Thursday, March 28, 2024

All fixed and moving

 Joyce the Janome, only need a little fix, which did not take too long at the shop, so she is now back in the sewing room.  Sally the Singer, is all clean and ready to go when ever a sewing day for the guild is scheduled.  All of the repair work done on these two did not cost a mint either, so very happy about that and no new sewing machines needed.  

As I have mentioned previously, when I moved into this apartment I purchased a lot of new furniture.  I still needed something in the dining area, and have been having a problem finding what I wanted, and to be honest did not want to spend a mint on buying something that I would have to wait for months to receive.  Then last weekend the light bulb came on, the fabric cabinet.   This wooden cabinet was made years ago by my late husband's friend..   It is tall, 6 1/2 feet tall, and 3 feet wide, with glass doors and shelves with two small wooden doors at the bottom.   Move it?   I can do this!!!   Moving!!! yes, emptied and with a couple of pushes and pulls it was in place in the dining area, looking good.  The sewing room, however, looked as if a bomb had hit it.  Needing something now to hold the fabric, so off to the store I go and buy a shelving unit, which is made up of several cubbies/cubes.  Furniture these days does not come premade, and neither did this.  With my trusty screw driver and hammer, a couple of hours later, I have put it together.  

As of this morning, everything is now in its proper place, collectables that I treasure which have been hiding in the cupboards are now on display in the cabinet.  The fabric, all sorted by colour is in their appropriate cubby.  Job well done, with only a couple of muscles that I know did some work they usually don't do.  

For once we have a nice blue sky and frosty rooftops so it is still not too warm yet.  The early daffodils are blooming, and green buds are showing on some shrubs, everything is coming alive.  

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, at a performance hall in a library in a nearby city.   It was an all woman trio I have never heard before, and a man on the drums.  A singer performed along with the trio in the second set.  A great couple of hours listening to some lovely music.  These concerts have a different group every month throughout the year and are free.

A busy weekend coming up.  Tomorrow, Friday, is the Easter pot luck dinner in the lounge, this month I am taking a dessert.  Saturday, having dinner at DD1's I am also doing dessert for that too,  both of those will be made early tomorrow morning.  Sunday, I have tickets to go to the theatre, looking forward to that, as it is the last one my friend and I have tickets for.  

Monday, sounds as if it should be a day to just relax.

Have a great day.


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