Thursday, February 29, 2024


 For several days we have had very unseasonal temperatures, yesterday morning was looking as if we would have another mild day with sunshine.  It stayed that way until noon when it changed, the wind started to blow and the temps dropped, clouded over and a light dusting of snow.   It was certainly a shock to the system having to get warm coats etc. out of the closet again.   This morning, there is a mixture of sun and cloud and it is still cold but, it will be changing again tomorrow to milder temps again.

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, every month there is a free concert, so certainly take advantage of that.  I was seated next to a woman who's husband was playing in the sextet on the stage.  During intermission our conversation turned to the music, of course, she plays the piano and her son is in university studying music, her daughter is also musically inclined.  It must be a very happy household with all the music going on when they all get together.  She also said, the sextet often practice in their basement, she is a grade three elementary school teacher, so she listens to them playing while doing work related to that job.

Tomorrow, I am going to be out of town for the weekend, going to Ottawa to visit two granddaughters.   Mum and Dad asked me if I wanted to go,  could not say no, could I.  Have not seen them since Christmas, so it will be nice to see them again.  Mum and Dad, will be making sure their fridge and  cupboards are full again, money is not too plentiful when you are in university.   I have mentioned in previous posts these two girls were adopted and other families who were in the same group, have get togethers when possible.  Most of these families live in the area of Ottawa, so a nice time to have an impromptu get together.  This one is not as organized as the big one they have in the summer, when all of the girls get together and decide where and what they want to do.  Every year for the past 26 years they have never done the same thing twice at the reunion.  When they were young mum's and dad's decided the activity which among other things included apple picking, face painting, swimming, zip lining, bowling, escape rooms and the list goes on, as they got older, shopping and some partying has taken place.  No idea what the plans would likely be this year, most of them are either working or still  taking some kind of education.  Sometimes just chilling is the best thing to do.   

It is a long drive, so will take some hand sewing with me to pass the time.  

Have a great day


1 comment:

  1. Our weather has gone very cold again here. I had my coat and gloves on today when we went out. You're right about it being a shock to the system. Good to know you will be having milder temperatures again, I hope we do too. The concert sounded like fun, especially chatting to the lady whose husband was part of the sextet. Lovely you will be seeing your granddaughters. Sounds like you’ll be having a wonderful visit. So nice that your grands keep in touch with the other families, and for 26 years? That’s very impressive! It must very close community and a fun event too. Have a lovely trip and a very happy March!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...