Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Busy in the sewing room

 Several projects in progress under the needle and cutting board.  

A collage challenge is due at the March meeting, I had some difficulty trying to decide what to do with a butterfly collage I had finished.  It needed a companion, so that is done, then what are butterflies with out flowers, so that is what I worked on yesterday.   Also, dug into the stash and found fabric for part of the background.  A clear vision of the piece is now coming together.  

There are also two quilts which I am putting the binding on for the guild, these will be donated to a home for relocated people that did not have a permanent place to live.  There is also another for which I am waiting for blocks to come from members of the guild, so I can start putting that quilt together.

I did a couple of repair jobs for one of my neighbours a short while ago.  The word got around and now I have a simple table runner to make and possibly two chair cushions.  Keeping me busy and out of mischief.

The room now is looking as if a bomb has hit it, so some serious cleaning up will soon be the order of the day.

We had a light dusting of snow overnight and there are still a few flakes falling.  The sky is grey but, does not look as if it is full of a lot more snow.  It is a bit colder, but still not as bad as I have experienced in past February's.

Yesterday was my only grandson's birthday, how did he get to be over 30 years old already.  Next month is a busy B-day month for me, with three in the matter of a week, every month thereafter there is a family member or two's birthday.  The little ones get a gift, others cards.  Yes, I still send cards, do you?

Happy Valentines day to all, if you celebrate with a significant other, I hope you are spoiled.

Have a great day



  1. Sounds like you have and are going to be very busy. Butterflies have always been a favorite of mine and I always look forward to seeing them when the warmer weather returns. You are so creative and the projects sound wonderful! How very kind of you to help your neighbors with their repairs. We had a light dusting of snow but it disappeared quickly. I do love to see the snowflakes falling. Right now the sun is shining which always makes me feel good as it brings the birds back. A happy belated birthday to your grandson. I still send out cards, but it doesn’t seem to be as popular to receive them as it once was. The postage keeps going up too. A blogging friend has started sending out the prettiest handmade cards and I have her latest on my blog today. It is a very welcome sight to see a card in the mailbox, especially a handmade one, and she is very kind doing that as it always brings a smile. Your post was lovely, thank you for sharing what’s been going on your way, and have a lovely week ahead.

  2. we had to snow blow again today, these past few days have been the "snowiest" of the season so far!



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...