Saturday, March 23, 2024

Joyce, Sally and Confused

 The weekend again, where did those five days go!  It must be due to me being busy in the sewing room, as the weather  was not that great to be outside for any length of time. 

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature must be having a terrible argument due to their confusion as to whether it is Spring or still Winter.   Most of January and February we had temperatures warmer than the average for those months and very little snow compared to other years.  The first half of March was much the same, so only conclude, Mother Nature had the upper hand.  On the first day of Spring, March 21st. Old Man Winter must have won the argument, as we were experiencing  bitter cold temps, winds which made it feel so much colder then snow for the past couple of days.  Currently we have blue skies, but still temps below the zero C.  The forecast is for milder temps in the coming week, so maybe they have come to some agreement, as I am sure the Old Man needs to take a rest after what he has done these past few days.  Hopefully, he will fall asleep for a long time and wake up in January 2024.   The Young Mother Nature can now do her work in peace and quite.

Joyce the Janome and Sally the Singer are my sewing machines, don't laugh lots of people name their sewing machines.  Recently I have been having issues with Joyce she has been in the repair shop twice for the same problem and will be going back in again, hopefully to be fixed once and for all.  Now, Sally is old and I can expect her to be a bit slow these days, however, it appears she has a seriously problem, which I am hoping can be fixed.  Sally made clothes for my two girls, family members and myself since the mid 60's, so really doesn't owe me anything, but it is a good machine for me to carry to the sewing days the guild has, as Joyce is very heavy.  

While both of those machines are being taken care of, I will be doing a big tidy up in the sewing room, moving the furniture around as I am finding where everything is situated at the present time is not working very well.  Then I will search through my pattern books to find quilts I would like to make and then use the fabric in my stash and start cutting to make my own kits.  It all sound very ambitious but I am determined to start using fabric I currently have and only buy some neutral colour to compliment the blocks.  

Have a great day/



1 comment:

  1. So admire your sewing talent, Pat. Maybe time for a new lightweight machine!


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