947 and had a son,  While in London, she hired a nanny to care for her son,  Anthony.  She and Roland also had a home in Sussex, UK and lived there after the war.   During the time at the village house in Sussex, the nanny would take the child to cricket matches on the village green.  At Christmas time ringers and caroler's would visit all of the houses in the village.   One of my cousins would be playing cricket and also was a bell ringer.  He met the nanny on many of those occasions, they fell in love and were married.  

The movie showed Lee in France and Germany taking  photo's of the horror of the war.  The movie ended with the son finding all of Lee's photo's in the attic of the house in the village, apparently he never knew what his Mother did during the war as she never mentioned it.  I can understand why as some of the things she must have seen were terrible.   

Lee's husband Roland was a great artist, and the house in the village has been visited by many well know artists when Lee was alive, she died in 1977.  Roland passed away in 1984.

The house is now a gallery showing her photo's and Roland's art. 

Unfortunately, the nanny, my cousin by marriage is no longer alive, she would have enjoyed seeing the movie.

Apparently, when the movie was shown near the village, Anthony, Lee's son opened the first showing of the movie about his Mother.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

To all of my Canadian readers, have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Have a great day


Monday, September 30, 2024

Where did September go

 It is hard to believe this is the last day of September where has this month has gone.  

On Friday, some fellow quilters and I went to a quilt show and lunch, a nice day with friends.  Home just in time to prepare my contribution for the pot luck dinner where I live.   Delicious food as always.

Today is my eldest daughters birthday, and I went with some of her family on Saturday for a nice dinner to help her celebrate.   The restaurant served a large selection of dishes, the ever present burgers and pasta.   I decided to have meal loaf, it was the best I have ever had, served with fluffy mashed potatoes and seasonal veg and bourbon flavoured gravy.  It was a large plateful,  too much for one meal, so I will have my "doggy bag" heated up for dinner tonight.

Yesterday, I went to an "Art in the Park" display of all kinds of crafty items.  Nice to look at, however, nothing really struck my fancy, so no purchases.  The person I went with then invited me to dinner.

Today, is the start of eating healthier again.

We certainly know it is Autumn, as soon as September 21st arrived the weather changed overnight.  No hot humid days of sunshine anymore. Nice days of sun, however, it does not have the heat in it for early morning and the evening any more.  The sun arrives a lot later than it did and then leaves earlier, I do not like the early dark evenings. The leaves are starting to change colour,  and the wild flowers are looking as if their days are numbered.  Today, we have some sunshine, so an afternoon walk will be on my agenda for today.

Last week I had my final CAT scan on my skull to check the blood clot I had from my accident.   Today I received a reply from the scan and all is clear, which was certainly good news to read.  

Quilt meeting on Wednesday, and I have some items to put the finished touches on, so better finish this and get in the sewing room.

Have a great day


Monday, September 23, 2024

Doors Open

 This past weekend in a city close to where I live it had a "Doors Open" program, which is.    In the city, forty four different organizations, churches,  museums and numerous other buildings and parks, open their doors to allow people who do not normally go into these areas to enter free of charge to look at everything there and receive information which you may not know about.  

My date and I decided we would visit two of the places yesterday afternoon.  First on the list was The Flight Aviation Museum.  Members of the Canadian Air Force provided information about all of the equipment, uniforms, photos and planes from  WWll.  One room was updated with computers and radios used at the present time.  It was occupied by a man who was obviously in the Air Force and he was in front of a computer looking at the military planes which were currently in the air.   The information received from him was certainly very interesting.  With the click of the mouse, he showed us all of the planes in the air all over the world.   Each plane was colour coded to show the altitude at which it was flying, and he could tell us what kind of plane it was and from which country it came from.  Several countries had so many planes in their air space you could not see the map.  Certainly an eye opener.   Pleased with our decision to go there and see something new.

Our next stop was a one of the Muslim Mosques.  I know very little about a Mosques and the people who attend the Muslim prayer meetings, but learnt a lot in the two hours we were there.  Some things I found difficult to understand as to the why, what and where for about the answers to my questions,  but it certainly opened our minds.  We attended a prayer meeting in a beautiful large room,  visited the library which contained copies of the Quran and other religious books all designed with lovely scroll designs.   We were too late to partake of some refreshment and have my hand decorated with henna.   When we were ready to leave we were given a goodie bag which contained an English copy of the Quran, several small brochures and a chocolate bar.  Not sure if I will read any of the Quran or the other pieces of information.  but I certainly had some of the chocolate bar.   Did I enjoy the time there, of course, I now know so many things about the men and women who belong to Muslim religion.

To finish off the day, we had a nice BBQ.

Have a great day'


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last day of Summer

 I do not like to think of it being the first day of Autumn tomorrow, as it means it won't be long before the weather starts to change.  Don't get me wrong I do like the cooler days as they do not have the uncomfortable humidity in them, and there is still some nice bright sunshine.   Then there is the beautiful colours of the leaves on the trees.  During my walks I can tread on the crisp leaves and hear them crunch during each step.  

The wires between the poles on the side of the roads are full of starlings all getting ready for the flight to warmer temps during the Winter.  When they take flight it is quite amazing to watch, as they all seem to change direction at the same time.  Soon, if your lucky you might see the sky full of geese as they also fly far enough south to find food for the Winter months.

It is a bit too early in my opinion, however, in the stores the shelves are full of Thanksgiving and Halloween decorations and costumes.   Might even see some Christmas items, if you look close enough..

My neck brace has been off now for a month and I can move my neck and shoulders now with very little pain, which is felt mostly in the morning when I get up as it has been in one position all night.  By the afternoon I am OK, so much so I have been able to drive.  Such a great feeling to not rely on my two daughters to take me where I want to go.  They have been such a great help, don't think I could have got through the last three months without them.   I still am unable to smell anything, however, as I keep telling myself, if that is the only thing wrong with me now, I should consider myself lucky as I could be a lot worse health wise.  

Thursday was such a lovely day, and the weekly forecast indicated some cooler temps and rain will be coming next week, so I decided to take myself to the beach.  Not a seaside beach, but the lakeside beaches we have a just like the seaside.  The lakes are so big all you can see is water and waves, seagulls and sand.  Chair, umbrella, packed picnic dinner, book, and sunglasses and off I went.   It was a lovely day, my picnic went down nicely.  A walk on the pier and looking in the westerly direction it did not look as if the sunset was going to be one of those spectacular ones as there were not clouds.  I decided it was time to go.  On the way home I have to pass a very popular ice cream store, just my luck it was open and as no dessert had been eaten yet, an ice cream cone fit the bill.  One scoop of raspberry sherbet, so refreshing and tasted lovely.  Then on my way, arriving home happy that I was able to have such a lovely day.

The meeting for the quilting group is coming up soon and I need to get sewing to finish off some things for show and tell, and also give one of our members a table runner for her Christmas bazaar.  It is a good thing those showery days are for most days next week.  

Have a great day.


Monday, September 02, 2024

Where did the year go

 It has been a year since I moved into this apartment, I don't know where all that time went.  

A lot has change, new furniture, some not new but new to me, happy with it all so that is all that matters.  Met up with old friends and have met a lot of new ones, things could not be better.

As I have noted before, I left the man I lived with, however, we still go out for a "date", which is all I want to do with him at the present time.  Not expecting it to change any time soon.  As I cannot drive at the present time, he took me to visit my sister yesterday.  I had a great afternoon visit with her.

When we came to Canada I was 12 years old and my sister "B" was 10 years old.  Being a couple years older than her I remember a lot more things than she does.  While drinking our coffee and having a snack she asked me about the house we lived in in England, the only thing she could remember was going into the door. which led to the kitchen.  I was able to tell her all that I knew, which was quite a lot really.  The layout of furniture for the kitchen, living room/dining room.  Stairs going up to the three bedrooms, the airing cupboard.  Outside where the loo was in the garden/storage shed, the gooseberry. red and black current bushes.  Where we would go pick primroses, and gather blackberries.   It was a really nice afternoon reliving our childhood, lots of laughs.   

We left quite late in the afternoon, but managed to get to the inter city baseball game that we had been to many times before.  A hot dog, nacho chips with cheese and a drink while we watched the innings slip by.   We shared a container of ice cream for dessert, then put on our sweaters as it was cooling down somewhat during the sixth inning.  Our team was not doing very well, and it did not appear that the rest of the game was going to improve for them.  At the end of the eighth inning it had become considerably cooler, so we decided to leave.  Turned the heater on in the car to take the damp chill off our bones.

I had a good day.

Not much happening today, it is Labour day here, most people are not working, however, have heard some stores are open.  This evening here in the apartment building is Trivia night I will be going just to see how much I don't know.  It's always a nice couple of hours.

Tomorrow my eldest granddaughter  is coming over for aa visit.  Busy on Wednesday, at my quilt meeting.

Have a great day


Friday, August 30, 2024

Autumn on the horizon

The days of August are all but finished, and it certainly feels as if summer is also coming to an end.  The cooler nights makes the day take more time to warm up.  Today, Friday we do have a lovely sunny day,  and even more in the coming days.  No more humidity to make the air heavy and feel uncomfortable.

This is a holiday weekend here, Labour day on Monday, then all the school children go back to school on Wednesday.   There was a report on the news last night, about shortening the summer holiday of July and August, to only one month.  It noted several reasons for this change, much too long to write here today.  Personally, I think it would be a great idea, however, there are others who may not agree.

For the past couple of days the weather has not been so hot and humid, so I have started walking again..  Yesterday, I did 2 1/2 kms in the evening, hoping to do the same today.  Those extra steps are certainly needed as for the past three months have not done too much to burn off those calories and it certainly shows up on the bathroom scales.  

This evening is happy hour in my apartment building, now that I am on the mend, I will attend and may even take a G and T with me.  Saturday, DD2 is taking me grocery shopping, and either Sunday or Monday may have a chance to visit my sister.  Then on Wednesday the quilting guild I belong to starts up the monthly meetings.  Then on Saturday, next weekend, I finally get my hair cut.  I look as if I have been dragged through the hedge backwards.

Have a great day


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Feeling as if I am alive

It has been a long, long haul for me this summer, however, I am finally feeling as if I am alive.  I have some energy.

Gradually exercising my neck and shoulders to make them strong again, so many muscles must have been immobile for so long, as even a different movement makes them scream a bit.   

Since I have been home not much housework has been done, not that I needed a lot,  but I like to keep on top of all the jobs on a regular basis.  On Tuesday, I decided it was bathroom clean day, top to bottom, cupboards and floor, needless to say, I might have over did it even though it took me most of the day.  I recovered and did some sewing yesterday.  I made the block required for out quilting guild as our meetings start up again next week.

On Monday, I took another Covid test and it was negative.  All through the time I had Covid, there was a terrible metal taste in my mouth, today, it is finally gone.  Now, if I could finally get rid of the occasional bouts of coughing,  all would be good in my world.  This coughing has improved considerably, so hope in a few more days it will be gone.

I keep telling myself, I am very fortunate to be here, getting better every day, even though there have been set backs during the past three months.  It is great to be alive.

Have a great day


Saturday, August 24, 2024

It's Off

After a visit to the Dr. on Wednesday last week I was able to remove this brace after having it on for over nine weeks.

Neck muscles need to function on their own after being immobile for all that time.

So needless to say I still have a sore neck, but it's getting better.

 Now all I need to do is get over Covid, where that came from I will never know.

I am so over the summer of 2024, just want to get back to some normal for me living.


Have a great day.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Off longer

 Starting yesterday, today, Friday and Saturday my neck brace is off for four hours morning and evening, then Sunday and Monday off for five hours twice a day.  A Dr. visit on Tuesday and hoping I will be able to take it off and not have to put it on again. This is being done so my neck muscles get to work holding my  head instead of  it being held by the brace.   No movement has been done for over nine weeks, so those muscles are hurting, even though I am not allowed to do anything while it is off.  No pain no gain, so I am doing as I am told.  

My eldest granddaughter N is coming for a walk with me today.   She and her husband are both on vacation from work and having a staycation to do some jobs around their house.  It will be nice to have an hour or so of exercise with someone as I usually go by myself.  I have a certain speed when I walk and a lot of the people here in the apartment building are slow walkers stopping every once in awhile for their dogs.  There are a lot of dogs here, big ones, small ones and some even ride in a stroller!!

Yesterday would have been a birthday for my Mother, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone since she passed away.   Time just goes by much too fast.

Today is a nice sunny day, it will be getting humid later this afternoon, tomorrow much of the same then rain for the weekend.  We seem to be having a lot of that this summer.  Keeps all of the lawns nice and green, usually at this time of the year they are brown and nearly dead.

Tomorrow there is a festival of music, crafts and food at a local park, one that I have walked to in the past, so if the weather is still cooperating which the forecast indicates, I will be taking my daily walk out there to see and hear some of the entertainers, food and crafts.

Have a great day,


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hours twice a day

 As per the instructions from the Dr. yesterday I could start removing the neck brace for two hours morning and evening.   Today, will be the same, then as the days go by increase the hours until Aug 20th when I visit the hospital Dr again.

My neck has been immobile for eight weeks, being able to move it, even if it is only slightly, it is causing my muscles to shout out loud and clear even though I am not doing anything.  I know the pain will subside as the days go by, so do not complain.  That light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.

We have sunshine again today, however, it is windy and somewhat cooler this morning, must be due to the humidity which has finally disappeared.  We are not rid of that yet as there is still some summer left.

This past week I have been out with two of the members of the quilting guild,  we visited a fabric shop and we all came through the door with a bag in our hand.  A lot of bright and colourful fabric, perfect for some people, however, not the kind I usually work with.    We then went for a delicious lunch and returned back home.

 DD2 took me to get some groceries, I will be happy to be able to get in my own car and come and go whenever I please.   I am an independent person and do not like to impose on so many people during these past couple of months.

Today, DD1 will be here so that I can have a shower without this brace so I will be able to give my neck a bit more of a wash.  In the afternoon going to a family BBQ.

Have a great day


Sunday, July 28, 2024


My youngest great granddaughter M was one year old yesterday,  and an outside family party was held to celebrate.  

The weather was perfect for a swim in the pool, unfortunately not for me though, but everyone else had a great time, even the birthday girl in her umbrella covered floaty.  

BBQ and salad was our late lunch, all served on the theme of the day, watermelon designed plates, cups and napkins.   A birthday cake designed to resemble a watermelon  and a mixed fruit salad for dessert.

To keep everyone hydrated throughout the afternoon slices of watermelon were always available along with a can of sparkling water with a watermelon flavour.

Watermelon is not one of my favorite fruits, I did however, have some as it was icy cold and went down nicely to cool me down.

I also stayed for a later dinner of pizza and a mixed salad, which was very nice.   Then it was almost time for the little ones to get ready for bed, so I said my goodnights and my son brought me home.

I had a lovely day, as I do not get to see all the people I saw as they are all so busy working and my son and DIL live a 2 hour drive away.  

A good time was had by all.

Have a great day.


Thursday, July 25, 2024


 I was hoping my appointment today, would result in the neck brace to be removed.   Another appointment with the specialist on August 20th will determine if it can be removed at that time.

Still waiting for a CAT scan which is scheduled for sometime in September and an appointment with an ENT Dr. when is yet unknown.

After I was all finished at the hospital I took both of my daughters out for lunch.

Lovely sunny day today.


Have a great day.

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Glad to say I have a bit more energy, however,  because of the fracture in my neck the brace I have to wear 24/7 won't allow me to do much of anything.

Hoping my CAT scans at the end of the month shows sufficient improvement and the neck brace can be removed.

Having to rely on my family and friends to do things for me, makes me feel so useless, however, at this point in time I do not have any choice in the matter.

Several heavy thunders storms have rolled through the area this morning, looking at the weather network it shows that more could come through later today.


Have a great day.

Friday, July 05, 2024


 I went on my vacation. however did not have one.

Flew to Sweden, had an accident four hours into a tour and that was the end of holiday.

Spent 2 1/5 weeks in a Stockholm hospital, discharged when one of my daughters came to accompany me home.

Going to be a few weeks of recovery but expect to be as good as new eventually.

I am doing okay, when you are in your later years it does take a little bit longer to get back to the norm.

Just so glad I am home among family and familiar faces, being 7000 miles or more from home, alone in a foreign country is not a pleasant.


have a great day.


Saturday, June 08, 2024

Counting and bags

Finally, we have blue sky, but it is definitely cooler.  I will take it as I got a bit tired of grey skies, rain and wind.  Grey days are not my friend, I do not have much energy during those days.  Love to get outside but, I am not walking or even sitting outside when its so wet.   Oh! I  am starting to sound like an old woman. never mind I will get done what did not get taken care of during the past few days.

So, what needs to get done, just those little chores around the house that never seem to need to be taken care of, that will keep me busy for a little while.  Some fabric needs to be taken to a fellow guild member and a quick trip to pick up some milk.  

Counting?    Counting the days to going on vacation next week. 

I am sure Canada is just like many other countries in the world today, they are reducing the number of "one time use" plastic bags.  Which is long over due in my opinion.  When recycled bags were introduced, every store encouraged people to buy them for a small fee.  Very few people had used bags or even baskets when going to a store, so it was a big learning curve to take the bags you already had at home with you.  At the check out,  you realize no plastic bags, so people, me included had to buy bags to get groceries or what ever was purchased home.   After forgetting several times, bags piled up at home until finally we got into the habit of taking them with us.  Every store now gives recycled bags which advertise the store or product, adding to the pile in the closet.  There are so many recycled bags out there now, what do we do with them all.   As we are not sure what they are made of, what recycle container do we put them in, plastic, paper, fabric or just throw them in garbage.  I have given some to charity shops for their customers to use, however, that did little to reduce my pile.   What do you do with the excess recycle bags?

Now that I am on the recycling subject, there is another thing that upsets me.  I don't know if it is still done or not, however, some time ago, if you used the plastic milk bags, you were encouraged to donate the outer bag which contains the three 1 litre bags of milk.  Organizations would take these bags cut them up into strips and either knit or crochet them into mats.  These mats were then shipped to poor countries where there were a large number of people who had the bare minimum of possessions and they were  placed on the ground to be used as a bed.    This was and possibly still is a wonderful way to help these people.   However, even though it reduced the plastic going into our landfills and helped people less fortunate than us, it contributed greatly to the waste in the countries where the beds were shipped.  As I mentioned most of these countries were poor and I am sure had no recycling programs so what happened to these beds when they were no longer used.  Tossed on the ground, thrown in water ways that led to the ocean?  Your opinion on this subject.

Well those blue skies are calling and I need that milk.

Have a great day,


Sunday, June 02, 2024


The month of May was a very busy month for me.

Birthdays in my immediate family and in my sister's family was the cause for celebrations for most of them, I even got to the point of not wanting to see another cake smeared with icing and flames burning from the candles.   Social and other family gatherings took up several days of the month also.  I was feeling like a social butterfly flitting here there and everywhere.

Butterflies!! Back in the spring I went to a butterfly conservatory and told my eldest daughter "B" about all of the butterflies and the different stages of their lives in which they were in.  She thought it would be a great idea to research this subject a little more for her grandchildren.  She eventually went to a school supply store and ordered caterpillars and all of the supplies for these wriggling hairy creatures.   The caterpillars recently arrived, so caring for them  has now begun.  

Instructions, containers and food were all included in the kit.  The caterpillar's ate most of the food provided and  the pictures she sent me indicated some of them are now hanging in the  container in the chrysalis  stage.  The next photo will likely show all of them hanging, so now they wait for the Painted Lady butterflies to emerge.  When they do they are released into the wild to continue to cycle of life.

This past month we have had a mixed bag of weather, hot, wet, windy and thunder storms.  Also very humid conditions and then a risk of frost, which thankfully, did not happen in my area,  Today, it is raining, quite heavy I might add.

I am expecting all of the paperwork for my trip to arrive soon, so then I can start counting the days.  I have mentioned in the past, I am a list maker, so yes, all of the lists have been made, ready to check off everything.

All of the new bells and whistles on my car are taking a lot of getting use to.  The instruction manual leaves a lot to be desired for this brain of mine.  Just as most manuals for equipment these days, they assume you know most of what it is trying to tell you.  I have been driving for a lot of years, so certainly know how to do that, however, now every time I go out I concentrate of mastering at least one new function this car has.   My old car was a basic key to start, look in the mirrors for traffic etc, and was certainly made before the screen that shows everything but the heart beat of the vehicle.  I am loving the way this car handles, so glad I moved up to the modern world of driving.

Next week my quilting guild will be having our pot luck lunch to end our meetings for the Summer.  We usually have our meal and social gathering outside in one of our member's lovely garden, however, the weather looks a bit unsettled this week, so other plans might need to be made.  

That's all for now.

Have a wonderful day,


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Out of town

After a lovely weekend of a birthday party and a Mother's day tea, I am still on the move.

After being advised on Saturday, my new ride would be ready for pick up on May 15th.  A trip to the big city with son and DIL late on Sunday, now just waiting for tomorrow.

My old car has seen better days, it runs well for it's age, however, now I drive on my own, I wanted a vehicle I could rely on to get me there and back again.  So, a new car was ordered and then had to wait a considerable long time for it to be made and shipped to the dealership.

Not having purchased a car for a good many years, and being an old woman did not want to be taken advantage of.  Not saying I would be but, it did happened to me during a repair job on my car years ago.  My son has helped with this purchase, so feeling a lot better about the whole process.

We had a brief thunder storm and rain last evening, and it is dull grey today with rain threatening for most of the day according to the weather forecast, only consolation it is not cold.

Hoping it clears up somewhat for my trip home tomorrow.  Not a fan of driving on the very busy road I need to go on, plus there is a lot of construction on it too.   It is now construction season in Ontario.

Have a great day.



Saturday, May 11, 2024


Monday, not much happened, it was a lovely day, so had a nice walk to the local park and back again.  In the evening I went to trivia night upstairs. Our team won, with not much help from me, I might add.  Those questions makes one feel that you do not know as much as you thought you did.  

Tuesday, another lovely day, so could not resist another walk to the park, the ornamental trees are looking beautiful, so had to take a photo of these.   I am sure you will agree they are a lovely sight to behold. 

Wednesday, had to go and take another look at the park, it was a beautiful sunny day, albeit very breezy.

Thursday, did a small shop to pick up some odds and ends of fresh fruit, veg and milk.   Also, cleaned out the inside of my car and looked for a birthday gift for a GGD, what do you get for a child that has more than she really needs?   So not being very successful with any ideas that were given to me, I have settled on money, I know its not very original idea, however, she can use it to get whatever she wants or it can be put in her savings account to further her education when that time comes. 

Friday,  a mixture of weather, clouds, sun and a few brief showers.   Spent, some time at the happy hour upstairs.  There are always snacks people bring in, I tried to resist, but must admit those chocolate covered cashews were delicious.  Chocolate is good for you, right? and I am sure I have read somewhere, the nuts are too.! 

So, here we are again Saturday, the start of the weekend.  This afternoon I go to the birthday party for A, she is five going on fifteen, that's why I had so much trouble trying to choose a gift for her.   My son and D I L will also be there, and I am hoping my son has more information regarding the arrival of my new car.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is Mother's Day here, and my two daughters, E and B are taking me out for the afternoon and then visiting a small local village for "high tea".  Looking forward to that.

Another busy week, and by the looks of my calendar next week will be the much the same.

Have a great day.


Monday, May 06, 2024


Many years ago, in the area where I live, there battles were fought between, the English and the French, English and U. S, Native people against all of those previously noted, plus others, I am sure I have not mentioned.   Where these battles were fought plaques and cairns have been erected by the side of the road which either give directions to visit certain places off the beaten track, or note the exact spots where these conflicts took place.  The plaques provide information as to the, who, what, where when and why information.  

I am mentioning this as the country side is dotted with a lot of these information sites, and during a ride yesterday with my ex, we duly noted some of those we have visited or stopped at previously.  However, as we made a turn in the road, I saw there was a new one.  Not the kind made of brass or stone as the others were but, with modern elements, of steel and plastic, held in place by cement blocks.  

Written on the black background, large red letters showed this.


ON APRIL 17 th, 1889,


Who ever put it there must have had a good sense of humor, as I certainly did have a good chuckle as we drove past.  I should have taken a picture, but my phone has too many of this kind a photo, so decided not too.  

Have a great day.



Saturday, May 04, 2024

I can't believe

Where did that time go!   I cannot believe it has been so long since I last posted.   Life gets in the way, and time just flies by.

During my absence a huge transformation has taken place, the trees that were only bare branches are now full of green leaves, the varieties which are a little later to show their leaves are still quite bare.  The magnolias have been beautiful,  some heavy rain and wind dashed the blooms a few days ago, some of the later bloomers avoided that weather and I now looking quite lovely.  Red bud and ornamental flowering trees are now putting forth a great show of colour.  Lilacs are just starting to open up their flowers, saw some of the very dark purple ones yesterday, I am sure the perfume from them will soon be in the air.

Inside, my cactus which I though was a Christmas cactus, which is now confirmed to be an Easter cactus has been blooming for the past two weeks, the first time it has had this many blooms in all of the years I have had it.  It appears to love this new home as much as I do.  My youngest daughter brought my April flowers on Thursday.  A little late, however, she and her husband have been very busy finding a new car for their youngest daughter, who is living and going to college a three hour drive away, so their weekends have been very busy.  

Doing all of the social activities I normally do, lunches with friends, happy hour, pot luck dinner, quilting meetings and trunk shows and a studio art tour.  Loved the art tour, artist's which use different mediums to make their pieces open up their studios for people to see their process and also some of their work.  I visited about eight of them during a day last month, painters, potters and clay artists the ones I was most interested in was, of course, the artists using fabric.  There were three on this tour, many questions were directed their way, so now going to use some of their "tricks of the trade" to apply to some new pieces I plan on doing.   

During the past ten days I had three great grand children celebrate birthdays, all of them in one family, so grandma is having a BBQ birthday party for all of them today and that is where you will find me this afternoon.  Next weekend is another GG's birthday, so going to my grandson's for that party.  

I have been waiting for my new car to be manufactured and to arrive at the dealership, it should be in my hands in the very near future.   Getting excited too, for my up coming vacation next month.  There is no grass growing under my feet, as the saying goes.

Our weather is typical April early May weather, shorts and T-shirt sunny and warm for a couple of days, then in the blink of an eye it is wet and cool and digging out the long pants and sweaters.  The evenings are getting longer which I really like, time to sit outside and enjoy the evening and watch the sunsets.

As I am sure, you my readers know I make quilts and am now doing some collage pieces, this is a cushion I made recently.   I have others which I will show in due course.

So with that I will finish my laundry.

Have a great day.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Hoping it continues

 Good morning!

We have sunshine again, three days in a row, and the temp is going up, just keeping the fingers crossed it will remain the same, and not revert back to some cooler winter type of weather.   It is still April so we can expect almost anything and everything.

Flowers are blooming, daffodils, pansies and cultivated primroses.  The forsythia is blooming also, which means the ground is getting warmer, that must be the reason for the dandelions too, which are attracting some early butterflies.  The magnolia and ornamental fruit trees are showing definite signs of forthcoming flowers.   Hoping it continues.    

On Thursday I delivered three of my quilting projects to a quilt show, which was held Friday and Saturday.  I needed to pick up the projects at a certain time after the show, however, I went earlier to see all of the beautiful works of art done with fabric, needle and thread.   Was not disappointed as the display of quilts was spectacular.   I was asked to help take down the displays and was more than happy to do that, as I was able to get up close and personal with those quilts.  

Sunday was the last day of the Masters golf tournament, I am not a golfer but like to watch.   This year all of the flowers on the course were out in full bloom, beautiful.  When I attended the Masters with my son and DIL several years ago, all of the Azaleas had bloomed early due to a very early Spring, so none of them looked as lovely as the ones yesterday.    Watched this year's with my ex at his house, after the winner had been given the green jacket, he cooked a steak on the BBQ.   He needs to know the reason why, soap and water, vacuums and dust cloths were invented or that will be the last time I visit.  There is absolutely no excuse as to why those things cannot be used.  Not a priority, I guess. 

Monday, Monday I go and get my income taxes done, I went last week, however, the young man helping me did not have enough experience to take care of the details in mine, another person will be doing it today.  Time is running out as it needs to be done by the end of April.   After that is done, it will be lunch time, then I am going for a nice walk to the local park it is just too nice to stay in.  

Have a great day


Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Once in a lifetime

When I got up yesterday, it was cloudy and it had rained, Oh no, it is going to be a big disappointment for a lot of people.  Everyone was hoping for a lovely sunny day, the excitement had been building for days and days and now clouds.

As the morning progressed more blue sky could be seen and by noon hour, yes, lovely sunshine.  

All the preparations, extra policing staff, roads closed and some opened for all of the expected flow of traffic to converge into the area.  The special viewing glasses had sold out days ago.   Schools were closed,  restaurants opened early and I am sure stayed open late to feed and water the many people who were making a full day of  it.   Families made it a party/picnic day, and the television stations were running programs for hours on end to document this event.

Now, we wait.  The sun had a lot of heat in it and the temp rose to a high of 17*C  it could not have been any perfect for this once in a lifetime event.  And, we wait.

It's time,  the sun was not so bright as it was, over time, twilight, then it became darker and  darker, stars were shining.   It's cold, so cold I had to put an extra cardigan on.  Street lights came to life, and the birds stopped singing.  It's quiet, the workers putting up a nearby building had to stop doing their job.  It's so very quiet.  It's so very surreal.   

If this is happening in 2024 and we all know the reason why, it makes me wonder, what did people think was happening years and years ago when they had absolutely no idea.  I am sure they were thinking it was the end of the world.    So back to April 8 2024.

The sky was black but, in the distance it appeared to be sunset the sky was pink, orange and red.  Then very slowly it started to get lighter and lighter, no stars, all the lights when out and now sunshine again, and the temperature began to rise.

A total eclipse of the sun.  

Now, today April 9, 2024, the sun is shining again as it does, and it won't get dark until this evening. Everything is back to normal, children in school, people going about their normal daily lives, the birds are singing, construction workers on the job site working.  

All the photos have been viewed, and now the special viewing glasses have been stowed away as a souvenir of a once in a lifetime experience.   A total eclipse of the sun.  

Have a great day


Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Lovely weekend

Back to a normal routine today.  On holiday weekends I never know what day it is, especially when everything is closed for Good Friday, and it feels as if it should be a Sunday. Then yesterday, Monday it is anyone's guess what was open or closed.

On Friday, DD2 came for a visit and gave me an Easter Lily for my March flowers, (flowers every month for a year, Christmas gift).  They were going to be busy helping their DD2 to move on the weekend, so would not be home for Easter.  The evening pot luck dinner was a big success, with dishes of food that I would not normally prepare, a great chance to try something new, which may end up on my own dinner plate some time.  The company and conversation is very welcome too.

Saturday's bbq at DD1's was lovely.  It was raining and cool, so the meal was prepared outside and eaten in the dining room.  Five of my great grands were there and I must say their Mum is doing a fantastic job in raising those children.    They range in age from 5 to 14 years,  and when it was time to set the table they all helped with not even being asked.  Lined up in the kitchen each one took something to place on the table, making several trips back and forth until the task was complete.  The same procedure after the first course, dirty dishes, serving bowls, etc. off to the kitchen and on their return trip, dessert course in hand.  After the meal, everything back into the kitchen and the 7 year old, picked up the dish towel and started to dry dishes, no dishwasher in the house. 

An Easter egg hunt in the house proved to be a bit hectic for a little while, however, everyone found a little treat.

Sunday and theatre time.  Have you ever played the board game "Clue"?  The play with the same name was the last one of the theatres performances until October.   It was fantastic, one of the best ones I have seen.   A revolving set with all of the rooms in the mansion, where the murders took place, great professional actors, lots of laughs, a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.  

Monday, was a beautiful sunny day, a lovely day for a walk, so off a local park, just a bit too early yet for any of the trees and shrubs to show any leaves, however, I did notice the buds swelling on the rhododendrons.  Sitting a bench soaking up some Vitamin D, I was approached by a woman who wanted to do the same thing and we had a nice conversation, solving all of the world's problems.  Cooling down as the afternoon sun was on its downward trip, I made my way back home.  Trivia night upstairs and our team won.  These nights really make you feel as if you don't know very much after all.

Today, I will be doing some errands and, visiting a friend.   April showers this morning and for several more days this week.    As the saying goes, "April showers, bring May flowers".

Have a great day



Thursday, March 28, 2024

All fixed and moving

 Joyce the Janome, only need a little fix, which did not take too long at the shop, so she is now back in the sewing room.  Sally the Singer, is all clean and ready to go when ever a sewing day for the guild is scheduled.  All of the repair work done on these two did not cost a mint either, so very happy about that and no new sewing machines needed.  

As I have mentioned previously, when I moved into this apartment I purchased a lot of new furniture.  I still needed something in the dining area, and have been having a problem finding what I wanted, and to be honest did not want to spend a mint on buying something that I would have to wait for months to receive.  Then last weekend the light bulb came on, the fabric cabinet.   This wooden cabinet was made years ago by my late husband's friend..   It is tall, 6 1/2 feet tall, and 3 feet wide, with glass doors and shelves with two small wooden doors at the bottom.   Move it?   I can do this!!!   Moving!!! yes, emptied and with a couple of pushes and pulls it was in place in the dining area, looking good.  The sewing room, however, looked as if a bomb had hit it.  Needing something now to hold the fabric, so off to the store I go and buy a shelving unit, which is made up of several cubbies/cubes.  Furniture these days does not come premade, and neither did this.  With my trusty screw driver and hammer, a couple of hours later, I have put it together.  

As of this morning, everything is now in its proper place, collectables that I treasure which have been hiding in the cupboards are now on display in the cabinet.  The fabric, all sorted by colour is in their appropriate cubby.  Job well done, with only a couple of muscles that I know did some work they usually don't do.  

For once we have a nice blue sky and frosty rooftops so it is still not too warm yet.  The early daffodils are blooming, and green buds are showing on some shrubs, everything is coming alive.  

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, at a performance hall in a library in a nearby city.   It was an all woman trio I have never heard before, and a man on the drums.  A singer performed along with the trio in the second set.  A great couple of hours listening to some lovely music.  These concerts have a different group every month throughout the year and are free.

A busy weekend coming up.  Tomorrow, Friday, is the Easter pot luck dinner in the lounge, this month I am taking a dessert.  Saturday, having dinner at DD1's I am also doing dessert for that too,  both of those will be made early tomorrow morning.  Sunday, I have tickets to go to the theatre, looking forward to that, as it is the last one my friend and I have tickets for.  

Monday, sounds as if it should be a day to just relax.

Have a great day.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Joyce, Sally and Confused

 The weekend again, where did those five days go!  It must be due to me being busy in the sewing room, as the weather  was not that great to be outside for any length of time. 

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature must be having a terrible argument due to their confusion as to whether it is Spring or still Winter.   Most of January and February we had temperatures warmer than the average for those months and very little snow compared to other years.  The first half of March was much the same, so only conclude, Mother Nature had the upper hand.  On the first day of Spring, March 21st. Old Man Winter must have won the argument, as we were experiencing  bitter cold temps, winds which made it feel so much colder then snow for the past couple of days.  Currently we have blue skies, but still temps below the zero C.  The forecast is for milder temps in the coming week, so maybe they have come to some agreement, as I am sure the Old Man needs to take a rest after what he has done these past few days.  Hopefully, he will fall asleep for a long time and wake up in January 2024.   The Young Mother Nature can now do her work in peace and quite.

Joyce the Janome and Sally the Singer are my sewing machines, don't laugh lots of people name their sewing machines.  Recently I have been having issues with Joyce she has been in the repair shop twice for the same problem and will be going back in again, hopefully to be fixed once and for all.  Now, Sally is old and I can expect her to be a bit slow these days, however, it appears she has a seriously problem, which I am hoping can be fixed.  Sally made clothes for my two girls, family members and myself since the mid 60's, so really doesn't owe me anything, but it is a good machine for me to carry to the sewing days the guild has, as Joyce is very heavy.  

While both of those machines are being taken care of, I will be doing a big tidy up in the sewing room, moving the furniture around as I am finding where everything is situated at the present time is not working very well.  Then I will search through my pattern books to find quilts I would like to make and then use the fabric in my stash and start cutting to make my own kits.  It all sound very ambitious but I am determined to start using fabric I currently have and only buy some neutral colour to compliment the blocks.  

Have a great day/



Saturday, March 16, 2024


 This month of March is appropriately named and it is stepping by quickly.  The days just seem to fly by,  we have reach the hump of the month and now on the down side.   As March always goes, our weather is like a roller coaster, temps up one day, down the next.  Sunshine and blue skies then clouds, rain and yes, snow.  Today is cloudy, with a few rays of sun now and then, not too warm.  Tomorrow, possible wet snow 

Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week were absolutely glorious,  Tuesday, I went for a drive to a couple of towns nearby and enjoyed the trip, and wandered around some, new to me stores.  Found a pair of dress slacks on sale which came home with me.  Wednesday, out again for a nice walk to enjoy the birds singing, the robins are back, the buds on the shrubs and trees are swelling and some even showing a little green, a sure sign of spring.  When I returned it was "happy hour",  got my chair, a gin and tonic and sat on the balcony soaking up some vitamin D.   

Friday, DD2 and I went and did our weekly grocery shop, I only needed to stock up my fridge with some fresh veg and fruit.  Also, did some sewing on our guilds charity quilt, then went to the lounge in the building for happy hour.  Just a ginger ale for me, and lots of friendly chatter with some of the folks in the building.  As the evening progressed, one of the men brought out chips, dips and chocolates, I should not have taken one chip, as it led to two or three.

That brings us to today, Saturday,  I was suppose to go to the theatre this afternoon with a girl friend, however, she was not well, so I rebooked the tickets we had for a day later this month.  That worked out well, as family was having a birthday party for GGS.  So now I can have lunch with my eldest great grandson and family, DD1 and S I L.  His 14th birthday was on Wednesday, however, with family working, a lunch was scheduled for today to celebrate.   He is such a nice young man.

Tomorrow, nothing is planned, however, with the forecast of not so nice weather, it could be a day to stay in.  

Have a great day,



Sunday, March 10, 2024

It's Back

Yes, Winter showed it face again this morning with a little snow and cold temps, not really cold, but it feels that way after the balmy Spring like weather we have been having.  It will be short lived as temps start to go up again during the coming week.

 This past week has been non eventful, except for the quilting meeting on Wednesday.  I always enjoy getting together with these ladies.    I am putting together the blocks from our February meeting, as I now have collected all of them.  

On Thursday, DD2 and I went grocery shopping, trying to get the best buys we can these days, by going to a different store than we had been going to.  The specials they had were discounted more than some of the items I usually buy in the store I regularly go to.

In the coming weeks I need to buy some new dressy walking shoes, a Spring jacket and some under garments.  The shoes and jacket will be coming in handy for my up coming vacation, Oh! the underwear will too.  Ha Ha.   

Oh! the memories that come back from the use of one word.   Undergarments.   They have a number of names attached to them, don't they.  Underwear, bloomers, briefs, knickers, panties and thongs.  I remember the bloomers I wore as part of my uniform when I was in school in England.  The uniform---white blouse, grey skirt and cardigan, bottle green tie, beret, blazer and coat.  The underwear was also part of the uniform.   A baggy cotton bloomer with elastic around the waist and legs.  The colour, bottle green,  is a dark green and not very flattering for any type of underwear.  These bloomers were also used as part of the physical education uniform, along with white socks and plimsolls.   As I recall, the plimsolls were black, and would not be considered to be a gym shoe by todays standard.   Fast forward to Secondary school here in Canada, the only uniform we had to wear was the physical education gym suit.   A one piece navy blue garment, buttons down the front and, you guess it, baggy with elastic around the legs.   

The underwear I wear now,  not telling, however, it does not have any elastic around the legs.

Today and tomorrow I will be under in influence of a "time change lag", as we put our clocks ahead an hour last night.  Those 60 minutes are not that long but it sure does make a difference for a couple of days.  

So better get on with my day, it's still 24 hours isn't it.

Have a great day



Monday, March 04, 2024

Home again

On March 1st, I went to Ottawa, to visit with two of my ggd's.  One actually lives there and is studying for her Ph.D. and the other was on reading week from her college so she took the bus to Ottawa, so they could have some sister time together, before we arrived in the afternoon.   Mum and Dad  helped "K" with some groceries, student funds only just go so far.   We had had a busy day, so did not go out for dinner but had lasagna and garlic bread, which DD2 had brought with her.  

Saturday, we went to the museum of Science and Technology, which was very interesting as many different things were displayed, we then did some shopping and met "K's" boy friend.  In the evening we all walked to China Town and found a small, but lovely Japanese restaurant where we had a delicious dinner.  The first time for me eating Japanese dishes and loved it.  So much so, I later purchased ingredients to make my own.

Sunday, we met up with some parents in the group who adopted children the same time my DD2 and hubby did, six of the girls also joined us too.   We all had a very delicious and filling brunch, a catchup on all the news, and sadly parted again until the reunion in the Summer.   Unfortunately our visit with "K" ended  and we headed to Peterborough which was approximately a three hour drive, to take "C" back to her apartment, she also needed some groceries so Mum and Dad helped, again.   They are both very good cooks, so making their own meals is a lot more economical than having it ordered in.   DD2, hubby and I stayed in a hotel overnight as we still had three plus hours before getting home and by this time it was getting too late to start that trip.  

Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. we started for home, arriving around 2:00 p.m.  The end of a great visit and a nice weekend getaway.  

It was a cloudy day for travelling on Friday, and it was cool and damp for the weekend, however, coming home today we had temps reaching 20*C and sun.    

It is nice to go away for a few days but, also to be home again.

Have a great day


Thursday, February 29, 2024


 For several days we have had very unseasonal temperatures, yesterday morning was looking as if we would have another mild day with sunshine.  It stayed that way until noon when it changed, the wind started to blow and the temps dropped, clouded over and a light dusting of snow.   It was certainly a shock to the system having to get warm coats etc. out of the closet again.   This morning, there is a mixture of sun and cloud and it is still cold but, it will be changing again tomorrow to milder temps again.

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, every month there is a free concert, so certainly take advantage of that.  I was seated next to a woman who's husband was playing in the sextet on the stage.  During intermission our conversation turned to the music, of course, she plays the piano and her son is in university studying music, her daughter is also musically inclined.  It must be a very happy household with all the music going on when they all get together.  She also said, the sextet often practice in their basement, she is a grade three elementary school teacher, so she listens to them playing while doing work related to that job.

Tomorrow, I am going to be out of town for the weekend, going to Ottawa to visit two granddaughters.   Mum and Dad asked me if I wanted to go,  could not say no, could I.  Have not seen them since Christmas, so it will be nice to see them again.  Mum and Dad, will be making sure their fridge and  cupboards are full again, money is not too plentiful when you are in university.   I have mentioned in previous posts these two girls were adopted and other families who were in the same group, have get togethers when possible.  Most of these families live in the area of Ottawa, so a nice time to have an impromptu get together.  This one is not as organized as the big one they have in the summer, when all of the girls get together and decide where and what they want to do.  Every year for the past 26 years they have never done the same thing twice at the reunion.  When they were young mum's and dad's decided the activity which among other things included apple picking, face painting, swimming, zip lining, bowling, escape rooms and the list goes on, as they got older, shopping and some partying has taken place.  No idea what the plans would likely be this year, most of them are either working or still  taking some kind of education.  Sometimes just chilling is the best thing to do.   

It is a long drive, so will take some hand sewing with me to pass the time.  

Have a great day


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

It's time

 This morning, as I was browsing the blogs I follow, one showed a poem about snowdrops written by  Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  So, I thought it was time for my header to change from the snow photo to one I took several years ago of the snowdrops in the front garden of my house I was living in at the time.  It's a bit out of focus, but I like it just the same.  I am sure they are in bloom again now too.  The plant world is waking up.

For Christmas of 2022, I was given an amaryllis bulb.  I planted it in January last year and I had some lovely red blossoms which brightened up the dull days of winter,   When the weather was warm enough I planted it outside, and harvested it when I moved,  Just after Christmas 2023 I repotted it, as the instructions had said on the box.  I waited and waited, nothing happened.  One day last week I saw something that looked life a leaf sprouting out of the bulb.  Now, the sprout is about four inches high, however, it is not a leaf it is a flower bud.  It's about time.  Looking forward to a beautiful red flower in the days to come.

February is almost over and the hopes of weather to improve, however, we really have been fortunate this winter as it has been nothing like the winters we usually have. Hardly any snow and milder temps, mind you we have had some cold days and nights, but they didn't last.   Today, it is raining, and Oh!! my goodness thunder and lightening  right now as I am writing this.

No walk today by the looks of it.  It was lovely walking yesterday, wore a warm jacket not my winter down filled coat.  The weekend is looking sunny, happy about that as I am going to visit two granddaughters, who I have not seen since Christmas.

Best get out of here get some things done.

Have a great day


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Six months

At the end of this month, it will be six months since I have been in my apartment.  How is that possible!  

It took me two years to definitely decide to remove myself from the situation I was in, those two years dragged by.  As the saying goes, slower than molasses in January.  Then, September of 2023 finally arrived and I was packed and ready to go.  

Starting a new life at 82 years old was not easy, I had a lot of support from family, which made it possible.  It was not only the physical move which was difficult to decide to do, it also was the emotional and mental move that needed to take place.   At times, I thought, what am I doing? the right thing? is this what I need to do?  Have I regretted moving, no, absolutely not.  

I am in control of my life.  Hopefully I have a few more years on this earth, doing what I want and when I want.  My bank account is not as flush as it was,  --but--  being successful in life to me is not the dollars  you have gathering dust in stocks and bonds, being  "The King, was in his counting house" as the rhyme goes, it's using those dollars to live a life of  being happy with family and friends to do things with. It's going on adventures near and far. It's helping other people with whatever you can do for them.  Having french fries and ice cream once in awhile when you really should not indulge.  Those gin and tonics go down very well too, medicinal, of course,  (Smiles)   I am now doing all those things.  

We have only one, just one chance to live this life and I intend to be as happy as I can while doing it.  I am so very fortunate to be as healthy as I am which is a definite plus, unfortunately there are too many people who are not as lucky.  

The sky today is a beautiful blue, it's crisp and cold -7*C but the sun is shining, it may warm up a bit later in the day.  We may be nearing the end of Winter, however, March can be brutal with everything Mother Nature can conjure up.  The evenings are staying light a lot longer and in a couple of weeks we change the clocks.  

Last evening was the monthly pot luck dinner here in the building, again delicious food and friends.  St. Patrick's theme with shamrocks and green decorations on the tables.  I know, it's still February, we celebrate a month ahead, as St. P's day will be long gone by the end of March. 

Coffee is all gone, so better get moving.

Have a great day.



Wednesday, February 21, 2024

It's everywhere

 Yesterday, was a sewing day with my quilt guild.

I have mentioned previously we received a donation of fabric from one of our late members fabric stash, on the condition we make quilts for a charity.  She had a lot of fabric, as this is the second sewing day we have had using up tubs of brightly coloured cotton fabric.

As everyone sorts though it all, there is fabric everywhere, with each of us trying to co-ordinate a colourful design with something else, "is there enough of this" or "what do you think this will look like".  Then a laugh, "what on earth was R thinking about when she bought THIS".   The ugly duckling, so to speak,  always is looking OK when it's cut up and pieced.  

We had a productive day and lots of great conversation during lunch and throughout the day.

On the weekend I had a nice visit with my son, daughter in law, grandson and his family.  GGD baby "M", now has a personality, she is a happy little one of almost 7 months.  Mum has her on a strict schedule, I am sure not only for "M ' s"  benefit but for herself too.  GGD,"A" will soon by five years old,  and quite a little miss, who gets quite moody if nothing goes quite the way she wants it to.   A five year old teenager.

Hardly any snow on the ground, and temps up and down like the window blinds.  Rain possible later today, but right now we have some sunshine.  The plants in my window are loving it and sprouting new leaves.  

Have a great day


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Busy in the sewing room

 Several projects in progress under the needle and cutting board.  

A collage challenge is due at the March meeting, I had some difficulty trying to decide what to do with a butterfly collage I had finished.  It needed a companion, so that is done, then what are butterflies with out flowers, so that is what I worked on yesterday.   Also, dug into the stash and found fabric for part of the background.  A clear vision of the piece is now coming together.  

There are also two quilts which I am putting the binding on for the guild, these will be donated to a home for relocated people that did not have a permanent place to live.  There is also another for which I am waiting for blocks to come from members of the guild, so I can start putting that quilt together.

I did a couple of repair jobs for one of my neighbours a short while ago.  The word got around and now I have a simple table runner to make and possibly two chair cushions.  Keeping me busy and out of mischief.

The room now is looking as if a bomb has hit it, so some serious cleaning up will soon be the order of the day.

We had a light dusting of snow overnight and there are still a few flakes falling.  The sky is grey but, does not look as if it is full of a lot more snow.  It is a bit colder, but still not as bad as I have experienced in past February's.

Yesterday was my only grandson's birthday, how did he get to be over 30 years old already.  Next month is a busy B-day month for me, with three in the matter of a week, every month thereafter there is a family member or two's birthday.  The little ones get a gift, others cards.  Yes, I still send cards, do you?

Happy Valentines day to all, if you celebrate with a significant other, I hope you are spoiled.

Have a great day


Thursday, February 08, 2024


 Every day I go for a 3 km walk on the trail just  few steps from my apartment.  It is all paved, so no mud to contend with, and during snowy winter conditions it is well maintained to remove the ice and snow, so it is a great place to walk knowing there are no slippery sections.   Not to worry about what is under foot today.  What a beautiful day to take in some fresh air.

So records, what records --- There were pussy willows open on a tree I walked by, a motor cycle was roaring down a nearby street, I bet that bike hasn't been out this early in the year.   I took my gloves off as it was so warm on my return trip as I had the south wind and the sun on my back.  Was tempted to undo my jacket but, thought better of it.  While watching the evening news, the area I live in set a record high temp for Feb. 8th.  going up to 10.7*C, tomorrow is forecast to be warmer, however, so rain  is also expected.  Also, on the news was a local golf course, where the grounds keepers had been rolling the tees to get rid of any lumps or bumps and the course was fully booked for golfers to pay today.  One man they interviewed said he was skiing two days ago at a local ski club, they make their own snow at night.  And, then he was golfing today.   The groundhog was right---an early spring.  I don't think so, it can all change in the blink of any eye, when we get s north wind bringing in cold temps and snow. 

It all sounds too good to be true, however, we all know the reasons for the changing weather patterns, and it is not good.

Rejuvenated from my walk and the fresh air, I started working on two projects for our guild.  One is a name tag, the program myself and another member did was quite a lot of fun and hope some of the "girls" will pursue the fabric painting, which we did for the name tags.  Then I worked on the collage challenge project also for the guild.  I want to make mine into s wall hanging, as I have a perfect spot to hang it when it is completed.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow  as I am beginning to look a bit unkept, I will ask her to take a bit more off on one area, so it looks tidier for a little longer than it has.

Have a great day


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Have to change

During the dark grey days of winter, when it gets dark early in the evening and the sun doesn't decide to get up until late in the morning, and then it never is seen because of the clouds, I tend to hibernate.  Going to bed late after watching some TV and as a result getting up late.  Time to make some changes.

Yes, it is time for a change, no more slacking off, must get moving, getting in the bed earlier and greeting a new day before 7:45 a.m.   I am not a person who opens my eyes and immediately jumps out of bed and gets moving, I need to take things s bit slower.  

What times do you go to bed and get up in the morning?

Tomorrow is my guilds February meeting so needed to get my block done for the charity quilt we make each month.  So I did that yesterday.  The colours chosen, by myself and another member, (we are in charge of the meeting and program this month) are lime green, black and white.  We also have some new members, so decided the activity will be making our name tags.  In the past they have not been needed as the membership never changed.  Unfortunately, we loose members for various reasons, and  new people join to fill those empty spaces.  I know how hard it is to remember names, so we thought this would be a good idea.  

The tulips my DD2 gave me for January are now past their prime and will be taken out of the vase and in the garbage they go.  I do have house plants, that seem to be lovely the light coming in the windows, will have to give them some fertilizer soon.  When the days warm up two of them will go outside on the balcony as they have done in past years.

Last night it was trivia night here in the building, so I went again, just to see how much I didn't know.  Our team did not win, we came in second, but I did contribute some right answers.  Nothing is taken seriously, just a bit of fun, so don't mind going once a month as it is a good chance to get to know some people.  

Have a great day


Sunday, February 04, 2024

It's here again

 Is it February, very unusual for our weather to be so mild at this time of the year.   Usually we are in a deep freeze, with lots of snow on the ground.  There is not a flake on snow on the ground which  could cause some damage to the plants that normally would be insulated against the cold temperatures with a covering of snow.  Could it be global warming or just a cycle in the weather pattern.  It makes me wonder, as on the nightly weather forecast they give the record high and low temperatures for the same day in years gone by.

Looking out the window early this morning, there was frost on the roof tops, the sun has some heat in it, now it is all gone.  The forecast for today, wall to wall sunshine and very little wind, a perfect day for February.  The sun sets later every day, (by just a minute or two), but even with that short period of time the minutes add up, so hopefully by the end of February, we should see daylight right up until six o'clock.  

Yesterday, my youngest GD had to do another cross country flight with the aviation courses she is taking.  I was able to watch her on a flight tracking program on my DD2's phone.  We could see where she had flown, her current location and the direction she was travelling.  Also,  what altitude and speed she was doing.  I still can't believe she is doing this.  Today, she was also going to fly here to the city DD2 and I live in, however, cloud cover cancelled that trip.  Disappointed, yes, however, there will be other days when she will be able to fly here.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A "no" has changed to a "yes"

A couple of days ago, the trip that I was wanting to take looked as if it wasn't going to happen.  The tour company told me it was a very popular destination, and all of the single traveler spots were filled.  I, along with several other "singles" were on a waiting list and also a "partner" list.  The partner list is for singles who would be willing to share a room with another single.  I was given two names, contacted both of them and one agreed to partner up with me.  I know it is not for everyone, however, I did the same on a previous trip and everything was fine, so have no worries about this trip.  Partnering with someone else, also saves a lot of money for both of us, as we now do not pay the single supplement.  

We do have several months prior to the trip, so hopefully, we will be able to meet up before leaving.  Then there is always the technical world to see and talk to each other.  So happy this trip is going to happen, as I was really looking forward to seeing Scandinavia.

This morning it is foggy again, we have had so much this winter, which is quite unusual for us.  No snow and temps for the next seven days are all going to be just above the zero mark during the day.   We could also have some sunshine, which has been almost non existent for the past month.

I need to get into my sewing room today, got a lot done yesterday, but have things to be done before the due dates for these projects.  The "February" door hanger needs to be finished by tomorrow.   A quilt and a block need to be finished by next Wednesday, and a quilt for my GG has got to be started,  So into the sewing room when I have finished this post.

Have a great day.



Sunday, January 28, 2024

Christmas present

Yesterday I needed some technical help, so DD2 came to the rescue and all is working well now, with the help of a remote techie guy from who only knows where.  It amazes and worries me at the same time, that a person, with permission, can fix  a technical issue regarding my TV in my living room from where ever they are in the world. 

She also brought my Christmas present.  A Christmas gift in January!  yes. 

My  Christmas 2023 gift from her and SIL are  "flowers, once a month for all of 2024".   Beautiful yellow and red tulips they gave me are now in a vase in my kitchen.    Today, Sunday, is overcast and wet, so they are a nice pop of colour on a dull day, and will be for the coming days of February, which historical are not very nice.  

Last night was "date night" with my ex,  it did not go well.  Will I continue to do this?  I am beginning to  think---NO.  Enough said.

Today, it is raining and a possibility of it changing to snow, so it is a good day to stay inside and get some sewing done.  On Friday I pin basted a quilt, so need to start the quilting on it.  The quilt block for February meeting needs to be made too.  In March our guild has a reveal of a challenge, mine is not quite finished.   Lots to keep me busy for the next few days.

I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, maybe another coffee and a shower would make things right, they always do.

So I am off to do that.

Have a great day.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Technical world has left me behind

The television I purchased several months ago has speakers at the bottom closer to the back of the unit.  So the sound is actually being  directed to the wall not out into the living area.  Because of this I need to up the volume a bit, which distorts the sound somewhat.  Solution, a sound bar which I purchased, and the store clerk said, "It's easy to connect to your TV" and she went on to tell me how.   She also said there were instructions in the box.  Easy!  maybe for someone who is familiar with all of this techy stuff, me not so much.   I feel so left behind with all the things a person needs to know to function in this world with all of the technical contraptions we are bombarded with these days.  I do consider myself somewhat knowledgably but don't have the confidence to go ahead with some of the things, just incase I mess it up and make things worse.   Much as I don't like impose I do have one of my SIL's  coming over today to help me connect it to the TV.  

As the saying goes, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"

Do you feel left behind in this techy world?  

The pot luck dinner last night was again, delicious.   I have no self control when I comes to different dishes of food, so I tend to over eat at these functions.  To help control this, I took a small luncheon plate, a trick I used to keep the portions of food small for my late husband.  It worked, I did take portions of everything, but did not feel overly full at the end of the meal.  Not a lot of food can be put on a smaller plate.  I will do this again next month.

All of the  small piles of snow we had on the ground yesterday,  have melted and green grass and clear streets is now all that I see.  However, we are forecast snow for tomorrow, in the mean time, I will enjoy the mild temps.  When I went for my walk yesterday, it felt as if Spring was not too far away.  It appears my walk today will be much the same, as the sun is trying very hard to break through the clouds.

As mentioned previously the trip I was hoping to take is looking even more as if it won't happen, so I opened to brochure again, some of destinations I would not feel comfortable going to at the moment, others don't appeal to me.  So waiting until later in the year is what I might do and then look at the brochures being issued then.

Are you planning on a vacation this year, or have already been on one?  Where?

Have a great day



Friday, January 26, 2024

Green again

The slushy mess we had earlier this week is all but gone.   Milder temps and rain have melted all but a few small piles of snow.  Fields have pools of water over them as it cannot soak in the soil as it is still frozen.  The rivers and streams are running swift and wild with brown water from the snow melt.  No reports of them flooding. 

Needed to get some errands done yesterday.  First stop was to get some more white thread I needed.  A fabric shop and me are the closest of friends, but yesterday I promised myself to go in and come out, no loitering around the fabric.  I did good.

They I went to a craft shop, you see the pattern here, I found what I needed and bought nothing else.  Cannot say, I wasn't tempted because I was.  So many lovely things, things I don't need, they were just "wants", they are still in the shop.

Then I went to a travel agent, the trip I wanted to take is full, so I am number five on a waiting list, I am not expecting any cancellations to happen  It is a very popular part of the world so the chances of me going are slim to none.  You have to be 55 years or older to go on trips run by this company, I have been on four with them, and enjoyed every minute.  Disappointed? yes a bit, will need to look at the brochure again to see if anything else appeals to me.  

Nothing on my agenda until the pot luck dinner tonight.  The usual things that need to be done, of course.  If the rain stops long enough I should get myself out for a walk, I have not done one outside for several days.  

So, should get moving.

Have a wonderful day


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What a mess!

Had to go out this morning to do a few errands, I sure did pick the wrong day to do that.

All the snow, which was not a lot really, is starting to melt due to rain and a temp just above the zero mark.   That is good but also bad.  All of the snow that was pushed to the side of the streets earlier  covered up the drains, so all of the rain and melting snow on the streets has no where to go.  It is just making everything a slushy mess  which is difficult not to just walk in but to drive in too.   Walking on the sidewalk would be a foolish thing to do today, as the water/slush gets sprayed up by uncaring drivers which are going too fast for the conditions we are currently having.

Roll on spring.

One of the errands I did this morning was to visit my late husbands niece.  She is a couple of years older than me and a spinster.   She lives in an apartment complex which I believe is owned by the Optimist Club.  These apartments are small and I mean small and because she has a lot of ornaments everywhere it looks even smaller.  You can't swing a cat in it, as the saying goes.  No! I do not harm any animal.  But, this niece does have a cat, which is an indoor cat, meaning it does it's business  in a pan of litter.   Unfortunately, I could not stay long, because I either have a very sensitive nose or that pan needed to be cleaned a long time ago.   When I returned home I had to change my clothes and put them in the washer as I could still smell her cat's toilet.   I am sure it is not healthy for her, however, she is so use to the smell it is not noticed at all.  Knowing her attitude, she has a big chip on her shoulder, she would never take any notice of comments regarding the litter pan from me or anyone else.  I will visit again when we can sit outside on her porch.

The little meeting I had with another woman of the quilting group was very productive, so everything is ready for the February meeting.

On Friday, this week is the building residents pot luck dinner, I have decided to do baked beans this time.  They are always well received as who doesn't like bake brown beans. 

I am now going to put a piece of ham in the oven for my dinner later, and also do some sewing, and there is always that book I am currently reading. 

Have a great day.



Thursday, January 18, 2024

It's back

After several days of no snow and lovely sunshine, upon waking this morning yes, it is snowing again.  The only consolation, it is warmer, warmer she says, -6*C at 9:30 a.m.   The snow is coming down horizontal today, not vertically as it was when the wind was blowing.  Not sure what it is like underfoot, so no walking outside today, hopefully later this afternoon when the streets have had the crews out sanding and salting, along with the traffic the streets will we clear of snow, then I will drive to the arena for a walk around the track.

In the mean time, I will get into my sewing room and work of the projects I need to get finished during the next couple of weeks.  One of the members of our guild and myself are in charge of the program activity for the February meeting,  so on Monday next week we are getting together to fine tune our plans.  As we have a number of new members, it is difficult to remember names, (believe me, I know from living in this building)  so our plan is have each member make their own name tag.  

Some water testing in being done this morning, so no water for approximately an hour.  It makes you think about how lucky we are to be able to turn on the tap and instantly have water flow out. 

That reminds me of when I first came to Canada, I lived on a farm in the country.  Country in Canada is a lot different than country in England.  The farm had a well.  Water had to be carried for the house and of course, the animals in the barn.  It was not a pleasant chore even at the best of times and winter weather, which I remember as being even worse than winters now, made it almost unbearable.   After several years that farm was sold and a move was made to one with running water in the house and the barn.  That made life so much easier.  There was even a toilet which could be flushed.  

We take the supply of safe clean water for granted these days, however, so many people do not have any water.   

Must get a move on,

Have a great day.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Ice Sculptures

For the past few days we had had some very high winds from the S.W. which whipped up high waves on Lake Erie.  Along with the bitter cold temps, the spray from the water coated the pier.   On the news it showed the rough water, so on Monday I went to see if the wind and water had made the ice sculptures again.  Yes, it had, however, as I had previously taken photo's I did not take anymore.    These two photo's were taken in 2022, when the same conditions were making these sculptures.


They are actually lamp posts.  

On Tuesday the sun shone most of the day and the night sky was also clear which made the temps plunge.  Along with the cold and wind it felt like -25 to -30*C.  I did not go out to confirm those readings, just took the TV weather person's word for it.  

In the afternoon I went to the library and applied for a new card and check out a couple of books to read.  Then there was a meeting in the lounge with the company that provides the invoices for the utilities in the building.  Apparently some of the residents had been having issues, so some heated loud words exchanged.  The light snacks of cookies and coffee helped to calm those voices down a bit.  In the end it appears everything was addressed and will be rectified in due course.

 Today, Wednesday there is a mixture of sun and high cloud, I needed to get milk from the store and my car temp reading was -13*C and 10:30 a.m so did my 2 1/2 kms on the arena walking track this morning.  Doing some sewing this afternoon and will open one of those books too.

Have a great day.


Saturday, January 13, 2024

It finally arrived


Around 5:00 p.m. yesterday snow arrived and was blown around by high winds, expecting huge accumulations as it continued for several hours.  However, when I went to bed no snow, rain had melted it into a slushy mess.  The forecast also indicated there was a possibility of thunder and lightening but I saw none.

This morning! snow again and gusty winds blowing it around and it is decidedly colder.  This is what we can expect for the weekend.  This woman is going no where, lots to eat and many things to do, so no reason to venture out,  the walking will be made up in the upcoming week. We should consider ourselves lucky as here we are almost the middle of January and really no winter weather to speak of.  

My son was going to come for a visit today, however, the roads are too treacherous for long distance travel, there is always another weekend with no weather to be concerned about. 

I did do an extra long walk yesterday, I would guess it was about four kms. I don't have one of those fancy phones or watches to tell me, I look at the signs on the trail I walk on.  The weather was quite nice in the morning so enjoyed the extra time outside.  

As I sit here writing this, people are out walking their dogs and others are doing their daily run, I am sure the time outside will be long enough to do the necessary and to get those steps in.

What am I doing today, laundry is currently in the drier, a roast of beef was taken out of the freezer and that will be in the oven this afternoon.  I have two quilts which are in the process of being completed and also fabric for one that I should have had done several months ago.  There is also some recorded programs to watch on TV, so no reason to be wondering "what can I do".

Have a wonderful day, keep warm or cool.


Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Is Winter finally here?

 Could be or maybe not.  When I looked out of the window early this morning snow was coming down quite hard.  A couple of hours later it had stopped so we only have another dusting.  It appears to be very mild hovering around the zero mark so some of it has melted already, and now the forecast is indicating a mixture of light rain and or snow.  

Trivia night was fun, the team I was on had the lowest score so we lost once again.  These trivia nights  certainly makes one feel how much you don't know, or have forgotten over the years.  Or, maybe it is the mind is not quite as sharp as it was.   I think the best explanation is, it takes longer for the information to sift through all of the things we do know and doesn't come through until after the time limit to write the answer down.  An interesting couple of hours was had by all.

This afternoon I am house sitting for DD2 as she and SIL are both working when a new fridge is to be delivered.  There is a time frame of  three hours for the delivery, so I will be taking some hand sewing to do during that period of time.

I hope to get my walk in sometime today, it all depends on the weather, it could get a little slippery underfoot.  If it does, the area walking track is just down the street a few blocks, so will do that to get my steps done.  

Have a wonderful day


Monday, January 08, 2024

One week into 2024

Well, that certainly was a fast seven days, I really don't know where the time goes.   

The weather we are currently experiencing is not January weather as we have had in past years. It is still mild, with a temp at present - 10:15 a.m. of 2*C, however, what wind might be out there would certainly make it feel a bit colder.  Living here in S.W Ontario, it is a milder area of Ontario, further north locations have snow and colder temps.  I am quite happy to be having this weather, unfortunately local ski hills are not able to function due to the lack of cold temps so they can make snow if Mother nature doesn't provide it.  

On January 1st. I noted the times for sunrise and sunset,  today one week into the new year I did the same, so far we have gained seven minutes of daylight, you would never know it though, as it has been cloudy every day.  Hoping when the sun does poke its head through those clouds we can turn on our lights a little later.  The forecast for the this week does not look as if that will happen any time soon.

Lazy day yesterday, did some hand sewing as I had an upset tummy, all good now, must have been something I ate-----could it have been the licorice allsorts-   LOL.  

Housework to be done today, not that there is much to do, it's all taken care of in a short period of time.  A walk is also on the agenda, and tonight is Trivia night in the lounge, so will be  going to that.  

Have a wonderful day


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...