Tuesday, February 27, 2024

It's time

 This morning, as I was browsing the blogs I follow, one showed a poem about snowdrops written by  Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  So, I thought it was time for my header to change from the snow photo to one I took several years ago of the snowdrops in the front garden of my house I was living in at the time.  It's a bit out of focus, but I like it just the same.  I am sure they are in bloom again now too.  The plant world is waking up.

For Christmas of 2022, I was given an amaryllis bulb.  I planted it in January last year and I had some lovely red blossoms which brightened up the dull days of winter,   When the weather was warm enough I planted it outside, and harvested it when I moved,  Just after Christmas 2023 I repotted it, as the instructions had said on the box.  I waited and waited, nothing happened.  One day last week I saw something that looked life a leaf sprouting out of the bulb.  Now, the sprout is about four inches high, however, it is not a leaf it is a flower bud.  It's about time.  Looking forward to a beautiful red flower in the days to come.

February is almost over and the hopes of weather to improve, however, we really have been fortunate this winter as it has been nothing like the winters we usually have. Hardly any snow and milder temps, mind you we have had some cold days and nights, but they didn't last.   Today, it is raining, and Oh!! my goodness thunder and lightening  right now as I am writing this.

No walk today by the looks of it.  It was lovely walking yesterday, wore a warm jacket not my winter down filled coat.  The weekend is looking sunny, happy about that as I am going to visit two granddaughters, who I have not seen since Christmas.

Best get out of here get some things done.

Have a great day



  1. We had the thunder, lightning and heavy rain here too but probably just a bit after you, Pat. It's stopped now so hope that's it finished for today. It is surprisingly mild.

  2. I just can't get over the weather at the moment, it's so warm.



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