Saturday, February 24, 2024

Six months

At the end of this month, it will be six months since I have been in my apartment.  How is that possible!  

It took me two years to definitely decide to remove myself from the situation I was in, those two years dragged by.  As the saying goes, slower than molasses in January.  Then, September of 2023 finally arrived and I was packed and ready to go.  

Starting a new life at 82 years old was not easy, I had a lot of support from family, which made it possible.  It was not only the physical move which was difficult to decide to do, it also was the emotional and mental move that needed to take place.   At times, I thought, what am I doing? the right thing? is this what I need to do?  Have I regretted moving, no, absolutely not.  

I am in control of my life.  Hopefully I have a few more years on this earth, doing what I want and when I want.  My bank account is not as flush as it was,  --but--  being successful in life to me is not the dollars  you have gathering dust in stocks and bonds, being  "The King, was in his counting house" as the rhyme goes, it's using those dollars to live a life of  being happy with family and friends to do things with. It's going on adventures near and far. It's helping other people with whatever you can do for them.  Having french fries and ice cream once in awhile when you really should not indulge.  Those gin and tonics go down very well too, medicinal, of course,  (Smiles)   I am now doing all those things.  

We have only one, just one chance to live this life and I intend to be as happy as I can while doing it.  I am so very fortunate to be as healthy as I am which is a definite plus, unfortunately there are too many people who are not as lucky.  

The sky today is a beautiful blue, it's crisp and cold -7*C but the sun is shining, it may warm up a bit later in the day.  We may be nearing the end of Winter, however, March can be brutal with everything Mother Nature can conjure up.  The evenings are staying light a lot longer and in a couple of weeks we change the clocks.  

Last evening was the monthly pot luck dinner here in the building, again delicious food and friends.  St. Patrick's theme with shamrocks and green decorations on the tables.  I know, it's still February, we celebrate a month ahead, as St. P's day will be long gone by the end of March. 

Coffee is all gone, so better get moving.

Have a great day.



1 comment:

  1. It takes a brave person, to see a situation and remove themselves from it. You are a very brave lady in my books.


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...